






The saints are getting ready to march on in! 

While our 8th graders have been feverishly preparing for this evening's traditional Halloween Celebration, the excitement is also building for our annual All Saints Day traditions! Students have been hard at work, researching the saints and preparing to dress as the Holy Men and Women that we strive to emulate. We are all looking forward to Tuesday, when students will come to school dressed in saintly attire (with gym uniforms underneath!), have a trunk or treat experience, and attend Holy Mass as a school family. 

Please pray for good weather, however we are prepared to execute a plan B indoor plan should the weather not cooperate.   

The Class of 2023 is ready to provide our school community with a fun evening!

Please be aware of the fact that parking will undoubtedly be an issue, and therefore we ask that families consider a "park and walk" scenario. Both the church and Pope Park may be options for parking, making our lot and outgoing driveway less crowded. Also, this evening's event is going to be VERY well attended! It is absolutely imperative that you keep an eye on your own children at all times as well as encourage good behavior and safe choices.

Thank you in advance for helping us to keep everyone happy and safe this evening. 

We have so much to be grateful for!

Have a wonderful weekend. 




Our 8th graders have prepared an evening of trick or treating, games, dancing and of course the well loved and looked forward to haunted stage!

Please bring a CAN to kick off the

NJHS Thanksgiving Can Drive

The month of November we pray for All Souls...

For those who sleep in Christ,

Life has changed not ended. 

Please click here to submit the names of loved ones to be placed in our basket of remembrance and prayed for daily during this month of November. 

From the Office: 

Our teachers wish to communicate a huge thank you to all of our parents who donated gift cards to School Store!

They are filled with gratitude and appreciation... purchasing items for their classrooms is fun! 

breakfast and lunch.jpg

Students are offered lunch daily, free of charge. Click here for November Menu for your planning and packing purposes!

CYO is a GO!

Our families and students have enjoyed the CYO Basketball program for years now, and this year the program is experiencing a few changes that will hopefully not negatively impact our students' participation! All games will be on weeknights (M-Th) and will take place at Mt Carmel this year. Sign ups for the program will take place this Thursday (11/3) night from 6-7pm. Volunteers needed! Please click here to let Keith Kearney know that you are interested in helping out with the program. Click here for sign up information and here for the necessary waiver to play! 

  • Tuesday, 11/1 - All Saints Day- Holy Day of Obligation; Students Trunk or Treat @ 8:30am, followed by Holy Mass @ 10am
  • Friday, 11/4- Lifetouch Picture Retake Day!
  • Tuesday, 11/8- Maronite Sisters here for Adoration; NJHS meeting after school;
  • Thursday, 11/10- NO SCHOOL - Diocesan PD Day;
  • Friday, 11/11- NO SCHOOL Veterans Day;


CAN DRIVE continued....

Our annual Can Drive for SVDP Society kicks off at our Halloween Celebration and continues until 11/4!

Thank you for your generous donations! 


Tuesday , Nov. 14th @ 7pm

Thank you so much to those who were able to attend this amazing event! We are hoping that next year attendance will increase and more of our school families will be able to attend!  If you left two red Coleman folding chairs at the event. please contact the school office! 

Our school-wide tradition for 

All Saints Day...

In addition to attending Mass on this Holy Day of Obligation, it also includes.....


 Parents are welcome to join us at the Trunk or Treat at 8:30am, as well as for 10am Mass on this Holy Day of Obligation

In the event of inclement weather, both trunks (tables) and Mass will be in the school gym. 

Saturday, November 5th

10am- 2:30pm

This annual event is a wonderful opportunity to begin your holiday shopping, while supporting our school!  


Know a VENDOR?

Please have them reach out to Jenalyn Gobern @ jgobern5685@gmail.com

Vendors present include but not limited to:

Happier Self Clothing

Custom Creations by MJ

Paparazzi Jewelry


A Sparkle in Time

A guest reader in Grades 2 & 3 today! 


Bishop Stang invites parents & students of all middle school grades to attend an Open House Event on Sunday, November 6th from 12:00pm-2:00pm. Faculty and students are excited to highlight all that makes Bishop Stang an outstanding faith-based, college preparatory program. Please pre-register at bishopstang.org

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St. Francis Xavier School 

 223 Main Street, Acushnet, MA 02743
