Kids' Ministries at Our Saviour's will start on Sunday, September 15th and we need caring adults to help in the fun and journey! Check out the information below on each group and prayerfully consider where you may be able to find your fit.
It is my goal to have 2 caring adults (16 years old through adults) and 2 junior guides (6th grade -15 years old) per group so that each adult is committing to approximately 12-14 mornings for the entire school year. That is only1-2 Sunday mornings per month. Check out the videos and each program below to learn more!
If you are interested in helping or would like more information, please contact Leisha, Director of CYF Ministries, at and plan to attend a one-hour orientation/informational meeting on Wednesday, September 4th form 5-6pm. If you are unable to attend September 4th, we will schedule another time to go over materials and training.
Without caring adults, our Kids' Ministries are not possible.
In Grace,
Leisha Tays, Director of CYF (Children, Youth & Family) Ministries