Blessings from the Week......

Runnin' Like Rebels
This Sunday the Church celebrates the Feast of Corpus Christi!
There is no better time to come back to Church than to celebrate the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist!
CLICK HERE for a brief video message and invitation from Father Williams.
Hope to see you there!
"Glow in the Dark"
on Thursday, August 12th
at the Century House!
Many hands will make light work, so please click here to express your willingness to volunteer to help with this event!
Next SEC Meeting will take place on Friday, June 11th @ 7pm.
Click here for zoom meeting information, and thank you for your consideration in our efforts to making our fundraiser a success!
May Movie Madness
The best for last...
Middle School Movie Night!
Tonight's selected movie:

Enola Holmes
** Due to the fact that the movie will be an indoor event, it will be able to start earlier! Please try to arrive by 6:45pm for a 7pm start time!
** No need to bring chairs!
** Please note that while this is a "drop off" event, phones will be held by administration until the movie is over. Parents should plan to pick up promptly at 9pm. Thank you.
Modified Field Day(s)/ Gym Class Finales!
On Wednesday 6/9 (for K-2 and Gr.6) and Thursday 6/10 (for Gr. 3-5 and Gr.7), students will be heading over to Pope Park for a modified field day/gym class finale! Students may wear gym uniforms on their designated day... thank you!
Finishing Strong In Middle School!

History Fair projects and presentations were a huge hit and highlight this week for our middle schoolers.... well done!
National Junior Honor Society Induction

Twenty middle school students will be inducted into the Sister Louise Place Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society on Thursday, June 10th at 7pm!

Family Fundraising Statements and final Extended Care in Friday Folders today!
Didn't have the chance to order a yearbook when the initial offer was made?
Click here to let the school office know that you are still interested. Softcover yearbook cost is $25.
Here's what's on the MENU next week:
Mon 6/7 -Crispy Chicken Sandwich
Tues 6/8- Chicken Teriyaki Dippers
Wed 6/9- Cheese Pizza
Thur 6/10- Cheeseburger Mac n' Cheese
Fri 6/11- Cheeseburger
Grade 5 Boosterthon
Pledge-o-meter Reward!
Tie Dying Shirts!
The boys dubbed themselves the "TRASH-KATEERS" which I found both endearing and troubling!
What's Happening Here?
Grade 3 Flashlight Friday
.... AND NOW
Bishop Stang, a Catholic, college preparatory, high school in Dartmouth, MA, invites families to learn about their Summer Program offerings. Visit and choose “Summer Clinics” under Athletics. The programs come in all forms; academic, athletic, visual and performing arts. Join them for great learning experiences and for a whole lot of fun throughout the summer! Contact: Dennis Golden, Director of Athletics;
A few of our teachers are offering summer tutoring in order to keep students "sharp" throughout the summer months! If you are interested in avoiding the summer slide and/or want to focus on challenging subjects throughout the summer months, please call the office to let us know and we will do our best to connect you with a tutor.
Celebrating the Gift of Life!

This weekend:
Preschooler Nole Borges, 6/5!
Seventh Grader, Meredith Frois, 6/6!
Next week:
Kindergartener, Nora Johnson, 6/8!
Building Maintenance Manager Extraordinaire, Mr. Guillotte, 6/8!
Sixth Grader, Ryan Latuilippe, 6/9!
Fourth Grader, Elizabeth Frois, 6/10!
Kindergartener, Ava Oliveira, 6/10!
Fifth Grader, Michaela Murray, 6/11!
Third Grader, Amelia Frias, 6/11!

Happy Birthday to all of you!