The MOST commonly asked questions from applicants about a KIDS season..

As you prepare for auditions coming up in February, we are sure you have many questions about the Kids From Wisconsin experience.  
We hope that the following, most commonly asked questions will help you to understand more about the experience, if chosen to be a Kid in 2019.

If you have questions that have not been answered here, please don't hesitate to pick up the phone.  Talk with our Executive Director, Tina Weiss at 414-266-7067
We can also put you in touch with a former kid
Our kids are the best resource to answer questions about their experience. 
Why is it called Kids?  I don't want to be considered a kid ...I am an adult and over 18

The Kids From Wisconsin have been an iconic performance troupe for 50 years, performing across the Midwest.  In 1969 when the program was formed, Kids was a common word for young adults as well. 

Keeping the name "Kids From Wisconsin" is important to the thousands of loyal fans over the years. The Kids program has been very successful in providing great family entertainment on top of training youth to become professionals. The organization would be hard pressed after 50 years to change a name that has made so many proud.

It would be odd to call the them Young Adults From Wisconsin.

Being a Kid From Wisconsin is an honor bestowed only upon the finest young musicians across the state.  To be a Kid is a coveted and honored position.

The troupe typically consists of 50% high school age, 15-18 and 50% college age, 19-20.
I know that applause is the best reward of all, but do I get paid for this gig?

Applause is certainly something you will appreciate and look forward to over a summer with the Kids.  But one can't live on applause alone and we get that.

Principals receive a $150 per-diem each week of the tour season. This is a direct deposit to your personal checking account and not taxable.  Plus you receive a weekly cash amount from retail (typically about $40+/week). 

We house you all summer and help to acquire meals at each performance location. Per-diem is to help cover your personal expenditures on tour, including if by a rare chance, a meal is not provided. A simple breakfast is provided each morning on tour, lunches are sometimes on own and dinners typically provided at the performance location.  

The organization invests $13,400 in each troupe member . That's right, it costs more than a year's worth of state college tuition to give a student this truly unique, one-of-a-kind experience for a Summer. This includes paying each, nearly $2,000 in per-diem.

An experience of this caliber is priceless and considered highly educational. Listing a Kids from Wisconsin experience on a resume or college application is something that will make you stand out from others.  Many former Kids have also received college credit for their time as a KID.   
Check with your advisers. 

I hear Kids only stay at 5 star hotels, is that true?


Some may consider a few bunks, two sinks in the bathroom and air conditioning a 5 star facility. Your home for the summer is at Wisconsin Lutheran College. On performance dates where the troupe travels far enough from the the Milwaukee area for a show, overnight accommodations are made in that location.  The troupe then travels back the next morning, or on to their next performance.  

I am hoping to maintain my regular employment all summer.  Is this possible? 


We know many of you are awesome achievers, however, performing with the Kids along with other employment would not be possible.  The performance troupe start their training in early June and learn an entire 2 hour production.  After that, the they tour most of the summer until the third week of August.  There are some scheduled off days each week.  Kids can make appointments, rest, recreate, or do what they wish on those particular days.   


It is a very busy summer packed with great performance venues, thousands of adoring fans and outreach workshops that are provided by the troupe.   

I know I am going to enjoy hanging out with my NEW "Kid" friends, but what if I want to get away from it all for a little bit? 

Our Kids are notorious for knowing how to have a great time.  Kids are allowed to leave the dorms during free time and days off.  Typically hanging out together is their first choice.   

Going to the beach for some summer fun, mini golf, a movie night, or other various outings are some of the activities Kids enjoy on off days.  


Many times an area Kid will invite other troupe members, who live much further away,  for an opportunity to hang out at their home on days off.  They then eat a home cooked meal, do laundry and get to know another Kids  family.


When not at the dorms (parent permission if under 18), you are responsible for your behavior and no longer under the jurisdiction of staff. You were chosen to be a Kid for your incredible talent, maturity and recommendation from others as someone able to handle responsibility of performing and touring . Like your parents, we take this seriously and we know you will as well.  

I know this is hard to believe, but what if I miss my family and want to go home to visit?

