Celebrating the Gift of Life!
This week we celebrated:
Sixth Grader Jacob Florent, 2/23!
Small Wonder, Ella Hevey, 2/23!
Kindergartener, Jackson Bentley, 2/24!
Instructional Assistant, Mrs. Gomes, 2/25!
Sixth Grader, Thomas Buss, 2/25!
Seventh Grader, Chris Christopolous, 2/25!
Second Grader, Sophia Forand, TODAY!
Fourth Grader, Layla Sullivan, TOMORROW!
... and next week:
Seventh Grader, Ella DeAlmeida, 3/2!
Sixth Grader, Elias Kazan, 3/4!
Fourth Grader, Corrine Carreiro, 3/5!
Happy Birthday to all of you!