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Djeran 2023

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The latest sustainable farming news from GeoCatch

Dear Geo,

The season of Djeran is upon us, with the start of cooler weather and dewy mornings, and the falling of leaves on deciduous trees. It's also known for the south westerly winds and abundant fishing in lakes, dams and estuaries.

Let us know what you are up to on your property! Send us an email or photo - we'd love to see!

2023/24 Geographe Soil Testing Program

Registrations now open!

Join hundreds of Geographe farmers who have benefitted from being part of the Geographe Soil Testing Program, improving farm productivity, effectively target fertiliser use and reduce unnecessary nutrients from entering our waterways.

APPLY NOW or learn more about soil testing

With over 40% of the catchment, already part of the program, this is an opportunity you don't want to miss out on. As part of the program you will receive:


  • Soil testing of all eligible paddocks on your farm (Do-It-Yourself (DIY) or use a sampling contractor);
  • Independent lab analysis of soil samples;
  • Colour-coded whole farm nutrient maps;
  • Plant tissue testing in Spring 2024;
  • One-on-one advice and a customised fertiliser plan from your choice of Fertcare accedited agronomists;
  • Invitations to workshops and special events;
  • An opportunity to join a growers network of over 250 Geographe farmers protecting Geographe Bay;
  • Support from the GeoCatch Sustainable Agriculture team;
  • Soil testing and additional advice and support valued at almost $5000.

How much will this cost?

New Farmers (to the program)

$300 per farm

Returning farmers

$25 per paddock (DIY sampling) - max. cost $300

$50 per paddock (Contractor sampling) - min. cost $300/max. cost $2500

What did other farmers learn about soil testing?


"What we are doing now is really targeting specific paddocks, so the paddock actually gets

what the paddock needs. It’s very expensive to put the wrong fertiliser in the wrong place."

Elaine, Yoongarillup


"I was actually quite surprised to see how much residual fertiliser was in the property

from previous practices where we just threw out super every year, like we’ve been

doing forever…Every decision now is based on science and results."

Ross, Chapman Hill

Don't just listen to us. Hear from farmers across the catchment on how

soil testing has changed their farming practice.

This is a part of the State Government's Healthy Estuaries WA and Revitalising Geographe Waterways programs, and Soil Wise. Soil Wise is funded by the National Landcare Program Smart Farms Small Grants Initiative - an Australian Government program. 

Soil Testing... What do the results say?

Its a question that some farmers ask themselves. Why should I soil test?

A group of GeoCatch farmers got together earlier in the year with experts from Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) to explore exactly why soil testing is so important for farmers these days.

The workshop was the culmination of soil testing and data analysis, and participants received the soil test results from their properties, all aimed to help them make evidence-based fertiliser decisions, save money on nutrients that aren’t required, and prevent excess nutrients from entering our waterways.

To learn more about the Soil Testing Workshop click here

This project is part of Healthy Estuaries WA and Revitalising Geographe Waterways, State Government initiatives that aim to support the long-term health of our south-west waterways.

Grazing Matcher: The Business of Farming

What car would you choose to best represent your farming business? A Porche, or Hilux? Or maybe even a horse-and-cart?

Grazing Matcher farmers did just that at the first meeting for Grazing Matcher 2023.

The program, supported by GeoCatch for three years now, was originally created by grazing and pasture experts, Jeisane Accioly and Dan Parnell, to support farmers adopting better grazing management, fodder conservation and feed decisions.


The group learn about the relationships between pasture growth, animal health and our environment. Over a BBQ and cups of coffee, they ruminated over farm business fundamentals – improving productivity, profit and our natural resources.

Sheep farmer, Marika Coghill shared her thoughts on how the program will add value to her property.

“Dan and Jeisane broke down the key elements around animal health, pasture management and how to build it into our business to ensure we are maximising the health of our stock, through paying close attention to our most valuable asset - our pasture. The group activities allowed us to apply this knowledge and then determine what pasture is available throughout the year.”


