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Main Trading Company

2707 Lamar Ave

Paris Tx 75460


Mon-Friday 9-6

Saturday 9-1


14 Years Spreading the Love


No Back Orders , Rain Checks, Prices Good on In Stock items only

Hello Friends, The Belton Hamfest was last weekend and it was awesome. The star of our show was the Yaesu FT-991A. We sold a bunch of them and made lots of hams very happy. The food was great out in the flea market as usual and the weather mostly cooperated. Normally if there is a chance of rain we do not go but I chanced it.

I had two cases of new Icom Radios that were stacked next to the trailer that didn't get covered real good with a tarp that got wet. The inner boxes got damp but the radios and contents were fine. Save big on these. Thank God it was only light rain and two cases.

Click Here to get your damp box deals while we have them

We did take a lot of trade ins and picked up a very large estate while we were in the area. Keep watching our used pages. We have discounts going on all used gear too! Final Price is shown at check out

In Other news we finally have more Kenwood coming in. We have a few TS-990's, and a bunch of 890's and 590's. I know you have been waiting. For those of you that have had them on back order they will ship to you next week. We have made them available again on our site but they will sell out pretty quick as usual. Don't worry. Inventory is starting to flow again.

We hope your week is good so far

Richard and Christine Lenoir

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Auto Tuner for Icom Special Sale

Shop Now
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Kenwood TS-990S

Ships to you next week

Shop Now
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Yaesu FT-991A

In Stock

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Yaesu FTM-500

Shipping Soon $649.99

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Kenwood TS-890S

Ships to you next week, Buy Now

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Kenwood TS-590SG

Ships to you next week. The perfect field rig

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Ameritron AL-811

In Stock $1499

Shop Now
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Legal Limit Antenna Tuner $459

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Uniden Bearcat 980SSB

CB with Sideband $159.95

Shop Now

Trade In


Used Gear HERE

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We Love this Ham Radio Business. MTC is a small Mom and Pop electronic store in Paris Texas. We have been in business for Over 14 years now. We are not the big corporate store. We are like buying from family according to many of our customers. Friendly, familiar voices and people. It's no wonder MTC is becoming America's favorite place to buy radio gear. Thank you all for your business