Oh, Mrs. Ledoux.....
... how we loved you!
Mrs. Therese Ledoux
May 5, 1917 - March 23, 2021
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Students were "buzzing" in the classroom this week, reading (indoors and out!) and calculating hours and/or picture books read.
Thanks so much for your support in this academically beneficial fundraising initiative for our students.
Please note that all Sponsor Forms, Reading Trackers and Sponsor Pledges will be due back to school by Wednesday, March 31st.
After the Resurrection of Our Lord!

Catholic Schools Week, St. Francis Style!
We may not have been able to celebrate CSW with the rest of the nation this year, but that will not stop us from creating our own week of fun to celebrate our amazing Catholic School!
Click the revised schedule to print and hang a copy on your fridge!
This Evening's Parish Lenten Offering:
Stations of the Cross
7pm tonight!
Click here to learn How to keep Holy Week holy with your family at home!
And at the parish....
While the teacher's away....
the substitute will play!
Mrs. Angeley took her artists "on the road" and enjoyed the beautiful weather day on Tuesday!
The continued support of our school community in our weekly efforts to be aware of the needs of others is GREATLY APPRECIATED!
Our school families are beyond generous!
the Dartmouth Humane Society is going to be very pleased.. as are the pooches and kitties!
Thank you for reinforcing the importance of almsgiving this Lenten season.
We continue to be blessed beyond measure!
We have officially begun the open enrollment process, and have begun to take students off grade level wait lists. If you have not yet solidified your child(ren)'s spot(s) by admitting your $120 registration fee (per student), please do so at your earliest convenience, or reach out to the school office to communicate any hardship or extension needed.
Please see the flyer sent in today's Friday folder, and get ready to sell some chocolate! Please sign permission slip and send back to the school, should you wish to participate. We have not had many opportunities to reduce FFO this year, so this would be a great time to do so, at 45% of every bar sold being applied!
Next week, here's what's on the MENU:
Mon 3/29- Cheese Pizza
Tues 3/30- Chicken Mashed Bowl w/gravy
Wed 3/31- Pasta Salad w/chicken & cheddar
Thur 4/1- Pasta w/meat sauce
Fri 4/2- NO SCHOOL!
... were sent home electronically on
Monday, March 22nd.. Didn't receive?
Please contact the school office.
Celebrating the Gift of Life!
This upcoming week we celebrate:
Second Grader, Lily Girouard, 3/28!
Third Grader, Emma Cusick, 3/29!
Third Grader Daniela DesRoches, 3/30!
Third Grader, Nicholas Friar, 3/30!
Preschool Teacher, Miss Dandurand, 3/30!
Preschooler, Holden Meadows, 4/1!
First Grader, Declan Martin, 4/2!
Happy Birthday to you!