Bunuru 2024

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The latest sustainable farming news from GeoCatch

Dear Geo,

It feels like its already been a long summer, but we still have more warm days ahead. Bunuru, known as second summer for the Wadandi people, is a season of abundance. Wattles and Banksias will soon start to flower, and the days feel exceptionally hot with little to no rain.

Its gearing up to be a big year for GeoCatch with lots of on-ground activities and events, and we'd love to see what projects you are undertaking - Email Us!

Geographe farmers celebrate 2023

It was one of those warm, balmy summer evenings for GeoCatch’s annual Farmer Sundowner at Lentedal Winery in late December last year.

The rural setting of Marybrook provided the perfect setting for farmers, industry, and government partners to gather and reflect on the collaborative efforts of 2023.

The evening, hosted by GeoCatch and supported by RegenWA, Lottery West and Perth NRM, gave farmers a chance to catch up with neighbours and friends from across the catchment and share their experiences. Agro-ecology and holistic land management expert, Mark Tupman from Productive Ecology, presented on the benefits of adopting regenerative agricultural practices on farms.

Read more about the event

This Regenerative Agriculture event is made possible thanks to RegenWA and funding from Lotterywest. RegenWA is powered by the Perth NRM Collective Impact Program with funding from Lotterywest, and Commonland.

Learning the art of creating healthy soil

South West farmers are looking to improve soil health, increase pest and disease resistance, reduce nutrients entering our waterways and enhance biodiversity.

The popularity of GeoCatch’s latest workshop, Optimising Pasture Nutrients for Growers, shows that Geographe farmers want to learn more about what can be achieved by building a more nutrient-rich soils environment.

Despite the warm conditions, Mark Tupman from Productive Ecology (right), brought the concepts of building soil health to an enthusiastic group of local farmers.

Read more about the event
Listen to Mark Tupman discuss 'Cost Effective DIY Farm Microbial Culture's with Lower Blackwood LCDC's Kate Tarrant 

This event is supported though funding from Soil Wise. Soil Wise is funded by the National Landcare Program Smart Farms Small Grants – an Australian Government initiative. It is supported by Healthy Estuaries WA – a State Government program.


Huge season for Geographe soil testing

It's been a record-breaking season for the Geographe Soil Testing Program this year!


Over the past couple of months the team from Department of Primary Industries & Regional Development (DPIRD) and GeoCatch, along with a group of committed Geographe farmers have been out in the paddocks braving hot conditions and a blazing sun to soil test farms across the Geographe catchment.


This year an unprecedented 58 farms participated in the program, equating to over 750 paddocks, cover more than 7000 hectares of arable, grazing land. That's a huge achievement by any stretch of the imagination!


Nearly 80% of those participating farmers collected the samples themselves. There are real benefits to choosing the do-it-yourself (DIY) option rather than getting a contractor to take the samples.


Results from the soil sampling will presented at the Soil Testing Results Workshop on 21st and 22nd February. Farmers will hear from nutrient management experts on how best to approach fertilising this year based on their results, ensuring good production, reducing excess fertiliser application and saving nutrients from running into our waterways.


If you are interested to hear more about how you can get involved in the next round of soil testing or attending the Soil Test Results workshop, get in contact.

Learn more about the Geographe Soil Testing Program

This is a part of the State Government's Healthy Estuaries WA and Revitalising Geographe Waterways programs, and Soil Wise. Soil Wise is funded by the National Landcare Program Smart Farms Small Grants Initiative - an Australian Government program.

Grow more grass and healthier livestock?


The 2024 Grazing Matcher Program expressions of interest are now open!

The program brings together livestock producers to work with farming technical experts to improve productivity by improving grazing, fodder and feed decision-making.

Geographe farmers that completed the 12-month program have been reporting great progress, taking what they've learnt into practice on their farms.


Rob McFerran got involved with Grazing Matcher because he was keen to increase production through better pasture management.


“Farm input costs continue to rise and because we are price takers when we sell our livestock we have to continually search for new ways to become more efficient at what we do. The Grazing Matcher course is tailor-made to achieve this objective,” said Rob.

How does it work?

  • 8 farm enterprises (with up to 2 people per farm);
  • 8 grower meetings held over 12-months;
  • Meetings rotated at participants farms;
  • Facilitated by techical experts, Jeisane Accioly (ALIS Consulting) and Dan Parnell (Agsure Consulting) with invited speakers;
  • Peer networking and professional advice to support your business both at, and between meetings;
  • Scheduled between April 2024 and January 2025.


What does it cost?

$650 per business

(Valued at over $3700 and subsidised through GeoCatch and funding partners)

Who is it for?

All beef, sheep and dairy farmers located in the Geographe catchment.

Find out more about the 2024 Grazing Matcher Program

This project is jointly funded through GeoCatch, Meat and Livestock Australia's Profitable Grazing Systems initiative and Western Beef Association Inc.

