This email is better with pictures! Be sure to enable pictures to see the smiling faces of fellow Kin across the country!
Kin Canada Service Highlights from Our National Service Director
Distribution: All active members, all club email addresses, District Executive, National Board of Directors, and Kin Canada Staff

A Message from National Service Director Sheila Laverty
This past weekend was a celebration of Kin KINdness from coast to coast! The countless KINdness Day projects were wonderful to see on Facebook. Free events of swimming, skating, bowling and movies. Treats of spa days, hot chocolate, coffee cards, donuts, cookies and gift cards at grocery stores.

Thank you to all clubs and members who participated - Kin Canada really stepped up to share Kin KINdness in creative ways this year!

Congratulations to all Kin Canada volunteers, performers and everyone else involved with TeleMiracle 48. Over $6.1 million was raised through donations and the fabulous work of Kin Canada clubs across Saskatchewan in support of the TeleMiracle Foundation.

A huge shout-out as well to the clubs involved with the Coldest Night of the Year (CNOY). Some members bundled up to walk while others supported their local event by serving hot chocolate or chili, and some clubs also donated to support those in need of a warm meal and shelter. Because of people like you, over $13 million was raised for local organizations that help Canadians experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness.

It sure was an impactful weekend for our Association in so many ways! I hope you enjoy the recap of photos below as much as I do!

"How can we change the world? One random act of kindness at at time." (Morgan Freeman)
Yours in Kin,

Sheila Laverty
National Service Director
Kin Canada
Kin in Action: Kin KINdness Day Highlights

