These full and final weeks are flying fast! This week's highlights certainly include more than was able to be captured fully in this newsletter! Please make sure you are following the school on Facebook and Instagram to see more of the wonderful finales that are starting to unfold.
Our second and third graders were thrilled to board a school bus headed to Plymouth this week, for the infamous field trip to Plimoth Plantation. A gorgeous day set the stage for exploring the past and learning more about the lives and practices of the first pilgrims. Hands on activities and LOTS of walking made for a very quiet bus ride back to school with numerous nappers enjoying the needed rest!
As you may already be aware, Acushnet Creamery becomes a very popular spot for many this time of year, and our students are no exception! This week our Fine Arts Music Elective students (who won last Friday's music performance challenge) trekked across the street with Mrs. Girouard for their reward. Many others will be visiting the creamery in the next few final weeks!
The final FAM House Challenge of the 2022-2023 school year was filled with activity and excitement. The Amazing Race format had houses split into teams based on various tasks/activities that needed to be completed before moving on to the next. Puzzles, ring toss, relays and basketball shoot-outs were just a few of the challenges faced by house representatives! Upon completion of the Amazing FAM House Race, the cup winner for the entire school year, winning the greatest number of challenges, resulting in the highest number of House Points was.......MOLLA HOUSE! Congratulations to all of our Molla House members!
The week concluded with a WHOLE school Mass... the first of the school year! Today on their last day of classes, our 8th graders were able to walk down Main Street with their Small Wonders church buddies. It was a wonderful gift to the 8th graders, as well as all of us who had the opportunity to attend Mass today. The above picture of Abby and Ivy praying the Hail Mary together is priceless. Father's homily was wonderful, as he spoke of today's saint, Saint Philip Neri. Ask your child about Father's homily and the unique and wonderful personality traits of this great saint!
The absolute final highlight of this Friday was the much loved 11 year tradition of the Grade 1 Book Share. Our first graders were thrilled to share their published book, First Grade is in Stitches, with their families this afternoon, each reading their own personal contribution and illustration. St. Philip Neri was also mentioned as a part of their opening prayer, as a man who loved to make people laugh. The first graders certainly had the crowd chuckling at their favorite jokes that were a part of this collaborative project.
Please keep an eye on the Dates to Know About section of the newsletter to stay informed of all of the various happenings that will lead us to the end of the school year...
Have a wonderful long weekend & God bless!