We're learning Social Studies Thinking
Do it!
Play shape-and-color-hunt with your preschooler. Ask them to find something shaped like a circle or find something that is blue. Do the same thing with other shapes and colors. Always show your preschooler what you're asking for or give them examples, such as, "This block is green, take this block with you and look for other things in the house that are the same color." Use this as an opportunity to reinforce the vocabulary with words, picture cards, or braille.
Read it!
Actual Size by Steve Jenkins. Say Please, Little Bear by Peter Bentley.
We're learning Science Thinking and Technology
Do it!
Look at fruits, vegetables, cans and boxes in a book, grocery store, or farmer's market. Talk about the different shapes, colors and sizes. Use words like same and different. Continue reinforcing this concept with word cards, sign and braille.
Read it!
Mrs. McNosh and the Giant Squash by Sarah Weeks. Put it on the List by Kristen Darbyshire.
We're learning Mathematical Thinking and Expression
Do it!
Make a height chart with paper. Place the paper against the wall or door and ask your preschooler to stand with their back against the chart. Mark their height and date it. Try this again in three months and talk about the change. Your preschooler could also lay on the paper or use measurements to draw the line on the paper. Ask them to stretch out their arms and measure their arm span. Use the information about their height compare it with other object in the house. For example, "You are taller than the sink" or "You can reach the shelf now and you couldn't before." Use that information to talk about the circumference of objects. For example, "Do you think your arms could fit around that tree?"
Read it!
One Mole Digging a Hole by Julia Donaldson and Nick Sharratt. 365 Penguins by Jean-Luc Fromental and Joëlle Jolivet.