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I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday weekend, and took a moment to reflect on the service and sacrifice that Memorial Day commemorates.
Today has been designated World No Tobacco Day by the World Health Organization. This year’s theme is protecting the environment, and is intended to draw attention to the negative effects that tobacco production has on ecosystems. The WHO notes that the tobacco industry contributes to climate change and reduces climate resilience, giving tobacco users one more reason to quit.
As part of World No Tobacco Day, Wellness department staff organized a campus cleanup at the Dena’ina Wellness Center. I appreciate their “think globally, act locally” approach.
For those who may be thinking about quitting tobacco, there are several resources available to you:
• If you are eligible for services at the Dena’ina Wellness Center, you can get a referral to one of the Tribe’s Tobacco Treatment Specialists. You can also call Wellness Consultant Levi Sutton directly at 907-335-7583, or stop by the Activity desk.
• Alaska’s Tobacco Quit Line is open to everyone. Call 1-800-QUIT NOW, or 1-800-784-8669. Information also is available at alaskaquitline.com.
• As a Kenaitze Indian Tribe employee, you and your household members have access to the Tribe’s Employee Assistance Program, which you can find at magellanascend.com. The Employee Assistance Program offers resources to help you improve your overall well-being.
Quitting tobacco can be hard, but help is available. Please don’t hesitate to reach out for support.
Peter Evon
Executive Director of Tribal Administration