As we "ignite" the paper flame of the second purple candle of our school Advent wreath this weekend, we continue to anticipate the Birth of Our Lord! There has been much excitement in the school building this week, as we celebrate not only First Friday, but also the Feast of Our Patron Saint! With St. Francis' Feast Day falling on the weekend this year, it was decided to Focus on Frankie on First Friday! Father began First Friday by hearing student confessions in the library beginning at 7:30am, and immediately following, celebrated Holy Mass for us in the school gymnasium!

While Father had to "run off" quickly to the parish for 9am Mass, our students and staff "stuck around" in the gym for a presentation on the life of St. Francis given by 8th grader Jacob Florent, a visit from Frankie the Rebel, a small dance party, and a Feast Day special treat distributed to all!  If that wasn't enough excitement, our school community also had a "sneak peek" of our upcoming production of The Wizard of Oz during the brief assembly! Still not enough holiday excitement? Come Monday, our students will participate in our annual tradition of placing handmade paper shoes in the hallway for a visit from St. Nicholas. If our boy and girl "rebels" have been really good, we may even have a visit from St. Nicholas on his Feast Day as well!

As we turn our calendars to the month of December, and our teachers turn their gradebooks to the second trimester, we realize how far we have come and how much we have accomplished already this school year!

Thank you for your continued support and open communication.

Have a wonderful weekend. 




Tomorrow, Saturday December 3rd, marks the Feast Day of our Patronal Saint!

May the spirit and charism of this great saint continue to live on and through our St. Francis Xavier School and Parish communities!

St. Francis Xavier..... pray for us!

A PARISH EVENT... all are welcome!

A Movie for School & Parish Families!

Sunday, December 11th @ 2pm at the school gym! Popcorn and hot chocolate will be available!

The Second Sunday of Advent is December 4th!

How will we prepare our hearts for the Birth of a Savior?

CLICK HERE for some great resources for your family including this awesome Advent calendar!

This school tradition is a wonderful "memory maker", as we celebrate the feast day of the saint we have to thank for the tradition of giving at Christmas.

Please click here for more information pertaining to the Feast of St. Nicholas that you can share with your families... and make sure to "check out" the Grade 8 section of the newsletter to see what these elves have planned!

NEXT SCHOOL MASS: The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception- A Holy Day of Obligation

On Thursday, December 8th, our school community will attend Holy Mass in the school gymnasium at 8:10am. Middle school students should wear Special Occasion Uniforms!

Save the Date

for an evening of celebrating the reason for the season!

December 21st 2022

Nativity Performance @ 6:30pm

  • December Extended Care bills went home in Friday folders today! Please submit payment at your earliest convenience.
  • Thursday, 12/8: Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception--Mass @ school; Trimester 1 Report Cards (PS-Gr. 8) emailed home today!
  • Tuesday, 12/13: Adoration in the Gym with the Maronite sisters! NJHS meeting after school today! 
  • Monday, 12/19- Weather permitting we will attend Holy Mass at the church at 9am today;
  • Wednesday, 12/21-NATIVITY PERFORMANCE @ 6:30pm; 
  • Thursday 12/22: Full Day of School today! Extended Care offered until 4pm ONLY!


Our cast has been working tirelessly to deliver an amazing show come January! In preparation for this wonderful event, we are asking for your consideration in purchasing an advertisement /message in the show's "playbill"! Interested in this opportunity or know someone who might be interested?

Click here to view price points and advertising opportunities.

breakfast and lunch.jpg

Students are offered lunch daily, free of charge. Click here for December Menu for your planning and packing purposes!

A great opportunity for Middle School Students to celebrate our feast day together tomorrow night...


Our National Junior Honor Society have once again "taken the reins" on our annual effort to "adopt" families in need during this Christmas season.

The NJHS launched their efforts during an intercom assembly on Monday, and classes received their St. Vincent dePaul Advent family assignments. Classes have been asked to pray for these families in need, as well as consider contributing to their Christmas needs by collecting gift cards (Walmart/Target/ Grocery/ Pharmacy) to assist and assure a fruitful Christmas. Though the prayers are appreciated all through Advent, the Gift Card Collection ends Dec 9th! Thanks so much in advance for your support and generosity of this effort to give to those less fortunate during this holiday season...

such a wonderful lesson for our children!

For one week only, the NJHS will also be accepting gently used or new toys in the school lobby the week of Dec 12-16....which they will deliver any donations in person during the middle school FAM service trip to Gifts To Give on Dec 16th. Thank you in advance for your support of their efforts to think of others needs this season.

In the Spirit of St. Nicholas, our 8th grade "elves" will be setting up the much loved school tradition,

St. Nick's Workshop

Dec 6-Dec 9th..Viewing first then purchasing for family members is yet another awesome school tradition that reinforces giving to others at Christmastime!

Please check Friday Folders for a flyer that the students created to share more details with school families!

December CMC!

Who's coming?

More details to follow, but save the date!

Friday, December 16th 3-4:30pm

4th Watch is an event put on and sponsored by the Fall River Diocese Secretariat for New Evangelization. 4th Watch gives youth and families a unique opportunity to participate in Eucharistic Adoration with live/ upbeat music, a witness talk, the opportunity to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation and more! 

We invite all SFX students and families, especially middle school, to join us at

St. Lawrence Martyr Church

Saturday, December 10th 6:30-8:00pm 

Miss Fernandes will be hosting this event and would love to see everyone there!

Next School Events Committee Meeting...

Monday, December 12th @7pm via Zoom

(meeting details in next week's newsletter!)

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St. Francis Xavier School 

 223 Main Street, Acushnet, MA 02743