Next week, we join in the annual effort to encourage and inspire people to explore their local Catholic schools. During this special week in November, every diocese in New England celebrates Catholic Education and highlights the achievements of our schools. DCSNE focuses on enrollment, marketing and encouraging new families to join the school community.
How can you support our marketing and advertising campaign?
- FOLLOW US on Facebook and Instagram, and as you see our posts this week, like and share them!
- WINDOW CLING--Consider purchasing an outward display of support and advertisement by placing $5 in an envelope to the attention of the main office to obtain your SFX window cling for your car!
- SPIRIT WEAR--Purchase a spirit wear shirt for your child for $12 and help him/her showcase school spirit! We have a number of various student sizes for immediate purchase, but also have plans for a "spirit wear push" in the days to come. If you would like a spirit wear shirt for your child, please place $12 in an envelope, properly labelled and we will make certain your child receives a shirt!
Allow and support your child in a Spirit Wear Day on Friday, November 13th! School pride is real... let's celebrate our SFX pride, as we have much to be proud of!
We are called to be disciples of Christ!
Jesus We Adore You!
On Tuesday, November 3rd, our students had the opportunity to adore Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament at our school grotto! We prayed for peace in our country and our deceased friends and family.
A Month Dedicated to Our Dearly Departed Loved Ones and Their Holy Souls!
The month of November is a special one in the church, as we pray for our dearly departed. Please fill out the following Google form, to submit your prayer intention forms to include in our November Basket of Remembrance for Holy Souls.
Click here to access the form and let our school community pray for your families intentions!
Thank you for pre-registering for our before and after school Extended Care program.
Click here to pre-register for next week (the week of November 9th) and
Thank you!
** Please note that Extended Care invoices will continue to be sent every other Friday in the "Go Green" Friday Folder!
Thoughts, concerns?
Please contact the school office.
From the office:
- A big thank you to all who participated in the Otis Spunkmeyer fundraiser. Almost all orders were totaled and had one check to cover the total, and I'm so very appreciative. As soon as we have a delivery date, I will let you know.
- A reminder that the Shop with Scrip gift card fundraiser continues for one more week, with all orders placed and paid for by Friday, November 13th in order to have gift cards in before Thanksgiving.
- Extended statements will be sent home Friday, November 13th.
~ God Bless! Mrs. Reis
Virtual Open House this weekend!
Please join Bishop Stang staff and students at their Virtual Open House via Zoom on Sunday, November 8th, at 1:00 pm or Thursday, November 12th at 6:30 pm!
The annual FACE fundraiser was a virtual event this year, that featured singer/song writer Matt Maher, and an amazing virtual choir comprised of students throughout the diocese.
CLICK HERE to access the FACE fundraiser link, and scroll to the twenty minute mark to see a few of our fantastic SFX students!
The first major School Events Committee hosted virtual event of the 2020-2021 school year!
A Virtual Talent Show!
Be expecting your children to be speaking to you about this event in the coming days!
More info coming in next week's newsletter!
Set date for virtual event is
Friday, December 4th!
Monday 11/9- Super Pretzel w/ Cheddar Dip
Tuesday 11/10-- Turkey & Cheese on a Pretzel
Wednesday 11/11- NO SCHOOL!
Thursday 11/12- Crispy Chicken Sandwich
Friday 11/13- Bagel w/ Cream Cheese
**Please note that St. Francis is now a Peanut/Tree Nut Free School!
Each day that we are in school, in person, is a happy day for all of us. As we near the holidays, we must remember that our social behaviors and actions will ultimately have an impact on our healthy school community.
Please be advised of the recommendations made from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health:
As Massachusetts residents plan for the Thanksgiving holiday, we offer the following considerations to help keep our friends, families, and communities safe during COVID-19. If you host a holiday celebration, keep it small. If you are considering travel, be aware of Massachusetts
Any time you’re near people you don’t live with:
Wear a mask when not eating or drinking
- Wash your hands often with soap and water
- Stay at least six feet apart from others
- Consider if those around you may be at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19, such as older adults or those with certain medical conditions, and take extra precautions
- If gathering indoors, improve ventilation by opening windows and doors
Let's Stay Healthy and Happy!
Sally has COVID!
This image clearly depicts the reason why we have to be so vigilant and careful!
Let's commit to doing the best that we can in these challenging times!
Upcoming Birthdays to be Celebrated!
Third Grader,Blake Umbelina, 118/!
Kindergartener, Madelyn Rockwood, 11/11!
Third Grader, Logan Verissimo , 11/12!
Kindergarten Teacher, Mrs. Jason, 11/12!
Happy Birthday!
PLEASE NOTE: While birthdays can be celebrated during snack time here at school, treats must be individually packaged! Thank you for your understanding and compliance!
Our amazing Mrs. Plante was nominated for, and ultimately received the Dunkin’ Donuts “Raise a cup to teachers” award this week!
Our school parent's nomination read:
Mrs. Plante is an excellent teacher. She has done a great job with the difficult task of keeping preschoolers safe during the school day while still making things fun for them. My son loves Mrs. Plante! She deserves to win this recognition.
Thank you parents for acknowledging the gift of amazing faculty we have here at St. Francis! We couldn't agree more with this testimony!
For this reason, we trust that you will accept a slight change in our Master Calendar!
As a much deserved reward for our faculty and staff's hard work, we have decided that rather than an "in and out" early dismissal day on Wednesday, November 25th, we will treat the faculty to a full day off (no school, no remote classes) before the holiday! We do understand that this my cause a level of child care coverage for your family situation, but are counting on your support in allowing our staff a day off in appreciation for a great start to the school year!
St. Francis Xavier School
223 Main Street, Acushnet, MA 02743