The "ALLELUIA!" continues...
The days and months continue to whiz by, as it seems like just yesterday the Maronite Sisters were here for their monthly visit and yet again this week they were back again! Our students had the opportunity to visit Our Lord in Adoration with their buddies, which was quite a treat! Seeing our older students mentoring the younger members of the school community is absolutely heartwarming, and the love and admiration that the younger students have for the older is endearing!
Our 8th graders are counting down their final days, as the finish line is a bit closer for them than the rest of the school! This past week, they attended the annual and traditional (pre-pandemic, of course) Mass with the Bishop at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Fall River. Eighth graders from across the diocese were invited to Holy Mass to pray together, and to be congratulated as they prepare for the end of year festivities and graduation. Please keep our 8th graders in your prayers as they enter into their final bittersweet days at our school!
The spring MAP Growth Testing window opened this past week, and students in Kindergarten through Grade 4 have begun this final standardized assessment of the school year. We are excited to obtain test results that demonstrate and celebrate growth and achievement amongst our student population! It has been yet another strange year with the residual effects and ongoing impacts of the pandemic, however we are confident that the solid academics that our students are engaged in will result in learning and growth for our students.
The Boosterthon incentive came to life this week, as the five students whose names were selected (back in February) for registering for the fundraiser became true Runnin' Rebels! These 5 students RAN the school on Thursday, completing various tasks and responsibilities throughout the day. While a fun experience was had by the Runnin' Rebels, I am certain they were quite tired after a day running a very busy operation! Thank you Mariaelena, William, Mayla, Charlotte and Jagger for a job well done!
Finally, today's highlight of course was the ability to attend Mass as a school community! Church buddies were put into action once again, as the walk down Main Street is one in which additional support is needed! The walk was wonderful, the Mass prayer-filled and reverent, and the return to school one which included the crowning of Our Lady of Fatima by our second grade First Communicants. A GREAT FRI-YAY!
God Bless & Have a Great Weekend