Equipping a courageous Church alive with Christ’s transforming love
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Let's Protect God's Gift of Creation –Together! | |
Register for the Annual Meeting by Friday, June 2
The Minnesota Conference will gather next week to answer a call to protect God's gift of creation.
“The earth is God’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” (Psalm 24:1) Let us come together, as children of this sacred creation and the enduring body of Christ, to find ways to work together, effectively, for our earth.
Keynote speaker Rev. Michael Malcom, ordained in the United Church of Christ and founder and executive director of the People’s Justice Council in Birmingham, Alabama, will share how he created an unparalleled opportunity for faith communities throughout Alabama to unite and raise their voice against environmental racism, economic oppression, environmental injustice, and climate change.
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Join the Green Team Forum June 4
All churches and members are invited to participate in a Green Team Forum Sunday, June 4, from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm on Zoom, in advance of our Annual Meeting. Rev. Sheri Nelson and Rev. Dwight Wagenius will host the forum. It is a time to brag about your church and what it is doing, to ask questions about what more you can do, and be inspired by all that is being done in our Conference and state to bring God's Earth back into balance. You do not have to be registered as a Minnesota Delegate to participate.
Join the forum through this link; no registration required.Sandy has set up a zoom link for the Green Forum on Sunday, June 4.
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Last Chance to Register for Power & Boundary and Anti-Racism/Diversity Trainings
Registrations close at 11 am on Thursday, June 1.
Anti-Racism/Diversity Training
Thursday, June 8, 9:30 am – 4:00 pm (check-in begins at 9:00 with coffee)
$65 (lunch included with a light afternoon snack)
Training leader: Rev. Jia Starr Brown
Power & Boundary Training
Thursday, June 8, 10:00 am – 4 pm (check-in begins at 9:30 am with coffee)
$65 (lunch included with a light afternoon snack)
Facilitator: Rev. Dr. Anita Bradshaw
Celebrate 2023 Twin Cities Pride!
June 23-25, 2023
Congregations from the Twin Cities metro area will be joining together to participate in this years Twin Cities Pride March. Sixty people from 11 congregations will represent the Conference to provide a public witness countering the dominant Christian voice that perpetuates exclusion, discrimination, and harm with a message of radical love, welcome, and affirmation for LGBTQIA+ people. While the spaces for participants marching are full, please make plans to attend the Pride March as a spectator, along with folks from other UCC congregations. Contact Kevin Brown to get connected with other congregations planning to take part.
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Retired Ministers Boundary Training is June 21
Wednesday, June 21, 4:00 – 7:00 pm CT
Maintaining healthy boundaries is challenging at any stage in ministry and it is particularly tender and difficult attending to boundaries as we transition out of our last call, and while in retirement. "A Sure Foundation," "The Ministerial Code," and Rev. Dr. Bruce Epperly's new book, "The Jubilee Years," along with case studies, will provide the content of this training.
Rev. Stephen Boyd and Rev. Tara Barber will offer this focused Boundary Awareness Training for those entering and living in retirement. Note: This training completes individual requirements for boundary training ONLY WHEN authorized by a local Committee on Ministry.
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New Address for Conference Office Starting June 14
The Conference office is moving! We will be in the same building, in a smaller office, faithfully stewarding our resources. As of June 14, our new address will be: Minnesota Conference UCC; 122 W Franklin Avenue; Suite 200; Minneapolis, MN 55404. Our main phone number will remain 612-871-0359.
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Sing a New Song Unto God at General Synod!
Any attendee interested can SIGN UP to join the choir, which will minister during the closing worship service Tuesday, July 4, at 7:30 pm. Sheet music and recordings will be distributed in the first week of June, and there will be at least two rehearsals during General Synod. Questions? Contact Cheryl Lindsay (, Minister of Worship and Theology, UCC National Ministries.
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Apply for The Leadership Center for Social Justice at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities
Congregational pastors and ministers are encouraged to apply for the second year of the program by July 1, 2023. The program, led by a team of experts, helps pastors develop and/or deepen sustainable, community-based, social justice ministries responsive to what God is doing in our world, congregations, and communities.
Those who wish to apply to join the program must supply a congregational letter of support and complete an application at by July 1, 2023. To learn more, contact the Center’s administrative assistant, Stella Pearce.
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The Committee on Ministry invites you to an Ecclesiastical Council for Natalie Owens-Pike Sunday, June 4, at 2 pm, hosted by Mayflower UCC Minneapolis. Delegates and guests are invited to join via Zoom. This is an opportunity for our member churches to participate in the Conference’s discernment for our candidates for ordination. Read an introduction to Natalie and her ordination paper. RSVP to See Chang, COM administrative assistant at to receive the Zoom link.
Peace United Church of Christ in Duluth invites you to the celebration of ordination for Nathan Holst. The worship service is Sunday, June 25 at 4:00 pm, 1111 N 11th Ave E, Duluth MN 55805.
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Upcoming Conference Events | |
More Resources & Opportunities | |
Send story ideas, insights and more to COMMAntary is published on Wednesdays; submissions are due the Monday prior to publication at noon.
The Conference website offers a wealth of resources related to faith formation, racial justice, and more.
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Like us on Facebook to stay up-to-date on news, events, jobs and more. | |
This newsletter is brought to you by generous contribution to Our Church's Wider Mission.
The Minnesota Conference United Church of Christ (UCC) equips a courageous Church alive with Christ’s transforming love. Through advice, support, and resources, we strengthen the 126 congregations throughout the state to do the redemptive work of God in the world.
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