The small group of farmers will meet eight times over the next 12 months, visiting each other’s properties and learning about grazing management from each other as well as what the program will provide.

Above: For the first session of Grazing Matcher, Jeisane Accioly and Dan Parnell worked through the business fundamentals of running a grazing enterprise in south-west WA.

This project is supported by GeoCatch and South West Catchments Council, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program, Profitable Grazing Systems, an MLA initiative, and Western Beef Association Inc.

Are you a Geographe farmer protecting Geographe Bay?

Geographe farmers are on the ground, every day, making a difference in our catchment.

We see all the hard work you all put in. Maybe its pulling a calf under moonlight, fixing a fence under the hot summer sun, or seeding with the hope of a good season ahead.

Geographe Farmers protecting Geographe Bay, launched in 2022, recognises the importance of farmers working collectively to make a difference - improving water quality, looking after the environment and supporting a thriving and sustainable agriculture industry.

If you're interested in finding out more or would like to get your hands on one of our 'Geographe Farmers protecting Geographe Bay' packs, get in touch now!

Register for your 'Geographe Farmers Protecting Geographe Bay' pack here!

Above: Neville Haddon, deep in discussion with Garry and Brett, whilst rocking our 'Geographe Farmers protecting Geographe Farmers' hat!

Accu-Spread: How well does

your spreader spread?

Farmers from across the catchment met earlier in the year for GeoCatch’s annual

Accu-Spread Field Day, testing their fertiliser spreaders to measure how effectively their equipment spread different fertilisers.

Russell Nichol, one of Australia’s leading Accu-Spread trainers, was on-hand to test and offer advice on how to calibrate and get the most out of everyone’s equipment. It’s amazing to see how different spreaders can vary in their spreading patterns and fertiliser distribution across a paddock. Uneven spread of fertiliser can have an impact on farm productivity and budget, as well as the health of our waterways.

Yoongarillup farmer Annette Batley hosted the day and said, “The day has been so worthwhile. The first run through with the spreader, gave us a baseline of the spread pattern and with Russell’s help, we’ve been able to extend our spread pattern to now 24 metres. We can do this now with confidence that there’ll be no over or under fertilising, meaning no stripping in spring”.

Urea, Super SR and lime were all tested by driving each spreader through a series of buckets. Each bucket is then weighed and a spread pattern is determined. Russell was able to give advice on how to make small adjustments to ensure a wider and more reliable spread pattern resulting in higher productivity out in the paddock.

By calibrating their spreaders, farmers are ensuring that they are meeting one of the grazing nutrient best management practices.

To learn more about Accu-Spread click here

Above left: Russell illustrating that the composition of fertiliser is made up of different sizes of granules, where larger particles will travel further than the smaller particles.

Above right: Russell working through the spreader distribution pattern data from one of the spreader runs. Each person attending received a report on the spread distribution of their equipment.

This project is part of Healthy Estuaries WA and Revitalising Geographe Waterways, State Government initiatives that aim to support the long-term health of our south-west waterways. It is supported by Soil Wise. Soil Wise is funded by the National Landcare Program Smart Farms Small Grants – an Australian Government initiative.

Overcoming challenges to restore waterways

Farmers from the Geographe Catchment gathered at Sabina River this week to learn how to restore waterways on their properties.

GeoCatch project officer Claire Macleay and revegetation specialist Greg Overton showed participants how to start their revegetation projects with a tour of 3 sites that were fenced from stock and planted back in 2019.

Participants were guided through site preparation methods, weed control, plant selection, seed and seedling choices, pest management, and care and maintenance.

Greg emphasized that site preparation before planting is vital to the success of the plants.

“Ground preparation and weed control are the most important parts of a revegetation project. If you don’t get on top of weeds, they will quickly outcompete your seedlings,” said Greg.

To read about the workshop more click here

Above: Stephanie and Callan Barnes enjoying the sunshine and learning about revegetating the waterway on their property with Greg Overton.

