A Bi-Monthly News Roundup from the Kentucky Department of Agriculture
Vol. 15 | No. 12
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Kentucky getting help from Hawaiian royalty
on National Pollinator Week
The Kentucky Queen Bee Breeders Association bought 100 queens (one is marked, above, with a white dot on its back) that have been bred in Hawaii to be resistant to a deadly honey bee pest, Varroa mites. "Beekeepers hope that when these queen bees' progeny (both drones and daughter-queens) mate, the genetics for tolerance will be passed on," State Apiarist Tammy Horn Potter said.
Dr. Barling joins KDA team
as deputy state veterinarian

Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner Dr. Ryan Quarles, right, lauded the "extensive veterinary knowledge" of Dr. Kerry Barling.
Keep livestock and other animals safe from extreme heat

Extension Agent Jay Stone says animals need frequent breaks from the heat just like humans.
KDA senior nutrition program gets more funding, flexibility

Commissioner Quarles called the program "one of the most rewarding" offered by the Kentucky Department of Agriculture.
Kentucky farm fact

Each of Kentucky’s 46,000 dairy cows produce 104 million gallons of milk each year, an average of 6.2 gallons per day.
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