We feel it is very important for you to reconnect with your family and other friends during the summer. 

These are the facts:

  1. There are only two periods where you are not allowed to go home: Training camp and during the Wisconsin State Fair.
  2. If a Kid chooses to go home after a performance, advance arrangements need to be made with the tour staff. (If you are under 18, a parent will need to be contacted.)
  3. When we are traveling and overnight in another city besides Milwaukee, there is a time frame that must be adhered to in order to sign out of the overnight accommodations that are being provided to us by others. 
  4. If you are chosen as a Kid, you are now a professional performer. With that, comes the responsibility for making sure to arrive by load time for the next performance, or make arrangements to meet the bus at the performance site.  Communication with staff is vital to having time with friends and family.

I am on a tight budget, saving up for college tuition.  Are there any other costs involved with my summer of Kids?

We get it...really we do.  Your costs involved in taking part in a summer are minimal, if you make good choices. 

  • There is a small camp fee of $250 for principals and understudies.
  • A deposit for tour wardrobe of $25 
    • (returned when all items are returned)
  • Most of your tour wardrobe is provided.
  • Costumes are provided.
  • Girls will have to purchase their tights and shoes.
  • Guy singer/dancers will need to purchase their dance shoes. 

I am hungry all the time, who will feed me?

"Feed me Seymour"...  All your meals are provided at training camp.  Most meals are provided on tour.  Your dorm rooms are equipped with a refrigerator and microwave. You will be working hard and we encourage you to stay nourished and make good food choices.  Bring some of your favorite snacks.


There are many restaurants and a grocery store within walking distance of Wisconsin Lutheran College. When on tour and if meal is not provided, the buses will try to stop at locations that give you choices.

What do I do with my really stinky clothes and costumes?

We are so happy you are thinking about this and it will be appreciated by your roommates. There is a large laundry facility available for your use at the dorms. Some parents arrange visits to the dorms and take dirty clothes in exchange for clean.  


Costumes are provided with special care instructions.  Fabreeze will become a staple in your garment bag.  You are responsible for a clean and pressed look on stage, and clean tour wardrobe all summer. 

What is the time commitment?

If you are talented enough to be chosen as a Principal, or Understudy, your first day will be May 17th to the 19th for a weekend of bonding and running through the music. 

Kids rehearsal camp begins June 1st. More will follow once you are accepted as a Principal or Understudy. The last day of the summer tour is August 17th.

If your regular school session ends after the first day of camp, we ask you do all possible to take exams early and be excused.  Most schools understand the importance of the Kids From Wisconsin educational experience to a performer and will try to accommodate the rigorous schedule.  You must be at camp and will only be excused if an exam couldn't be negotiated.  One day of a rehearsal is comparable to a week of rehearsals in most other groups. 

Can I attend my high school graduation?
Of course, but arrangements must be made for your immediate return to rehearsals.  Graduation parties etc. should be scheduled before camp begins or on a day that no performances are scheduled. All absences must be approved by the Producer.

Hmmm.. if that is what you are thinking, we suggest you don't audition.  A summer with the Kids From Wisconsin is about providing you opportunity to become that professional you envision yourself to be one day.  You give up nothing if you are gaining a lifelong professional experience at your age. 

The connections you make with other like minded performers will be partnerships that connect you with even more opportunity down the road of your successes. 

The Kids From Wisconsin have a reputation of excellence across the country and has provided a first step to a professional career for many performers, educators, composers, choreographers and much more.

We wish you the best audition and lifelong success!
A KID is now on Broadway!
A Kid is now on Broadway!

From KID to the Philadelphia Orchestra..
From Kid to the Philadelphia Orchestra..

Testimonial of a KID
Testimonial of a Kid playing with Harry Connick, Jr.
Broadway Performer is a KID Alumn
Broadway Performer is a Kid Alumnus

KIDS Audition Value
Kids Audition Value

Alumni Testimonial
Alumni Testimonial

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Kids From Wisconsin Office
640 S 84th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53214


The Kids From Wisconsin's Presenting Sponsor