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Bunuru 2023

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The latest sustainable farming news from GeoCatch

Dear Geo,

Welcome to our first Kicking the Dirt newsletter for 2023, featuring all the latest sustainable farming news, events and updates for the Geographe Bay Catchment.

The current season of Bunuru is promising to live up to predictions as the hottest time of the year with no rain. Traditionally it's hot easterly winds with a cooling sea breeze most afternoons, if you're close to the coast.

Bunuru is also a time of the white flowers with lots of white flowering gums in full bloom, including Jarrah, Marri and Ghost Gums.

With the start of a new year, its a busy time on the farm so let us know what you are up to on your property! Send us an email or photo - we'd love to see!

How healthy is the soil on your farm?

Its a question that most farmers would ask themselves... 'How do I ensure my soils are healthy?'

A group of GeoCatch farmers recently explored the world of soil biology at our Exploring Soil Health Workshop, with David Hardwick from Soil Land Food.

David is an agroecologist (studies ecological processes applied to agricultural production systems) and has over 20 years experience in rural landscapes, farming and food systems.

Participants learnt first-hand, how to do visual assessments of soils on their property, understanding the importance of soil biology, as well as how to manage the complexity of organisms that live under our feet. There was even a soil judging competition thrown in for good measure.

The management of soils play an important role in the health of our waterways, and through soil testing, farmers are able to make nutrient decisions based on what’s going on in their soil.

The Nutrient Best Management Practices for beef, sheep and grazing in south-west WA include many practices that were discussed at the workshop such as maintaining at least 70% ground cover year round and implementing an appropriate grazing rotation, which can aid in improving and maintaining a healthy soil.

If you missed this workshop, click on the link to watch David present 'A day in the life of a soil'.

Click here for David's video 'A day in the life of a soil'

This workshop was presented as part of Department of Water and Environmental Regulation's Soil Wise project.

Soil Wise is funded by the National Landcare Program Smart Farms Small Grants – an Australian Government initiative. It is supported by Healthy Estuaries WA – a State Government program.

Restoring the Ludlow across generations

There would be only a handful of families that could say they have been farming the same land for 123 years!

The Carter family from Tutunup have that claim to fame with ancestors, Timothy and Martha Carter taking up the lease of 3000 acres back in 1899.

The farm is still a family affair with Ross Carter, sharing his passion for the land with his grandsons, Jake and Carter.

Ross's passion for his property is evident with his commitment to caring for the Ludlow River which runs right through the block.

While the trend at the time was to clear the land, Ross’s ancestors saw the value in saving some vegetation for the well-being of their cattle.

“My great-grandparents left patches of trees in each paddock for shelter for cattle, and being very concerned with our environment, I’ve carried on from there. Seeing cattle walking down the riverbanks and wanting to encourage birdlife prompted me to do something about restoring the riverbank” says Ross.

The partnership between GeoCatch and the Carters goes back 16 years, to 2007 when the family began fencing and planting the banks of the Ludlow River.

Ross's daughter, Louise remembers, "Jake was only a small baby when we were first planting out the area and now he's here as a 17-year-old helping to restore the river, and will hopefully one day work on the farm".

Recently, the three generations were out working together to install stock proof-fencing funded through GeoCatch's Rivercare program, with the aim to prevent stock and nutrients from entering the waterway. This year the family will be replacing some older fences, as well as continuing to plant out parts of the riverbank. Jake has inherited his pop's love of the land, showing a huge interest in the native wildlife above and below the calm waters of the Ludlow.

The riparian vegetation planted 16 years ago is now habitat to a variety of birds, including Cockatoos such as the beautiful Red-Tailed Black, and the endangered Baudin’s and Carnaby’s Cockatoos.

Left photo: GeoCatch project officer, Claire Macleay, Ross Carter and Jake Bailey standing in front of the rehabilitated Ludlow River bank.

Right photo: The same stretch of Ludlow River in 2007, prior to Ross and GeoCatch's joint river restoration.

