It was certainly a very quick first week of May, as I spent the first three days of the month out of the building! Serving as a Visiting Team member of a NEASC Accreditation Committee, I had the privilege of visiting and evaluating St. Patrick School in Stoneham, MA. The accreditation process is quite involved and labor intensive, and it was quite an experience to be a part of the procedure. St. Patrick School, while different than our school in many ways, had many similarities, one of which was the importance of being rooted in the teachings of the Catholic Church. It was both a pleasure and an honor to assist this school in confirming their strengths as well as helping to identify any areas in need of improvement.
During the month of May we celebrate and honor Our Blessed Mother! While the weather warms, the trees bud, the flowers bloom and spring fever slowly sets in, this month we will pray a decade-a-day during our morning prayers. Not only did Father bless the rosaries of our fifth graders earlier in the week, he also blessed and distributed rosaries to all of the students after Mass today!
As I am sure you are well aware, the 8th graders "hit the hallways" this week, with what may be their last fundraising effort of the school year! The eggstraordinary egg selling station visited classrooms, giving students the chance to purchase and open eggs containing possible dress down and spirit wear passes, as well as candy or... Golden Tickets!
While the Easter Egg Hunt was delayed due to weather, it did take place today for Grades 1-7, and will take place on Monday for any preschoolers who may have missed out, as well as Kindergartners who did not have school today.
Our annual, traditional Easter Celebration was a complete BLAST on Thursday, as each class took the stage to demonstrate through song and dancing the JOY that resonates during the Easter Season! HE IS RISEN... ALLELUIA! Our students genuinely enjoyed and appreciated each of the unique and well executed musical numbers presented by each one of our classes... the youngest all the way to the oldest!
Please keep an eye on the Dates to Know About section of the newsletter to stay informed of all of the various happenings that will lead us to the end of the school year...
the month of May will fly by!
By now you have all received an email from Father Ryan about my non return for next school year. Please know that this decision was not made lightly or without lengthy discernment and prayer. If you have not read the full correspondence, please take the time to do so.
Attaching my letter to the school community here as well for your convenience.
Have a wonderful weekend & God bless!