If you were unable to attend the Revegetate your Waterways workshop, but are interested in doing some work on your property, download the 'Planning Riparian Zone Revegetation Handout from the workshop.

Download the 'Planning Riparian Zone Revegetation' PDF

This project is part of Healthy Estuaries WA and Revitalising Geographe Waterways programs. These State Government initiatives aim to support the long-term health of our south-west estuaries.

WIN a Regen Ag Conference Package

(valued at $640).

The 2023 Regenerative Agriculture Conference will be held in Margaret River, WA from 6th to 8th September 2023.

GeoCatch are inviting farmers from the Geographe Catchment to express an interest in winning a free registration to the conference. The aim is to provide an opportunity to enhance existing knowledge of regenerative agriculture practices, and for you then to share your learnings with other farmers. 

One lucky farmer will receive a conference package including entry to each day of the conference, a ticket to the conference dinner, and attending your choice of one of four field days.

The total value of this package is $640.

To go into the draw, complete the registration form below, including your contact details and why you think you should be chosen to attend the conference.

Expressions of Interest to attend the Regen Ag Conference
To learn more about the conference click here

Sub-Catchment in focus: Abba River

There are 14 waterways that flow across the Geographe catchment into Geographe Bay or via coastal wetlands and estuaries. 

In this edition, we are looking at the Abba River, located in the central Geographe catchment. The river discharges into the Vasse-Wonnerup Wetland system, a significant habitat for waterbirds.

Read more about the Abba River sub-catchment

Quick links to handy websites

uPtake fertiliser trials results summary
Rivercare - Fencing and Revegetation projects 
Nutrient best management practices for sheep, cattle and dairy in SW Australia
Nutrient Calculator for high rainfall pasturesin Western Australia
DPIRD's Weather Stations
           Windy website            

Upcoming Events and Programs

Register for the On-Farm Composting Workshop HERE

Catch up with GeoCatch

Come along and have a chat with GeoCatch staff to see what

funding opportunities are available to help you on your farm.

Busselton Ag, Barlee St

Friday, 2 June, 9.30am to 11am

Pendry's Rural Supplies, Strelly St

Thursday, 15 June, 9.30am to 11am

Learn more about the funding opportunities for your farm including information on the 2023/24 Geographe Soil Testing Program, GeoCatch Rivercare projects and Nutrient Planning. PLUS, go in the draw to win a $100 voucher to your favourite rural store.

Meet with the GeoCatch team

Multi-Species Cropping &

Pastures in Practice Workshop

Monday 31 July 2023

Time to be confirmed

This FREE presentation open to all Geographe farmers.

Learn more about the fundamentals of multi-species cropping and incorporating it into your farming practice. The workshop will be presented by UWA Academic and 2021 General Jeffery Soil Health Award Winner, Emerita Professor, Lynette Abbott and Grant Sims from Down Under Covers.

Register here for the Multi-Species Cropping Workshop HERE

Pasture Challange Walk

Thursday, 15 June

2pm to 3pm

This FREE event open to all Geographe farmers.

Join in on South West Catchment Council's Pasture Challenge, where four groups of farmers are going head to head to improve pasture and soil health on a Busselton paddock.

Register to attend and join a group to be in the running for free tissue tests and agronomic advice.

Register for the Pasture Challenge HERE

Quick Survey: What's important to you?

What burning questions do you have about sustainable agriculture in Geographe catchment? The survey will only take 2 minutes.

Click here to answer 3 easy questions about you!

Are you collecting containers? By taking your empty cans and bottles back for refund you'll helping increase recycling by our community. Be a part of the change!

And if you want to do even more for conservation, you can choose to donate your refund to GeoCatch (ID Code: C10577125). We'll put your donation to good use caring for our environment!

Want to work with us?

GeoCatch has been working with farmers for 25 years! If you'd like to increase farm productivity and profitability while supporting the environment then get in touch to chat. | 0491 069 078 |

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