Top right photo: Ross Carter (middle) with grandsons Jake and Carter, continuing their restoration project on the Ludlow River.

GeoCatch is offering Geographe farmers assistance with stream restoration, including stock-proof fencing and revegetation on grazing properties.

Since 1997 more than 450km of Geographe waterways have been protected through stock exclusion fencing, weed control and revegetation.

If you have a waterway on your grazing property and you'd like to have a chat about how GeoCatch can help, get in touch.

This project is part of Healthy Estuaries WA and Revitalising Geographe Waterways, State Government initiatives that aim to support the long-term health of our south-west waterways.

Hats off to Geographe farmers

There's no better place to celebrate the amazing efforts of our farming community than on the shore of one of the jewels of our catchment - Geographe Bay!

In early December, GeoCatch farmers from across the catchment celebrated their achievements of 2022. They were joined by members of the uPtake fertiliser trial Technical Reference Group (TRG), including partners from Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) and Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD).

Minister for Agriculture and Food, Forestry and Small Business, Hon Jackie Jarvis welcomed and thanked everyone for their efforts in protecting the waterways in the catchment through projects like soil testing and stream restoration.

The evening was the perfect opportunity for farmers to catch up with each other after a busy year and celebrate everything that 2022 had brought their way, as well commemorating 25 years of GeoCatch working in the catchment!

Left photo: Felicity Bradshaw, Andrew and Helen Svalbe, Ross Bromell and Anna Macleay make light work of cutting GeoCatch's 25th birthday cake.

Right: Geographe farmers Robyn Robertson, Brodie Allen and Rob McFerran sharing their thoughts on how their involvement with GeoCatch has changed their farming practice.

GeoCatch's Board Chair, Felicity Bradshaw, also had the honour of unveiling the new Geographe Farmers Protecting Geographe Bay logo. The initiative recognises the tremendous efforts of Geographe farmers in working collaboratively to make a difference in our catchment - improving water quality, looking after the environment and supporting a thriving and sustainable agriculture industry.

It celebrates what farmers are doing on the ground every day, supporting one another, sharing ideas and working together to protect what's right on our doorstep, Geographe Bay!

Accu-Spread: Getting the most

out of your fertiliser

Did you know that the majority of fertiliser spreaders deliver highly variable spread patterns?

This compromises production rates and farm profitability as some areas within the paddock receive too much fertiliser and others too little. Understanding your spreader pattern using different products can result in higher productivity, saving you money as well as reducing excess nutrients entering our waterways.

The easiest way to combat this is to have your spreader tested annually to check for accuracy, eveness of spreading and set up.

GeoCatch are taking all the hard work out of this for you by organising an Accu-Spread Demonstration Day on Thursday 9 March 2023.

Australia’s leading Accu-Spread trainer, Russell Nichol will shares his knowledge and demonstrate how to test and calibrate spreader machinery.

Register now to attend the Accu-Spread Demonstration Day

To be one of the lucky ones to have your fertiliser spreader tested, contact GeoCatch on 0491 069 078. Don't miss out - places are limited!

Check out this video as Russell goes into a little detail about what you can expect from the Accu-Spread Demonstration Day.

Fertiliser Spreader Calibrating - AccuSpread Demonstration Days

This project is part of Healthy Estuaries WA and Revitalising Geographe Waterways, State Government initiatives that aim to support the long-term health of our south-west waterways. It is supported by Soil Wise. Soil Wise is funded by the National Landcare Program Smart Farms Small Grants – an Australian Government initiative.

Moovers and shakers of Geographe dairies

With two years of great conditions for growing grass and better milk prices, dairy farmers in the Geographe catchment are feeling optimistic for 2023. We spoke to two leading dairy farmers about what they are looking forward to this year, the actions they are taking to keep impacts on the environment to a minimum and what they count as their favourite part of dairy farming.

Grant Evans, Evans Dairy, Jindong

What are you excited about in 2023 on your farm?

