It's been a record-breaking season for the Geographe Soil Testing Program this year!
Over the past couple of months the team from Department of Primary Industries & Regional Development (DPIRD) and GeoCatch, along with a group of committed Geographe farmers have been out in the paddocks braving hot conditions and a blazing sun to soil test farms across the Geographe catchment.
This year an unprecedented 58 farms participated in the program, equating to over 750 paddocks, cover more than 7000 hectares of arable, grazing land. That's a huge achievement by any stretch of the imagination!
Nearly 80% of those participating farmers collected the samples themselves. There are real benefits to choosing the do-it-yourself (DIY) option rather than getting a contractor to take the samples.
Results from the soil sampling will presented at the Soil Testing Results Workshop on 21st and 22nd February. Farmers will hear from nutrient management experts on how best to approach fertilising this year based on their results, ensuring good production, reducing excess fertiliser application and saving nutrients from running into our waterways.
If you are interested to hear more about how you can get involved in the next round of soil testing or attending the Soil Test Results workshop, get in contact.