We couldn't possibly fit all the smiles and warmed hearts into one newsletter, but below are some of the many KINdness initiatives from Kin Canada clubs in our Association this past weekend!
The Kinette Club of Lucknow & District spent the morning sharing KINdness with local businesses by bringing treats.
The Kinsmen Club of Tilbury gave out 120 slushies and hot chocolate drinks to public skaters and hockey players at the arena.
The Kinette Club of Wasaga Beach hosted a free swim at their local YMCA and handed out cookies during the event.
The Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs of Goderich hosted a free skate and swim with cookies, donuts and hot chocolate.
The Kinette Club of Walkerton made monetary and food donations to the Walkerton & District Food Bank.
The Kin Club of Cambridge (Preston) visited first responders and presented donations to local organizations.
The Grimsby Kinettes were out in their community giving out toonies attached to Kin KINdness Day cards. Recipients were happy to enjoy a coffee with this small act of kindness.
The Kinette Club of Stonewall spent the day spreading cheer in their community.
The Kinsmen Club of Brandon supported Brandon Pride by donating funds to cover snacks at the showing of Rocky Horror at the local theater.
The Kinette Club of Brandon handed out KINdness coins to shoppers at local stores.
"Some reactions to our KINdness were hugs, tears, telling us that this was the bright spot in their otherwise miserable day, amazement and joy, asking who we were and what we do, and lots of smiles. We also had interest from 2 potential new members!" - The Kinette Club of Brandon
The Kinsmen Club of Lloydminster provided coffee, air fresheners, and random free car washes at their local carwash.
The POW City Kinsmen paid for parking at their local hospital, making the day just a bit brighter for many people.
"Our KINdness project was very well received, and we had a lot of fun doing it"
- Kinsmen Club of Lloydminster
Many clubs were also at Telemiracle 48 making generous donations, volunteering their time, and making others smile!
The Kinette Club of Vegreville got creative and hid treats around town for community members to find, giving clues on their club's Facebook page!
The Kin Club of Beaumont gave out free hot chocolate and timbits (donated by their local Tim Hortons) at their local rec centre.
The Kinette Club of Foothills handed out $10 gift cards to random shoppers at three High River stores.
The Kinette Club of West Country and the Kinsmen Club of Rocky Mountain House delivered treats to local businesses and community supporters.
The Kin Club of Okotoks cooked hot dogs and provided coffee and hot chocolate for attendees at a Skating Party.
"It was so much fun to make people’s days with our KINdness!"
- Kinette Club of Foothills
The Kinsmen Club of Kitimat was out and about giving gift cards to surprised and grateful community members.
The Kinette Club of Duncan visited their local seniors' residence and brought hand-written notes and flowers to brighten the day for residents and staff.
The Kinsmen & Kinette Club of Nanaimo provided hot beverages and sweet snacks at the Ukrainian church hall.
The Coquitlam Kin Club braved the wind and rain to gather food and donations outside their local grocery store. Proceeds went to SHARE Family and Community Services.
The Kinsmen Club of Kingston gave $20-$100 grocery gift cards to some unsuspecting customers.
The Kin Club of Gananoque donated $400 in gift cards to thank and support their Community Heroes in health care and first responders.
The Kinsmen & Kinette Clubs of Picton handed out $2000 worth of gift cards from Metro Foodland, No Frills, and Giant Tiger to members of the community.
The Kin Club of Halifax prepared 14 large lasagna casseroles which were used for Sunday Suppers, serving over 200 people.
The Kinette Club of Mount Pearl served and sponsored a community supper: 300 hot meals with dessert were prepared.
The Kinsmen Club of Notre Dame delivered coffee, tea, muffins and doughnuts to Newfunland Preschool and local financial institutions.
Members of the Kinette Club of New Glasgow and their families hid $750 worth of grocery gift cards at a local grocery store.
The Kinsmen Club of Corner Brook randomly handed out gift cards at their local mall. They also placed a few cards on people's vehicles.
The Kinsmen Club of Mid Annapolis Valley donated to breakfast programs at their local elementary schools.
From a grateful community member in Corner Brook: "I went to my car after work and found a random act of kindness from the Kinsmen Club of Corner Brook. You have no idea how that makes me feel, thank you for all that you do in our community!"
The Kin Club of CBS spent the day around town handing out $800 in gift cards at different locations.
The Kinette Club of Fredericton delivered sweet treats to seniors in their community.
The Kinsmen Club of Peterborough distributed $4000 in gift cards.
"Kin Kindness Day is one of our club’s most rewarding initiatives and we look forward to many more opportunities to bring smiles to the people of Peterborough!"
- Kinsmen Club of Peterborough
The Kinette Club of Sutton honoured those that do so much for the community with a special treat.
The Kin Club of Timmins paid for hot chocolate at the Porcupine Kinsmen Concession during a public skate.
The Kinette Club of Bobcaygeon helped bagged groceries at their local grocery store.
The Kinette Club of Greater Sudbury treated seniors to a special spa day.
"We went to a local seniors' residence and did a Spa Day for the seniors. We did many nails and had great conversations. It was scheduled for an hour but we stayed for 2 hours. The residents loved it. We left with such great feelings making so many lovely ladies' day a bit brighter."
- Kinette Club of Greater Sudbury
TeleMiracle 48 - Over $6.1 million reasons to celebrate!
Congratulations to all fellow Kin in Saskatchewan on raising over $6.1 million through TeleMiracle! This annual telethon would not be possible without all the hard work of Kin Canada members and clubs who enthusiastically plan, fundraise, and volunteer to ensure TeleMiracle is successful year after year!

Our Association is so proud of you and this incredible initiative!
Kin Canada Clubs at Coldest Night of the Year
Kin Canada clubs were also active at Coldest Night of the Year (CNOY) - an annual, family-friendly, and Canada-wide walk to raise funds for local charities serving people experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness. 100% of funds raised stay with the local charity partner in YOUR community.

This year, Kin Canada Clubs:

  • Registered 11 Teams across Canada
  • Raised $19,929 (199% above their collective $10,000 goal)
  • Ranked 6th out of 220 in the "Clubs" group category for CNOY

Special thanks to the Kinsmen Club of Georgetown who encouraged our National Service Network to increase awareness about CNOY across our Association! We can't wait to see how many more clubs will get involved next year in this great initiative that aligns well with Kin Canada's goal of Serving the Community's Greatest Need!
Congratulations to all Kin Canada clubs and members who participated in CNOY in some way this year!
Does getting involved in CNOY as a club interest you? Save the date for next year's event: February 22, 2025!
Thank you, fellow Kin, for all you do to make Kin Canada such an incredible Association to belong to!