Good evening, San Gabriel

This Thursday, join us for a free kids concert featuring Kiddle Karoo followed by a showing of "The Emoji Movie" beginning at 6:30 p.m. at Vincent Lugo Park. Our Parks After Dark activities also continue this week, with Wild Animal Adventures and bubble art beginning at 6:00 p.m. at Vincent Lugo Park!

Also, please be advised that construction will be occurring along San Gabriel Boulevard later this week. Caltrans will be closing the I-10 San Gabriel Boulevard onramps and offramps, while the ACE Project will be performing work along San Gabriel Boulevard from Agostino Road to Mission Road.

Now, here's what's making news for the week of July 18, 2018:
(A look at the scope of the 2018-19 Minor Street Resurfacing Project)
City Council approves agreement for
street design and support
In a unanimous vote, the City Council voted to approve an agreement with RKA Consulting Group to provide engineering support for three street improvement projects in the community.

You may read more about this - and other items - in our City Council wrap-up.
Enjoy a show for kids at Vincent Lugo Park this Thursday
Join us this Thursday with a special evening saved just for kids. Enjoy a playful performance by Kiddle Karoo followed by a screening of "The Emoji Movie." In addition, we'll have community booths and games that you won't want to miss. The fun starts at 6:00 p.m. at Vincent Lugo Park.

Additional events take place on Thursdays through August 23. More information can be found at the link below.
Purchase a pink patch to support breast cancer research
Designed to raise awareness about breast cancer, the Pink Patch Project is a campaign created to support breast cancer research.

To support the program, the San Gabriel Police Department will be selling Pink Patches, shirts and challenge coins to the public. Click the link below to learn how you can purchase your Pink Patch Project item!
Construction on San Gabriel Boulevard later this week
This week, both Caltrans and the ACE Project will be performing work on San Gabriel Boulevard.

From today until July 23, ACE will be performing street rehabilitation on San Gabriel Boulevard from Agostino Road to Mission Road. Northbound and southbound traffic lanes on San Gabriel Boulevard will be intermittently closed, though one lane of traffic will remain open at all times.

In addition, Caltrans will be performing work on the San Gabriel Boulevard I-10 HOV lane beginning on July 19. From July 20 to July 23, the San Gabriel Boulevard I-10 onramps, offramps and streets beneath the overpass will be closed.
San Gabriel pickleball players win gold at tournament
Since the City started its pickleball program in 2016, two San Gabriel residents have won gold at a senior tournament. Congratulations to Ixchel Amor and Lipen Chang on their win at the Pasadena Senior Pickleball Tournament at Scholl Canyon Golf & Tennis Park located in Glendale!
¡Mariachi Internacional! this Saturday at the Playhouse
This Saturday at 7:30 p.m., come to the Playhouse to watch the fifth annual Mariachi Women's Festival, ¡Mariachi Internacional!

The concert will feature London's Mariachi Las Adelitas UK, Vancouver's Mariachi Las Estrellas, Mariachi Singer Junko Seki, two-time Grammy award winning headliners Mariachi Divas de Cindy Shea and Denver's Mariachi Femenil Alma del Folklor.
South Coast AQMD launches CLEANair rebate program
The South Coast Air Quality Management District has launched the CLEANair furnace rebate program, allowing participants to purchase a qualified furnace with a rebate of up to $500.

Click on the link below to learn more.
Upcoming meetings
  • City Council: August 7 at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall in Council Chambers (Canceled)
  • City Council: August 21 at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall in Council Chambers
Upcoming events

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CityBeat is a weekly digital newsletter produced by the City of San Gabriel. For questions or concerns, please email Jonathan Fu at or via phone at 626.308.2800 at extension 4624.

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