Upcoming Events and Programs

Wednesday 14 February 2024

9.30am - 2.00pm

Hilton Garden Inn, Bussenton

FREE - RSVP essential

Looking for something to do on Valentine's Day? Don't go past the final wrap up of the Pasture Challenge, showcasing the results from a year of trials!

REGISTER for Pasture Challenge Final Results Event
Find out more about the Pasture Challenge

This event is supported though funding from Soil Wise. Soil Wise is funded by the National Landcare Program Smart Farms Small Grants – an Australian Government initiative. It is supported by Healthy Estuaries WA – a State Government program.

'Re-boot my Soil' Online Program

Soils are one of your farm business' most important assets. The Soil Wise program is offering a free online course delivered by Soil Land Food to provide professional support to help you on your soil health journey.

Through the 'Reboot my Soil' online program participants will:

  • Learn about how soil systems function using a 21st century approach
  • Share with like-minded farmers and graziers who are improving their soil management
  • Learn the core soil skills of reading soil tests, assessing soils and benchmarking
  • Explore practical soil solutions for your enterprise
  • Develop a Soil Action Plan for a paddock.

The course consists of six online sessions on Zoom (90 minutes each), run once a week over 6 weeks (see dates in the table below). Participants are expected to commit to attend all six sessions of the program.

All farm businesses are welcome to express their interest in the course. Places are strictly limited to 10 farm businesses per group. This is so participants have time to ask questions, share and learn with other participants and look at different soils. 

This program is FREE for participants, with a value of $3,600.

REGISTER your interest in the 'Reboot my Soil' Online Program
Download the 'Re-boot my Soil' Flyer

This is made possible with funding from Soil Wise, through the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation. Soil Wise is funded by the National Landcare Program Smart Farms Small Grants - an Australian Government initiative. It is supported by Healthy Estuaries WA - a State Government program. 

Accu-Spread Field Day

Tuesday 19 March 2024

9.00 am - 1.00pm

Marybrook - Address to be provided upon registration

FREE - RSVP essential

**Bring your spreader along to be tested - Limited Places available

Do you want to learn how efficiently your fertiliser spreading equipment is operating and gain a better understanding of ways to improve their accuracy. 


Understanding your spreader pattern using different products can result in higher productivity, saving you money as well as reducing excess nutrients entering our waterways.

Join Australia’s leading Accu-Spread trainer, Russell Nichol where he will share his knowledge and demonstrate how to test and calibrate spreader machinery.

Local farmer and previous Accu-Spread participant, Brodie Allen, who runs a beef property in Boallia, said he was really impressed with the Accu-Spread field day with the most important thing he learned being the ideal width that his spreader throws.

“I’d prefer to use accurate test results rather than following existing wheel ruts” said Brodie. “We have been soil testing, tissue testing and receiving agronomic advice through GeoCatch’s soil testing program, so checking that our spreader is doing what it is meant to do is another way to make sure we are being as efficient with our fertiliser as possible”.

Register for 'Accu-Spread' Field Day

Carbon Farming Workshop

Wednesday 27 March 2024

9.00 am - 1.00pm

Marybrook - Address to be provided upon registration

FREE - RSVP essential

This workshop will help landholders learn more about carbon farming, and how DPIRD’s Carbon Farming and Land Restoration Program can help start your own project!

The workshop is being presented by DPIRD and hosted by South West NRM.

Find out more and register for the Carbon Farming Workshop

Sub-Catchment in focus: Toby Inlet

There are 14 waterways that flow across the Geographe catchment into Geographe Bay or via coastal wetlands and estuaries. 

In this edition, we are looking at the Toby Inlet, in the western part of the catchment.

Learn more about Toby Inlet

Quick links to handy websites

uPtake fertiliser trials results summary
Rivercare - Fencing and Revegetation projects 
Nutrient best management practices for sheep, cattle and dairy in SW Australia
Nutrient Calculator for high rainfall pastures in Western Australia
DPIRD's Weather Stations
           Windy website            

We want to hear from you!

How can we support you? What burning questions do you have about sustainable agriculture in Geographe catchment? The survey will only take 2 minutes.

Tell us what you'd like to hear more about!

Are you collecting containers? By taking your empty cans and bottles back for refund you'll helping increase recycling by our community. Be a part of the change!

And if you want to do even more for conservation, you can choose to donate your refund to GeoCatch (ID Code: C10577125). We'll put your donation to good use caring for our environment!

To be featured in this newsletter, please send content or ideas to geocatch@dwer.wa.gov.au. Access daily news, events and opportunities through GeoCatch Facebook and Instagram.

Want to work with us?

GeoCatch has been working with farmers for 25 years! If you'd like to increase farm productivity and profitability while supporting the environment then get in touch.

geocatch@dwer.wa.gov.au | 0491 069 078 | www.geocatch.asn.au

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