Seeing the fruition of the last 6 years working towards providing a better workplace for ourselves and our staff. We are achieving this by building a new dairy to replace our well-loved 30 year old dairy, retaining our great staff and working along side them to build a great future as a team.

Action for the environment

We continuously measure and monitor our soil types and effluent distribution over our farm, to ensure the better sustainability of the environment. With the help of GeoCatch and Western Dairy, we are designing a system to reuse effluent on our yard wash so less water is used and less effluent is generated.

Favourite thing about dairy farming?

The flexibility of your lifestyle.

Garry Haddon, Yoongi Downs, Sabina River

What are you excited about in 2023 on your farm?

I’m going on study tours to the USA and Canada to look at breeding and feed systems.

Action for the environment

We soil test with GeoCatch each summer so we can match our fertiliser inputs to only to what the soil needs.

Favourite thing about dairy farming?

Nothing beats growing grass and watching cattle grow. 

The summer of soil (testing)!

It's been a huge season for soil testing this year, which goes from mid-November through til mid-January.

The team, which includes member from Department of Primary Industries & Regional Development (DPIRD), Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) and GeoCatch, along with a group of committed Geographe farmers have been out in the paddocks braving hot conditions and a blazing sun to soil test farms across the Geographe catchment.

Thirty-nine farmers participated in the program this year covering more than 6000 hectares of arable, grazing land. That's a huge achievement by any stretch of the imagination!

Nearly 50% of those participating farmers collected the samples themselves. There are real benefits to choosing the do-it-yourself (DIY) option rather than getting a contractor to take the samples. First and foremost, as the farmer you know your farm like the back of your hand. You know how you'd fertilise, how there is soil variation within a paddock, and small details like where your cattle like to congregate. It's this inside knowledge that allows you to plan the sampling to best represent how you plan to fertilise.

Now that sampling has finished and lab analysis is underway, the results will be processed by our technical team and presented at the Soil Testing Workshop on 22nd February. Farmers will hear from nutrient management experts on how best to approach fertilising this year, ensuring good production, reducing excess fertiliser application and saving nutrients from running into our waterways.

If you are interested to hear more about how you can get involved in the next round of soil testing, get in contact.

Above photos: GeoCatch's Michelle Hughes out in the paddocks using the drill and auger to collect the soil core samples, and Michelle Priest preparing the samples for lab analysis.

This project is part of Healthy Estuaries WA and Revitalising Geographe Waterways, State Government initiatives that aim to support the long-term health of our south-west waterways. It is supported by Soil Wise. Soil Wise is funded by the National Landcare Program Smart Farms Small Grants – an Australian Government initiative.

Expressions of interest open:

Join the 2023 Grazing Matcher Farmer Group

Farmer Rob McFerran on Grazing Matcher

Grazing Matcher, the group-learning program for beef and sheep farmers has been well received, with seven Geographe farming businesses taking part in 2022 to improve their grazing management and business performance as part of the Grazer Matcher program.

Geographe farmers that completed the 12-month program have been reporting great progress, taking what they've learnt into practice on their farms.

Participating farmers take turns hosting the group on their farm, where Jeisane Accioly, ALIS Consulting, and Dan Parnell, from Agsure Consulting help farmers match their grazing inputs to maximise outputs.

Rob McFerran got involved with Grazing Matcher because he was keen to increase production through better pasture management.

Farm input costs continue to rise and because we are price takers when we sell our livestock we have to continually search for new ways to become more efficient at what we do. The Grazing matcher course is tailor made to achieve this objective,” said Rob.


The Grazing Matcher project aims to improve productivity and profits for farmers and minimise impacts to the environment by supporting farmers to adopt best practice grazing management across their sheep and beef farms.

Are you interested in joining Grazing Matcher for 2023?

Grazing Matcher is funded through GeoCatch and Meat and Livestock Australia's Profitable Grazing Systems initiative and Western Beef Association Inc. 

