Blessings from the Week......
Monday's Masked Recess Artist
The End of the School Year on the Horizon....

While the end is in sight, we have a ways to go before we get there!
For your calendars and planning purposes:

Monday, May 31st- Memorial Day- NO SCHOOL
Friday, June 4th - Boosterthon 2021
Wednesday, June 16th- Last Day of School 11:30am dismissal (no extended )
The Easter Season has come to an official end...
This Sunday, the Feast of Pentecost!
Come Holy Spirit and renew the face of the earth!
The Month of May
is Dedicated to Our Blessed Mother
During this, our final week of May, our students will continue to pray a decade of the day each morning, turning their devotion, attention, and intentions toward Our Mother Mayr the Queen of Heaven!
Our MAP Growth Spring Testing Session Window will continue next week with our Fourth and Fifth Graders!
Please make sure that students are rested, ready and nourished in order to perform their personal best!
The City of New Bedford's Health Department is offering neighborhood clinics for vaccination opportunities with no registration necessary!
- Last day for grocery card orders will be 5/26. We will not be placing any more orders for inventory so we appreciate your understanding if orders are filled with smaller denomination cards as we dwindle down.
- Family Fundraising Statements will be sent out in Friday folders the first week of June.
Here's what's on the MENU next week:
Mon 5/24- Cheese Pizza
Tues 5/25- Chicken & Mashed Bowl w/gravy
Wed 5/26- Bologna & Cheese Sandwich
Thur 5/27- Pasta w/ meat sauce
Fri 5/28- Egg & Cheese Croissant
Have you seen it?
The Cross of Perseverance is a wonderful visual of the faith and strength that we have demonstrated this school year that has been one like none other!
Thanks so much to those families who contributed to this effort by donating, painting and assembling!
May Movie Madness
This week's event is for Grades 3-5!
Apologies for the Unexpected Postponement last week!

Tonight's movie:
Spiderman into the Spiderverse

Please note the time adjustment to await sundown! Arrival time for tonight's movie is 7:45pm!
Beach chairs & blankets welcome!
This evening's event is not a "drop off" and therefore at least one parent should plan on joining us for the movie!
...depending on interest, of course!
We are less than a week away from the kick off of our Running Rebels Fun Run program!
You can register your students on now!
School wide and class incentives for students will be based on # of registrations this year!
Thinking about uniforms for next year?
Click here for information about Donnelly's Deals!
Celebrating the Gift of Life!
Next week:
Small Wonder, Drew Goncalves, 5/24!
Middle School Teacher, Mr. Simonson, 5/25!
Sixth Grader, Noah Jupin, 5/26!
Third Grader, Mariel Brunelle, 5/26!
Kindergartener, Adriana Ferreira, 5/26!
Happy Birthday to all of you!