Dear Kehillah, 

As we close another fantastic year, I want to thank you for all that you do to support your children, our students, on their Kehillah journey. From August’s Summer Prep and our opening Kinnus (gathering), all the way to June’s graduation ceremony, next year is already shaping up to be a winner. We hope this summer mailing provides you with helpful information as you make your plans for the 23-24 school year. 

Settling into summer, we all look forward to a quieter time to complete work projects and recharge our batteries. To support our academic and operational faculty, we observe a “quiet” time from July 1-31. Of course, I will remain available for any emergencies. 


Warm regards, 

Daisy Pellant

Head of School


It is that time of year again! The annual forms and Kinnus forms, hosted in PowerSchool, are integral to a safe and smooth opening of the school year. See our Registration Information page for more instruction on how to complete these forms.

Registration Information

Looking Ahead– Save the Dates

Kehillah Kick-Off

An event for the entire family and faculty alike. We will all join together to indulge in good food and great company and enjoy one of the last hoorahs of summer.

August 17

5 - 7 pm

New Student Orientation

We use New Student Orientation to share important information and detail with all new students (9th and transfers), including a review of the systems and processes they will be using as Kehillah students. Students will need their laptops for this session.

August 18

9 am - 12 pm


It is a Kehillah tradition to start the year off with Kinnus - a gathering. This time is spent on team building, community engagement, service, and celebration! Seniors will participate in an extra special Shabbat overnight on August 18.

August 21 - 22


First Day of Classes

Academic classes begin on August 23. Students will receive their full schedules on August 14.

August 23

8:30 am

KPA Shabbat Dinner

Join the Kehillah Parent's Association for a special Shabbat dinner. This evening of togetherness and celebration will be a time to enjoy a delicious meal, foster community connections, and engage in meaningful conversations.

August 25

5:00 - 7:00 pm

New Parent Orientation

Similar to our New Student Orientation, we use New Parent Orientation to highlight our community to parents of our wonderful new students. Enjoy light refreshments and an evening of learning.

August 31

7 pm

Kehillah Parent's Association Meeting

Curious about the KPA. Check out this dynamic team an hour before the start of back-to-school night for their first meeting of the year. Attend this no-pressure meeting, and see what awesome events the KPA has in store!

September 7

6 pm

Back-to-School Night

Spend an evening experiencing your child’s school day – and get a more personal glimmer into the Kehillah experience. Join other parents in an abbreviated version of your child's classes, meet their teachers, and learn more about our dynamic program!

September 7

7 pm

Forms and Important Information

RAMS Athletics Forms

Athletic Director, Ryan Greenfield, shares an important note about the required athletics forms and the program more broadly.

Athletics Letter

Student/Parent Handbook

Please take a moment to review our Student/Parent Handbook. The sign-off of receipt is found in the annual forms.

Student/Parent Handbook

Shuttle Information

Kehillah provides a shuttle service between the Palo Alto Caltrain Station located at 95 University Avenue and Kehillah. Your fair-share cost for this unlimited shuttle service will be $1,050.00 for the entire school year.

If you are interested in this service for your child, please submit the form below. Make checks payable to Kehillah Jewish High School. Please indicate “Shuttle” on the check and submit it to the Business Office by Wednesday, August 15, 2023. 

See for individual train schedules from your area.

Questions about Shuttle Service? Contact Jay Dosanjh.

Questions about payment? Sofya Osipov

(Note: There will be no credits or refunds). 

Shuttle Signups

A word about giving

Kehillah is proud to foster a culture of giving throughout our programs. The Kehillah Fund is the school’s top fundraising priority, and allows the school flexibility for upgrades where they are needed most. It provides essential resources necessary for every Kehillah student to enjoy a unique, robust and dynamic learning experience. Gifts of all sizes collectively make an incredible impact, and every gift is tax-deductible.

Culture of Giving!

Bookstore and Supplies

Teachers will let students know what they need for the classes specifically during the first days of school. In the meantime, see our bookstore for the required texts for each class. Students will also need a laptop.


Key Dates

Block Schedule

Who to Contact

Course Offering Guide

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