Blessings from the Week......

MOOOOOO-VE Over Jumpers!
We are middle schoolers!
Our students were challenged this year to consider the responsibility we have to be called to be Disciples of Christ. Students were asked to not only think about LOVING and LEARNING about our rich and beautiful faith, but to also take on the challenge and responsibility of LIVING our faith as disciples, understanding that we are not only called to be hearers of the Word, but doers as well.

During our end of year assembly yesterday, Father's final words to our students included the importance of praying every day this summer, as well as attending Holy Mass on Sundays.
Please support our mission and reinforce the importance of our faith with your children this during the summer months.
Our faith sustains us!
Click the image above if you are traveling and need to find a Mass!
"Glow in the Dark"
on Thursday, August 12th
at the Century House!

BASKETS: If you have not already heard from your class SEC rep, you will in the very near future, as we gather theme based items to create class baskets for the auction. If you have not heard a word in the next few days, please click here to let the gala chairperson know!

RESERVATIONS: Closer to the date of the event, we will happily make your reservation to attend this wonderful fundraiser! For now, PLEASE save the date!

HELP: Want to lend a hand with this year's auction? Please click here to let the gala chair know and stay tuned for upcoming meeting details!
High Five for Grade Five!
#finished strong
Outdoor Assemblies
Worth Keeping as Tradition
Closing the Door with Grade 4
Summer Office Hours - Beginning on July 6th, our school office will be open on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday from 9:30am- 1:30pm. Please feel free to call with any questions, as well as to make a reservation to visit the Swap Shop for gently used uniforms. Thank you!

Summer Work Packets- As a part of your child(ren)'s Step Up Day experience, summer assignments were distributed. Click here for summer work packets found on our school website for your convenience.

Summer Communication- Be on the lookout for email communication in August, outlining our opening plan for the 2021-2022 school year! School opens on September 1st! Full school calendar attached here!