Oh, what a wonderful (& exhausting) week!

 This Catholic Schools Week has been highlighted by many events and traditions that make our school and its students shine! From our opening Mass to honoring our Veterans, and from demonstrating our intelligence to working as a team, our week has been unbelievable! 

Father Ryan opened CSW with Holy Mass on Monday, reiterating with our students the true gift of Catholic education and the importance of being grateful to their parents for this amazing gift they have been given. Tuesday brought with it the opportunity for our school to finally execute a fully in person assembly to honor our Veterans. Our preschool students stole the show with their patriotic songs! Wednesday was Brains over Brawn Day, a day in which our students engaged in trivia competitions as well as the chance to wear wacky hair/hat and socks, and Thursday was Team Day which included relay races in the gym. The Friday finale was outstanding with our BOOSTERTHON and surprise closing assembly!

Phew! Oh, what a week is right! 

***** Please note that students who attended Holy Mass last weekend in their school uniforms can use their pass to wear Spirit Wear this coming

Monday, February 6th! *****

Thank you for your continued support and a wonderful Catholic Schools Week.

Have a great weekend!





The Pre-Game at the P-Bruins!

Providence Bruins Game!

Thanks to all who attended this night out to benefit our school!

Word on the street was that everyone had a

GREAT time...

Catholic Schools Week HIGHLIGHTS!

More photos coming soon to our Gallery...


We had such an amazing day watching and cheering for each one of our classes, as they ran their 35 laps to help our school. From the youngest to the oldest, a sense of enthusiasm and positivity were noticed, as our students felt a part of "something bigger"!

We are thrilled that our participation rate was so high (Yes, Mrs. Shaughnessy and I will be working from the roof in the spring!).

As far as pledging goes, 178 out of 242 students received pledges for their laps.

There is still time for friends or family to tack on a pledge for your child's run!

Thank you so much!

Our NJHS students thank you so much for your generous support of the Veterans Donation Drive!

Our Open House last weekend was very well attended, and we look forward to welcoming new prospective families to St. Francis. If you have not yet had the time to re register your child(ren), please plan to do so this "chilly weekend"! While we did see quite an influx of pre-K and Kindergarten students at the Open House, we did have families with students in several other grades as well.

  • FACE applications for the 2023-2024 school year are currently being accepted!
  • Click here for more information and apply for a scholarship today!

Look at Me.... Headed to Grade 3!

... and 4! ... and 6!

& our brother is headed to PK!

Who Else is Coming with Us into the

2023-2024 School Year?

Re-registration for the 2023-2024 school happening now!

Family Photos

The Miracle of Family!

Thank you so much for sending in photos of your beautiful families!

We are all appreciating "the miracle of families" as we walk the up and down the stairs daily!

Next SEC Meeting

Monday, February 13th


(Zoom info shared next week)

Let's be Visible in our Community!




Thanks to all who have already purchased car magnets! It is so wonderful to see our school name being transported to various communities and neighborhoods! If you would like to join the Frankiie Magnet Movement, simply send $5 in an envelope labelled "Frankie Magnet" to the school office, or have your money ready at drop off and we will place it on your vehicle as you drive through!



JUNE 2023!

More information

coming soon...

Please click here for more photos of our amazing Science Fair!

Has your 5th -8th grader shared with you the HAITI180 Challenge put forth by our very own, Jay Hamel? Jay's good friend, Sean Forrest, is heavily involved in this wonderful organization, HAITI180. Please click here for another Jay Hamil video explanation/contest update and prayerfully consider being a part of this worthwhile cause.


Calling all middle school students! Ready for another amazing Campus Ministry Club meeting?

Meeting set to take place next Friday, February 10th!

More details and sign up opportunity to follow next week!

Mr. Jared Plante began the Educational Gaming Club today! The club offering runs from 2:45-3:45pm, and unfortunately is closed at this time. Regular extended care fees will apply.

Our afterschool S.T.E.M. Club offering for students in Grades 3-8 began this past Tuesday and was a big hit!

Please note that regular extended care fee apply for this club as well.

breakfast and lunch.jpg

Students are offered lunch daily, free of charge.  Click here for February Menu for your planning and packing purposes!

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St. Francis Xavier School 

 223 Main Street, Acushnet, MA 02743