Sub-Catchment in focus: Ludlow River

There are sixteen waterways that flow across the Geographe catchment into Geographe Bay or via coastal wetlands and estuaries. Most of Geographe waterways are ephemeral (only flow in winter months) except for the Capel River which flows all year round due to groundwater inflows. 

The waterways have important aquatic values, some providing habitat for threatened and priority species, and are of high value to both the local community and visitors to the area.

In this edition, we are looking at the Ludlow River sub-catchment, located in the central east of the Geographe catchment and is the only major waterway to discharge to the Wonnerup Esturary, an important habitat for waterbirds.

Surveys undertaken by Department of Water and Environmental Regulation have found a rich and valuable aquatic fauna, including several species of native fish and crayfish including Gilgie, Freshwater shrimp, Nightfish, Western minnow, Western pygmy perch and the Blue spot goby.

Read more about the Ludlow River sub-catchment

Quick links to handy websites

uPtake fertiliser trials results summary
Rivercare - Fencing and Revegetation projects 
Nutrient best management practices for sheep, cattle and dairy in SW Australia
Nutrient Calculator for high rainfall pasturesin Western Australia
DPIRD's Weather Stations
           Windy website            

Upcoming Events and Programs

Accu-Spread Demonstration Day

Thursday 9 March 2023

9 am - 12 noon

(Lunch and morning tea provided)

This FREE demonstration day is open to all Geographe farmers.

Join Australia’s leading AccuSpread trainer, Russell Nichol, as he shares his knowledge and demonstrates how to test and calibrate spreader machinery. We will be testing the spread patterns of up to 6 different machines with different types of fertiliser products.

Register here

2022-23 Geographe Soil Testing Results Workshop

Tuesday 22 February 2023

1pm - 5pm

(Afternoon tea provided)

This FREE workshop is aimed

at Geographe farmers

involved in Soil Testing

Join experts from Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) and local agronomists to learn how to interpret your soil test results and whole farm nutrient maps, hear advice regarding soil and plant nutrition, and soil acidity and liming.

Register here

Australian Rural

Leadership Forum's National Mentoring Program

Applications close 2 April 2023

The National Farmers’ Federation and Australian Rural Leadership Foundation are ready to connect more farmers, industry professionals and rural community members as mentees and mentors.

The National Mentoring Program is open to individuals from various backgrounds and experiences, including agriculture, forestry and fisheries. Both mentors and mentees and invited to join the program. 

Learn more here

Regenerating land through grazing livestock

Monday 13 March 2023

9 am - 4 pm

(Lunch and morning tea provided)

Karridale, $100 plus GST

Grazing livestock are the most powerful tool we have available to regenerate land. Planned grazing is an approach that allows you to build soil health optimise pasture health and production while accounting for these changing needs of livestock.

Presenter and Holistic Grazing expert Dr Judi Earl will describe the range of approaches to grazing management and the impact of the different strategies on pasture dynamics, growth and production.

Register here

50 years of soil health at the touch of a button

In November 2022, UWA Academic and 2021 General Jeffery Soil Health Award Winner, Emerita Professor Lynette Abbott, presented at the Landcare Check In about the recently released SOILHEALTH App and how farmers and landcarers can now access a wealth of soil health information at the touch of a button.

Emerita Professor Lynette Abbott describes how 50 years of research has been condensed into the SOILHEALTH app, providing essential information about complex aspects of soil health. She also outlines soil health research undertaken in conjunction with a National Landcare Smart Farms Grant, and one of her students, Cassie Howell describes findings of her recently completed honours project on soil amendments.

Click here to watch the SOILHEALTH App presentation

What do you want to learn more about?

What burning questions do you have about sustainable agriculture in Geographe catchment? Click on the link below to tell us what topics you're interested in.

Tell us what you want to hear more about

Want to work with us?

GeoCatch has been working with farmers for 25 years! If you'd like to increase farm productivity and profitability while supporting the environment then get in touch to chat.


Phone: 0491 069 078

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