Healthy routines help create a successful remote experience!

How will it work?
Teachers will....
  • post by 7:30am each morning in their Google Classroom;
  • meet with students remotely via Google Meet according to a schedule;
  • take daily attendance;
  • be available for consultation; throughout the school day;
What are students expected to do?
Students should be...
  • on time for scheduled Meets;
  • in regular uniform;
  • ready with supplies/texts to participate and learn;
  • submitting all completed work via Google Classroom (with parent assistance if necessary) in a timely fashion daily;

What helps?
  • please assist your child in setting up a proper learning space;
  • keep to normal sleep and wake routines;
  • tune into the Google Classroom of your child's teacher each morning during remote learning to establish a schedule for their day, as well as take note of all their posted assignments;

Thank you in advance for supporting our remote learning efforts and procedures!
Our commitment remains with serving our families and we want to be sure every family has the opportunity to continue sending their child to our wonderful school!
By now, you should have received an email about RE-ENROLLMENT through your FACTS family portal. If for some reason you did not receive the email, please contact the school office.
We ask that our current school families re-enroll by Sunday Feb 7th! Your seat(s) are solidified upon payment of the $120 (per child) registration fee, which can be mailed or dropped into our mail slot at the school.

Our winter MAP testing is completed!
Student reports to be sent in Friday folders as soon as that is possible.
Thanks so much to those parents who have provided information pertaining to shirt size(s) for your child(ren).
Haven't done so yet?
It's not too late! Please click here to complete a very quick Google form and help us prepare for a secret surprise for all of our students!

Celebrating the Gift of Life!
Happy Birthday to:

First Grader, Andrew Voci, 1/31!
Sixth Grader, Aiden Cabral, 1/31!
Middle School Teacher, Mr. Ferreira, 1/31!
Eighth Grader, Evan Forand, 2/5!

PLEASE NOTE: While birthdays can be celebrated during snack time here at school, treats must be individually packaged! Thank you for your understanding and compliance!