-We are actively working on how best to handle our fall fundraisers, especially Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough sales. More info to follow... In the meantime...
- There is a limited supply of grocery cards at the school, which were held over from last year. Those of you already familiar with the grocery program and wanting to start soon are invited to send your orders in starting Monday, 9/14 and we'll do what we can until we are fully stocked.
Currently, there is no lunch menu available from NBPS, and therefore we will be announcing the lunch menu at the end of each school day during afternoon announcements. Thank you!

**Please note that St. Francis is now a Peanut/Tree Nut Free School!

Students simply need to notify their homeroom teacher if they will be ordering a lunch for the day.
Full September Menu coming soon!

Breakfast this year is a "Grab and Go" process, and students who wish to have breakfast will take it with them at the end of the school day, for consumption at home the following day.
"Grab and Go" starts Monday!
Upcoming Birthdays to be Celebrated!
Preschooler Grant Smith on 9/12!
First Grader, Victor Pacheco on 9/14!
Preschooler, Brooklyn Beauregard on 9/16!
Third Grader, Sofia Carreiro on 9/18!
Mrs. Bentley on 9/18!
Happy Birthday!
Lifetouch Picture Day!


All students will be photographed and are expected to be in full uniform (Special Occasion Uniforms for our Middle School students) for picture day! This first round of school pictures will be the photos that are inserted into our annual yearbook, and therefore it is essential that all students are photographed.

Remote learners are encouraged to come to the school during their "lunch break" if they are able. Make-up day is scheduled for early November if that is not possible!

*In order to maintain social distancing and safe mask removal, photos will be taken outside this year!
This evening....

Please join us, if you are able, at this evening, Friday, September 11th @ 5:30pm for a special Mass commemorating the lives lost on that tragic day nearly 20 years ago. Fr. Williams will be the Mass celebrant, and Chief Gallagher will be addressing the congregation at the closing of Mass.
Our first MAP Growth testing window will run from Monday 9/14 through Friday 10/2..
Click here to access a parent resource regarding MAP Growth testing and here for a schedule of when your child(ren)'s testing will be taking place! Please make sure that students are present, rested, well-fed and ready to demonstrate their best work!
Remote learners should be expecting directions and details for at home testing in the near future.
Thank you!
Thank you for pre-registering for our before and after school Extended Care program. It is helpful in our planning process to know who we can expect so that proper distancing and cohort separation takes place.
Click here to pre-register for the week of September 14th, and here for the week of the 21st unless you have already indicated your consistent Extended Care needs. Thank you!

**** Please note: - There will be no extended care billing until the end of this month. In an effort to conserve paper and checks, we will be going to Extended Care billing every other week after that. So first bills out for Friday folders on 10/2, and the next billing on 10/16. 
Be expecting an opening video from our administration team launching Our annual Back to School Night (Week). A video from your child(ren)'s teacher(s) in a flipped classroom approach format will also be sent some time in the coming week. Thank you!
How do you social distance 3 year olds??
Fly like superheroes... of course!
Thanks so much for "turning on a dime" to help us execute a potential INCLEMENT WEATHER dismissal procedure this past week. Safely connecting our students to their families in a timely fashion is our ultimate goal and our team is dedicated to this goal! Questions, concerns, ideas for improvements in procedures? Click here to communicate and contribute to the team!
Mrs. Larkin's second grade remote learning students enjoy an after school read aloud with their teacher!
Don't forget to bring masks and water bottles daily!