Happy New Year! It was so wonderful to welcome back our faculty and students this past week! Rested, rejuvenated, and ready to return, the school hallways were buzzing with the energy that resulted from the expression of welcome backs, Happy New Years and sharing of vacation highlights. It was so wonderful to reunite our school community and feel the JOY that is still present during these final days of Christmas!

As you can imagine, our performance of The Wizard of Oz has become a whirlwind of activity. Costumes, sets, lights and almost time for action! Please consider joining us for this unbelievably professional caliber of performance... it is sure to be outstanding!

A visit from Father Ryan took place in most classes this week, as he shared a few words about the life of Pope Benedict XVI and prayed for the repose of his soul. Students were given prayer cards to take home in their Friday folders today to remember this great Holy Father of the Church.

O Come Let Us Adore Him! Today marks the Feast of the Epiphany and we certainly celebrated the arrival of the three kings in Bethlehem. Our day began with Holy Mass, and Father spoke to us about the Magi and how brave and adventurous they were to follow the star to locate the Christ Child. Father stated that we, too, must have those same qualities to follow the star, which is God's will for our lives! It takes great courage to be a Christian! Thank you Father for celebrating Mass for us, and thank you Mrs. Girouard for providing such wonderful music for us....we are so blessed.

Mrs. Jason, Mrs. Martel and Mrs. Larkin provided some Christmas excitement with Epiphany Guessing Jars and the naming of the Kings and Queens of the classes! Students submitted their guesses yesterday for either the jar of "Star"burst or the "Gold"en coins and winners were announced. Kings and Queens of each class received a Golden Ticket to choose the color for their class for Monday's Epiphany Dress Down Day! Make sure to ask your child(ren) what color was chosen by the royalty to be worn on Monday! For the youngest members of the school community, a portion of the day was spent with Three Wisewonders searching for the Baby Jesus and offering Him gifts.

As we jump right back into academics, our feet will hit the ground running with our Winter MAP Growth Testing session that will begin next week.





What a wonderful "send off to Christmas" we had!

Click here for more Nativity performance photos.


This coming week, we will happily welcome the Maronite sisters back for our monthly "dose" of Adoration, prayer and reflection. Our students love to spend time thanking Jesus for our numerous blessings, remembering those in need of our prayers, and sharing their intentions...



Students are gearing up to engage in our winter test session of

MAP Growth assessments!

Please click here for more information pertaining to this growth and performance measurement. Next week our Kindergarten through Grade 2 students will be assessed!

... to make your reservations to attend this amazing performance!

Click here to have your ticket purchase ... or check your child's Friday folder!

You will not want to miss this school event!

In honor of this great leader, students may come to school in their cozy, winter PJs (no slippers, please!) on Friday, January 13th as a part of our annual "I Have a Dream Day". Our students will reflect on the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. in a special way before we all enjoy a long holiday weekend!

Catholic Schools Week 2023!

January 29th- February 4th

Details of the most faith-filled, fun week of the school year will be forthcoming, which will allow our families to plan and prepare.

Calling all school families who either currently have family members serving in the military or have veteran relatives, to please submit photos for our CSW Honoring Our Military Assembly.

Please send all photos to Mrs. Plante @

Registration opens soon! Don’t miss the fun!

St Francis Xavier families!

Our Miraculous Running Rebels Run fundraiser will kick off in just 3 weeks on 1/25/2023.

Looking forward to another awesome FUN RUN!

  • Monday 1/9: MAP Winter Testing begins!
  • Monday, 1/16; NO SCHOOL-MLK Holiday!
  • Wednesday 1/18: Trimester 2 Progress Reports sent Gr. 1-8 electronically today!
  • Monday, 1/23: Mass
  • Tuesday, 1/24: Red Robin Fundraiser
  • Friday 1/27: P-Bruins Fundraiser
  • Sunday, 1/29: Open House 12-2pm
breakfast and lunch.jpg

Students are offered lunch daily, free of charge.  Click here for January Menu for your planning and packing purposes!

It's almost time to secure your child(ren)'s spot(s) for the 2023-2024 school year!

Re-enrollment for our current families will begin during Catholic Schools Week.

More information coming soon!

  • FACE applications for the 2023-2024 school year are currently being accepted!
  •  Click here for more information and apply for a scholarship today!


January 9th @ 7pm

Click here for Zoom link information!

SEC reps and any other parents interested in the happenings and future social and fundraising events are welcome to attend this and all meetings!


Leading up to CSW 2023, SFX will be engaging in a little pre-gaming!

On Tuesday evening, January 24th, we will be heading to Red Robin for a SPIRIT WEAR FUNDRAISER!

On Friday January 27th,

we will trek to

Providence to see the P-Bruins!

Click here to purchase tickets to the P-Bruins Game!


Please consider one or both of these great opportunities to raise a little money for our school, while having fun as a school community!

Beginning at the end of the month!

An afterschool S.T.E.M. Club offering for students in Grades 3-8 on Tuesdays!

Sign up details in the next few weeks.

Regular extended care fees will apply.

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St. Francis Xavier School 

 223 Main Street, Acushnet, MA 02743