NetSpeed Learning Solutions January 2020
Kicking the New Year
Off Right
Happy New Year! It's time to ponder our achievements and challenges and consider where we want to focus in 2020. I'm participating in a meditation retreat this week to allow myself to relax, recharge, and renew my commitment to NetSpeed Learning Solutions' success. I know I will leave the retreat with creative ideas and fresh insights. That's the power of the New Year!
Let me tell you right off the bat that I'm not a big fan of New Year's resolutions. I think many people (myself included) tend to choose unrealistic goals that motivate us for a few weeks but fall by the wayside as the year progresses. But I'm a real believer in Positive Intentions and Tiny Adjustments.
Many of the goals we strive for in our business lives cascade from the top down. If we're lucky, we may participate in the process of implementing that larger goal, thinking of how our tasks and targets can help the organization achieve its goals. That can feel rather humdrum at times. The research demonstrates that the more influence you have over a goal, the more motivated you'll feel to achieve it. Yet, it's not always possible to choose our goals when we work inside organizations.
What you do have control over are your intentions and actions. A Positive Intention describes how you want to feel - the quality of the journey - as you move toward a goal or target. A Tiny Adjustment (action) is a small change that takes you in the direction of a larger target.
Let me share a personal example of how Positive Intentions and Tiny Adjustments can change your experience. This past June, I learned that I had a serious health condition requiring immediate lifestyle changes to reduce my stress, in the same week that I realized that I needed to move my 92-year old father out of his condo into assisted living after he had a bad fall. Faced with these two competing goals and a sense of overwhelm, I realized that my self-talk was hampering me.
Instead of declaring to myself, "This is impossible! It's too much to handle at the same time," I decided that my Positive Intention for this journey would be "It's easy!" The tiny adjustments I made at every step from finding the best community for my father to getting him downsized, packed, and moved were based on asking questions, such as "How do I make this easy?" or "What's the simplest next step to take?" I applied the same Positive Intention to my own health. My tiny adjustments included minor changes to my diet, a change in medication, accepting some clear physical restrictions, and a renewed commitment to regular exercise.
The rest of the story: In September, my father passed away peacefully in a beautiful community with a sweet view of trees and flowers outside his patio window. In December, at the next follow-up visit with my doctor, I learned that the simple adjustments I made had resulted in vastly improved health test results. Sweet!
So, yes, set those goals and targets. But then think about how you want to feel on the journey to achieving them. And, instead of adopting pie-in-the-sky resolutions, focus on tiny adjustments that you can make and maintain all year.
While you are preparing for 2020, think about how to make the virtual workplace a productive, pleasurable, positive place to work. Join us for our next complimentary webinar, Rocking the Digital Workplace: Leading High Impact Virtual Teams, on Wednesday, January 29, 1:00 on ET/10:00 am PT.
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Cynthia Clay
Tiny Adjustments 
in Virtual Training
Taking the theme of Positive Intentions and Tiny Adjustments into Trainer Tips, let's consider how we can make the virtual training space more compelling and engaging in 2020. Our Positive Intention might be "I Create Personal, Connected Learning Experiences Online." I might put that intention on a post-it note on my monitor or laptop. I plan to affirm that intention every time I log in to lead a web training session.
As you consider Tiny Adjustments to level up your virtual learning sessions, here are a few possibilities to consider:
Web Camera
If you're not already employing a web camera when delivering a virtual training session, it's time to play! Devote 30 minutes to setting up your camera, adjusting your lighting so you are not in shadow, cleaning up your background, and positioning your head and shoulders in the camera frame. Set your camera at eye level or slightly above. Then record yourself speaking directly into the camera lens. Watch the recordings to make small adjustments to your delivery and appearance. For example, you might sit at the edge of your chair instead of leaning back. Or you might add a little color to your cheeks and lips to brighten your appearance.
Personal Connections
If you can, take 20 minutes to view a recording of a virtual training session you led in 2019 considering your Positive Intention to create more personal, connected learning experiences.
Ask yourself these reflection questions:
  • Do I call on people by name and use their names when reviewing their comments?
  • Do I validate people's contributions?
  • Do I build on their ideas and observations?
  • Do I make "eye contact" by looking directly into the camera lens when speaking and listening?
  • Do I include opportunities for people to collaborate?
  • Do I welcome questions and respond to them in the moment?
  • Do I allow people to share outside resources from their experiences?
  • Do my virtual training sessions feel like collaborative, classroom experiences?
 A s you consider these questions, note tiny adjustments that you can make in your delivery style that will increase the sense of warmth and personal connection.
Cynthia Clay's Upcoming 
Speaking Event
If you are planning to attend an upcoming conference, Cynthia Clay would love to meet  you there.
ATD Tech Knowledge

February 5th, 1:00 - 2:00 pm
San Jose, California
Upcoming NetSpeed Learning Events
In Case You
Missed It ...


One Final Thought:

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