Blessings from the Week......
An Easter Celebration for the Record & Memory Books!
Well done Grade 8!
This is the time to order a memory book that will bring your family joy in the years to come!
The nostalgia and memories that flow from a school yearbook are priceless.
Please consider ordering your school year book soon!
( Pay by credit card SFX Yearbook ID code: 13055621)
Reserve your copy today!

The Office of Safe Environment and Circle of Grace
A New Program for LURES Education
The schools in the Diocese of Fall River will be engaging students in a new program called, Circle of Grace. Please take the time to read the Parent Information packed linked here before signing and returning the Consent Form that was sent home in last Friday's Folders.
Thank you!
Called to be Disciples...
Called to "Glow in the Dark"
If you have not done so already, we ask that you kindly communicate any and all travel plans to our school nurses. Travel guidelines have shifted a bit, and therefore your continued transparency, and willingness to adhere to the guidelines are essential to the continued health of our school community.
As we return from break, please note that remote learning is always an option for COVID related concerns.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for
such a wonderfully planned and executed Easter Celebration!
Way to go Grade 8!
Grade 8 Parent Meeting
Tuesday, April 27th at 7pm
Thank you in advance for your attendance and openness to ideas presented! Your children/our students have been enthusiastic and highly motivated to plan and execute numerous events/activities for our school community... now it is OUR time to plan for THEM!
Congratulations to our 8th Grade Latin Scholars with high scores on the National Latin Exam!

maxima cum laude- Silver Medalists:
Emilia Shaughnessy
Madeline Polochick
Thomas Clavell
cum laude- Certificate Recipient:
Eamon Martin
Final coin counting still underway but the winners of the war were:
1st place - Grade 4
2nd place- Kindergarten
3rd place- Grade 8
So much fun was had one week ago at...
Virtual Bingo!
Congrats again to all of our winners!
Everyone should have received their rocks with a brief description of how and what to paint on the rocks that will collectively become our
Cross of Perseverance!
Click here or here for some awesomely cool painting ideas!
Upon our return from break, here's what's on the MENU:
Mon 4/26- Cheese Pizza
Tues 4/27- Chicken & Mashed Bowl w/ gravy
Wed 4/28- Pasta Salad w/Chicken
Thur 4/29- Pasta w/ Meat Sauce
Fri 4/30- Egg & Cheese Croissant
Celebrating Our Incredible Families!
Celebrating the Gift of Life!

A throw back to Thursday, 4/15! Third Grader, Sean Trendowski

Over vacation we celebrate....
Third Grader, Julie Nguyen, 4/17!
Fifth Grader, Sophia Amaral, 4/ 22!
Second Grader, Lauren Barney, 4/24!

And upon our return to school...
Fourth Grader, Emma Jacintho, 4/28!
First Grader, Chloe Martel, 4/28!
Asst. Principal/MS Science Teacher, Mrs. Shaughnessyl, 4/28!
Third Grader, Kate Moniz, 4/29!
Third Grader, Liam Rockwood, 4/30!
First Grader, Mason Lopez, 4/30!

Happy Birthday to all of you!