St. Mark's

Episcopal Church

St. Marks lion

The Lion is on the move!!!

Visit here: The Lectionary Page for Upcoming Weekly Readings

Sunday Morning Worship

Sunday School 9:45

Holy Eucharist 10:00

Additonal Activities:

EYC: Wednesdays at 6:00

Bible Study: Wednesdays at 10:00

Bag of Groceries: Thursdays from 10:00 - 1:00

Community Breakfast: Fridays 7:30 - 9:00

Our service will be led this Sunday by

the Rev. Can. Kellaura Johnson

Vestry meeting to follow the service

2024 St. Mark's Vestry

Tim Frawley: Sr. Warden (979) 429-0841

Robert Butler: Jr. Warden

Don Ahysen

Bill Cornman

Jesse Deshotels

Bruce Grover

Ed Larsen

Poth Leissner

Lisa Morales

Hunter Powell

Terri Rafter

Nathan Russell


  • Oct. 2nd: Weekly Bible study resumes with the book of Romans at 10:00.
  • Oct. 6th: Our service will be led by the Rev. Canon Kellaura Johnson
  • Oct. 8th: DOK at 6:00
  • Oct. 8th: SWAG Meeting at 6:30
  • Oct. 9th: Weekly Bible study with the book of Romans at 10:00.
  • Oct. 13th: Our service will be led by the Rev. Jim Hamilton.
  • Oct. 13th: CRASE training after service
  • Oct. 15th: Vestry at 6:30
  • Oct. 16th: Weekly Bible study with the book of Romans at 10:00.
  • Oct. 20th: Our service will be led by the Rev. Bob Flick.
  • Oct. 23rd: Weekly Bible study with the book of Romans at 10:00.
  • Oct. 27th: Our service will be led by the Rev. Jim Nelson.
  • Oct. 27th: Kids Lead; Blessing of Animals
  • Oct. 27th: Trunk or Treat from 4-6. Signup sheets and details to follow
  • Oct. 30th: Weekly Bible study with the book of Romans at 10:00.
  • Nov. 3rd: All Saints Sunday
  • MANY DATES OPEN FOR FELLOWSHIP HOST----see signup sheet in Parish Hall
  • COME EARLY, STAY LATE: Pre-Worship fellowship & adult education beginning at 9:30 in the Parish Hall every Sunday.
  • Look for the “suggestion/criticism/compliment cards in the pews. They can be put in the box at the back of the Church.

Serving this Sunday

Oct. 6th, 2024

20th Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday School: Tyler L, Lauren K, Lindy H, Terri R/Ryleigh

Ushers: Keith & Jennie Meyer

Acolytes: Cameron & Andrew Townsend, Logan Meyer

LEM: Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12: DeDe Powell

Lector: Job 1:1, 2:1-10: Ed Larsen (Psalm will be a gradual Hymn)

Prayers of the People:  Nancy Kubecka

Altar Guild: Martha Johnson/Helen McAda

Vestry: Poth Leissner

Fellowship: OPEN

Altar Flowers: Ed & Carolyn Larsen

Heart & Hands: Kim Marceaux

Parish Search Committee

  • Linda Allison
  • Carol Butler
  • Patricia Frawley
  • Watt Hinson
  • Poth Leissner
  • Lisa Morales
  • DeDe Powell
  • Debra Shield
  • Jonathan Sneed
  • Kathy Westmoreland

Parish Profile Committee

  • Lynette Cooper
  • Tyler Leissner
  • Terri Rafter
  • Ron Warnock

Kids Lead

October 27th

Blessing of the Animals

Ushers: OPEN

Oblation Bearers: Jacob Bates and Carson Cooper

Acolytes: Addison & Clara Dodd, Hayes Heard

LEM: Cameron Townsend

Lector OT: Job 42:1-6, 10-17: OPEN

Lector Psalm: Psalm 34:1-8, 19-22: Ryleigh Siptak

Lector NT: Hebrews 7:23-28: Andrew Townsend

Prayers of the People:  OPEN

Altar Guild: Patricia Frawley/Lisa Stuhler

Vestry: Terri Rafter

Fellowship: Trunk or Treat 4-6

Altar Flowers: Tim & Patricia Frawley

Heart & Hands: Kim Marceaux



Grades K-8

BE THERE!!!!!!!

Interested in Becoming a Lay Leader

If you are interested in helping out by becoming Lector, Prayers of the People reader, Usher/Greeter-----just call or email Martha at the Church office and let us know. Then, Jack will contact you about training.

Also, if you think you are on the list and haven't been scheduled, please let Martha know.

praying hands

Our Current Pastoral Prayer List

Charlie Allison, Maggie Bradshaw, Avery Coney, Aaron Erwin, Mike Finster, Dave Fortuna, L. C. Green, Millie Guzman, Devin Jackson, Jex Family , Jordan & Dawson Lewis, Roger Morgan, the Quintana family, Tim Ridgeway, Cadell Robertson, Ryan Savage, Matt Shay, Bill Stuhler, and Nicole

Please help us keep our prayer list current.

If you added someone to the "Prayers of the People" during our worship service please follow up with a phone call to the office and we will add them to next Sunday's prayer list. Also, let us know how the person you requested prayer for is doing.

Call the office to add or take someone off the list. 979-245-2557 or or

You've heard of "Fractured Fairy Tales"!!! Well here is a parishioner's version called:

"Skewed Scriptures"

"As a man or woman think in their hearts, so he or she "is." What is your heart thinking about?."

Proverbs 23:7

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Saint Mark's Episcopal Church

2200 Avenue E

Bay City, TX 77414

(979) 245-2557

Message Our Office