Keynote Michael Mah
Q&A on Aviation & Analytics
Renowned speaker, writer and, executive coach shares his insights and answers our questions about the latest in software quality. Michael wants you to know QA professionals can highly influence good outcomes, not only in testing but for the team as a whole. You're not just the tail wagging the dog. Find out more about that and why he took to the skies.
Record Number of Proposals
Leads to Rush Hour in Committee
After our record number of abstract proposals for the PNSQC 2018, the review committee is scaling up to put the program in place. So many of the proposals are excellent in so many ways, and the committee wants to assemble those best fitted to the conference. They are spending more time to do a thorough evaluation.

Thanks you to all the people who submitted their ideas on the road to quality, we appreciate your thoughtful responses. The program committee is taking a holistic approach to making PNSQC 2018 the best yet and some timelines have been adjusted.