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October 20 - November 1, 2020
Marienville Trail Riders
Thirty members of the Marienville Trail Riders Snowmobile Club made their annual trip to Curtis Michigan during the week of February 16-23. The group consisted of nine women and twenty one men with ages ranging from 16-88. Even though some members had been going there over fifty years, this was the second club trip with thirty members participating. One husband and wife team and their dog Kira, travelled from North Carolina. 
Laurel Highlands
Hello from the Laurel Highlands. 

Springtime again. Cleaning up the toys from our travels, and prepping them for storage. Where did you ride this season? We managed to track down some snow for a bit of fun. This has been the least amount of snow around home that I can remember.  ext Link
Glendale Lake SMC
Greetings from the Glendale Lake SMC.  As we approach spring in central Pa we reflect back on a disappointing winter in our area. We didn’t even get a chance to check out any of our trail improvements that were completed last fall. Fortunately for some club members they still got some PA rides in or they traveled to Maine, NY or Quebec for rides. But it was a tough winter for members who are used to riding out their back door, hitting our club trail or putting some miles on at Black Moshanon, Colerain, Laurel Highlands, or SB Elliot State Parks. And the travel freeze prevented many from trailering to that last ride, where ever it might have been.
Hyner Mountain Happenings
Hello to everyone from the membership of the Hyner Mountain Snowmobile Club.

This was a tough article to write. Why you ask? Because at this point in the season I was hoping to be able to entertain you with tales of snow-covered weekends and miles and miles of riding from our lodge. Text Link
Tools for Riding
Part II
by Randy Green
In the March Edition of the Keystone Snowmobiler there was an article entitled “PA Riding Still Exists”.  The article points out that sometimes you have to make an extra effort to find riding in PA. What the article doesn’t point out is that sometimes there are extra tools or equipment needed too. Text Link
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