Dress Down Day for those less fortunate...
YES, WE CAN... and WE DID!
Collected cans will be donated to Shepherd's pantry... thank you for your generosity!
Reducing your Family Fundraising Obligation by purchasing unique art masterpieces created by your child!
Our amazing Art teacher, Mrs. Angeley will be creating the priceless artwork with your child(ren) during Art classes in the coming weeks!
All you have to do is click and purchase... the pieces make great gifts for the holidays!
We are called to be disciples of Christ!
Weather permitting we are planning to celebrate an outdoor Mass of Remembrance for the souls of our dearly departed on:

Monday, November 2nd
All Souls Day

In a very special way we will remember and pray for the souls of the faithfully departed alumni of our school community.

Please click here, to send along the names of any deceased alumni, along with their graduation year and date of death, so that we can join our hearts in prayer for them during Holy Mass.

On Tuesday, November 3rd, our students will have the opportunity to adore Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament at our school grotto.
Our prayers for our country on this Election Day will be a powerful demonstration of our faith! 
A Month Dedicated to Our Dearly Departed Loved Ones and Their Holy Souls! Please submit names of loved ones through the linked Google Form:
The month of November is a special one in the church, as we pray for our dearly departed. Please fill out the following Google form, to submit your prayer intention forms to include in our November Basket of Remembrance for Holy Souls. Click here to access form and let our school community pray for your families intentions!
Thank you for pre-registering for our before and after school Extended Care program.

Click here to pre-register for next week (the week of November 2nd) and
here for the week of November 9th unless you have already indicated your consistent Extended Care needs.
Thank you!
** Please note that Extended Care invoices will continue to be sent every other Friday in the "Go Green" Friday Folder!
Thoughts, concerns?
Please contact the school office.
Upcoming Birthdays to be Celebrated!

Fourth Grader, Dean DesRoches , 11/1!
Third Grader, Mayla Viveiros , 11/3!
Sixth Grader, Katherine Boulay, 11/5!
Seventh Grader, Kaylea Osbourne, 11/6!
Happy Birthday!
PLEASE NOTE: While birthdays can be celebrated during snack time here at school, treats must be individually packaged! Thank you for your understanding and compliance!
Next School Events Committee Meeting Monday, November 2nd @ 7pm.
Please consider joining our mission of creating a warm and wonderful virtual environment for our students and their families!
Monday 11/2- Nacho Lunch Kit
Tuesday 11/3-- Crispy Chicken Sandwich
Wednesday 11/4- Pasta Salad with Chicken
Thursday 11/5- Ham & Cheese Croissant
Friday 11/6- Pepperoni Pizza Kit

**Please note that St. Francis is now a Peanut/Tree Nut Free School!
From the Office:

  • Thanks to those families who participated in our Southwestern and Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough fundraisers. All cookie dough orders should be in today.
  • In your child's Friday folder you'll find a flyer for the Shop with Scrip fundraiser, which starts today and ends 11/13. They are offering gift card sales both in the traditional format (online) and through the RaiseRight app this year, with cards shipping right to your home! 
  • Extended billing is also going out today. Next statement will be sent home 11/13.
If you or your family plan to go out on Halloween, avoid the three Cs of confined spaces, close contact with others, and crowded places.
Halloween is not worth risking the health of our school community and busting our bubble!
We all need to do our part!

Let's Stay Healthy and Happy!
A Walgreen's Flu Shot Clinic will take place here at the school on Friday, November 6th!
Details for scheduling and more information coming soon!
Preschool Remote Teaching
Ms. Cordeiro's class were saints while she was out!