June 24, 2020

This newsletter will be available in multiple languages on  as soon as it is translated.
Today's Video Update

In today's  video,  Dr. Adam London talks about where Kent County currently stands with COVID-19 and a free testing event coming up.

The Spanish version of this video will be available on  YouTube  as soon as it is translated.
Kent County Data   (June 24, 2020)

Positive Cases:   4,279
Deaths:  126
Like the Health Department on Facebook (@kentc ountyhealth)
Free COVID-19 Community Testing Day

We are partnering with the Black Impact Collaborative and  LINC UP  to offer a FREE COVID-19 testing day on Monday (June 29) from 2 p.m. until 7 p.m. at the Gallery at LINC UP . Anyone can be tested 6 months of age or above. Informational flyers about the event are available in English and Spanish .

Pre-registration is encouraged by going online  or calling (616) 632-7200 but walk-in testing will be available.
Kent County Back to Work Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Program

Do you need PPE for your business? If so, you are in luck! As part of the Kent County Back to Work initiative, the Kent County Board of Commissioners allocated $3 million of the County’s CARES Act funding to launch a program providing PPE, at no cost, to qualifying small businesses and other employers to assist in reopening their operations. Available PPE includes eye and face protection, gloves, hand sanitizer and thermometers. To qualify, employers must be located in Kent County and employ 100 people or fewer. The program is accepting first as well as second time requests from business seeking PPE supplies.

Qualified employers may place PPE requests either online or by calling the PPE fulfillment center at (616) 245-3636 between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. Calls will be taken in English or Spanish.

All qualified employers will be contacted by e-mail after their requests are selected and filled, and they will be told where they can pick-up their order. Requests not picked up by employers within five (5) business days of notification will be returned to inventory.
Visit our website for additional information and resources.
Kent County Small Business Recovery Program

Kent County has partnered with the  Grand Rapids Chamber  to launch the Kent County Small Business Recovery Program. This program will deliver financial support to small businesses that may be dealing with additional hardships and have experienced losses due to business interruption as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Applications are available for businesses in Kent County with 0-25 full-time equivalent employees that have not previously received COVID-19 related aid. Businesses that qualify will receive a short-term economic relief grant ranging from $5,000, $10,000, $15,000 or $20,000 depending on size of business, operating costs, and other scoring metrics. Click here to learn more and to apply.
Kent County Health Department
700 Fuller Ave. NE
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
Tel: (616) 632-7100
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