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Saturdays at 5pm | Sundays at 9am & 11am

The big game might be this Sunday, but there’s plenty happening before kickoff! 🏈 Whether you're looking for a moment of prayer, meaningful group discussions, or just a warm cup of coffee with great company, we've got something for you this week.

Photo of a man facing a woman. Man is holding two white candles, crossed, and tied with a red ribbon. The candles are being held near the woman's throat, as he gives a blessing.

Blessing of Throats — Monday, February 3

Today, we celebrate the Feast Day of St. Blaise, bishop and martyr. St. Blaise is remembered for saving a child from choking on a fishbone, an act that inspired the tradition of blessing throats. Join us at the conclusion of tonight’s 6:30 p.m. Mass for a blessing of throats. While this blessing traditionally focuses on throat ailments, it is also a prayer for healing and protection from all illnesses. St. Blaise, pray for us!

Photo of book titled "A Biblical Walk Through the Mass" with an image of Christ

A Biblical Walk Through the Mass — Monday, February 3 and Tuesday, February 4

Discover the beauty, the riches, and the profound meaning of the Mass! In our latest Bible study, "A Biblical Walk Through the Mass", we’ll explore the roots of the words and gestures we experience at Mass and explains their significance. There are two discussion groups to choose from — Mondays starting February 3 from 7:00-8:15 p.m. or Tuesdays starting February 4 from 9:15-10:30 a.m. Books will be provided. There is no cost.

Pizza, Praise and Adoration — Wednesday, February 5

Spend time with our Lord during an inclusive time of Eucharistic Adoration on Wednesday, February 5, at 6:00 p.m. Prayer, music, and God's Word creative a welcoming experience for all. Before Adoration, there will be a free pizza dinner in Cullen Hall (5:00 p.m.) hosted by the Friends of Jesus. If you plan to attend, stop by the Parish Office so we can have an accurate headcount.

First Friday Cafe — Friday, February 7

Enjoy coffee, tea, and pastries with the Friends of Jesus this Friday after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. We can't wait to see everyone! ☕

📅 Mark Your Calendar

February 18 — 50+ Club February Meeting (RSVP now in the Parish Office)

February 19 — American Red Cross Blood Drive (register here with code StLads)

February 21 — An Evening with Claire Kaufman from Inner Bliss Yoga Studio (sign up in the Parish Office)

February 23 — End of Life: A Catholic Perspective & Practical Considerations

March 1 — Pasta Dinner hosted by the Social Committee (tickets go on sale 2/10)

March 14, March 28, April 11 — Knights of Columbus Fish Frys

March 14 — Living Stations of the Cross Performed by Students of Elyria Catholic High School

March 30-April 1 — Parish Mission with Bishop Michael Woost

June 16-20 — Ecumenical Vacation Bible School

Find details on these events plus upcoming ministry meetings in the bulletin and on our parish calendar.

St. Ladislas is a welcoming Roman Catholic community that deepens our personal relationship with Jesus Christ by worshipping together, reaching out to others and building up the Kingdom of God as intentional disciples.

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