Kindergarten Readiness/Transition Series
(Information for Parents)
Welcome to the Kindergarten Readiness Email Series.  We are checking on registration information per town and as soon as we aquire it we will forward the information to you.  Don't forget to contact your public school for all the latest news!!
The Kindergarten Activity Section is going to focus on the following 7 Areas:  Self-Care; Language and Communication; Social/Emotional; Fine Motor; Gross Motor; Math Readiness and Pre-Reading/Literacy.  This Email focuses on Social Emotional skills.


Self Help Inc CFCE Staff
Kindergarten Article
What Kindergarten Teachers Wish Parents Knew
Get inside tips on how to make the most of school.
~Parent and Child Magazine

Kindergarten is an exciting and critical time in your child's development and growth. You can play an important role in this wonderful journey. Here's what kindergarten teachers want parents to know:

1. Your job isn't over when you drop your little one off at school; it has only just begun. Your child's teacher wants to be your partner. Keep them informed about what goes on at home that might affect your child's behavior or academic performance. Share with them how what they do at school affects your child at home.

2. This is not your grandfather's kindergarten. Sadly, much of what happens in kindergarten is driven by high standards and preparation for standardized tests. The expectations of what children need to know when they enter kindergarten are closer to what used to be expected in 1st grade. To boost your child's academic skills:

    Talk with her about what interests her.
    Encourage her to be curious and ask questions.
    Point out letters and numbers when you see them in books and around town.
    Support her in solving everyday problems.

3. The more self-control your child has, the more successful he will be in school. Children need practice in deciding how and when to express their feelings and needs, and when and if to act on impulses. Help him develop and practice these skills at home before he tests them at school, where the consequences are a loss of learning for him and for others.

4. Make yourself known. Come in. Look around. Peruse the textbooks and materials. Knowledge is power. When you know about the subjects your child is studying, you will be able to help her better and have a common understanding for discussion. Volunteering is a wonderful way to learn about what goes on at school and to show your child how much you care about what she is doing.

5. Your child needs lots of opportunities for play outside of school. Play is the way in which he learns about himself and the people and world around him. But more often than not, play has been squeezed out of the school day. Playing both alone and in small groups helps facilitate learning and allows your child to practice skills and concepts.

6. Reading to your child once a day is not enough. Try to read together at least three times a day. Books are the gateway to building vocabulary, learning about print, and developing listening and early literacy skills. When you read, talk about the book. Discuss the characters and setting, make predictions, and create new endings. Point out letters and words in the text, and encourage him to recognize rhyming sounds and words and to identify beginning and ending sounds.

7. Writing exploration at home is critical. Your child needs to have opportunities to use pencils, crayons, markers, colored pencils, and other writing instruments as she attempts to express herself in written form. She begins with scribbles and lines, moves on to letters and her name, and then to words and sentences.

8. Homework is an opportunity for talking, sharing, and listening. Teachers give homework to extend the learning of the classroom. It is a chance for you to find out what your child is studying and how well he is grasping the skills and concepts being taught at school. Talk with your child about his homework. It shows him that you care and value what he does at school.

9. Television and video games use up valuable playtime. Limit screen time. The hours spent with these electronic devices could otherwise be spent talking, reading, or actively learning through play.

10. First-hand experiences are another teacher for your child. Take her to museums, the zoo, the aquarium, the library, parks, arts performances, and geographic locations such as the mountains, beach, forests, and deserts. And do it often. She'll grasp concepts and skills better if she has experiences with the real thing.
Kindergarten Activity Section
Focus Area: Social Emotional:
Social interaction is at the heart of kindergarten. Getting along with others, sharing, being socially appropriate and independent is a huge part of being a part of a learning community.

Skills Include:
  • Separates from caregiver easily or without undue distress
  • Explores new things and is willing to take some risks.
  • Is beginning to play and share with other children without the need for constant supervision.
  • Is able to "wait his turn." (within reason).
  • Focuses on an adult-directed activity for 5 minutes or longer.
  • Recognizes other people have feelings.
  • Responds appropriately to other people's feelings.

Taken from:



Activities to do with your child:

  • Play board games with your child. Involve the whole family or invite friends to play! This is a great way to practice taking turns.
  • Have play dates with your child's friend.  This is another opportunity for your child to practice sharing and taking turns.
  • After reading the book "Today I Feel Silly: And Other Moods That Make My Day"  Talk to your child about what makes him/her feel happy, sad, angry, etc.  Let your child draw a picture of something that makes them feel that way.
  • Talk to your child about going to Kindergarten. What do they think they will do there?  How will they feel about saying goodbye to you that day? Talk about when you went to Kindergarten.  Find a special picture of the two of you or the family that your child can bring with them to help comfort them.
  • It is important to visit your child's school/classroom before your child's first day.  Call the school to see what arrangements you can make if they don't already have a plan for children to visit.  


Kindergarten Resources

List of books for Social/Emotional Development
AuthorAge Range

My Friend and ILisa Jahn-Clough 2 to 5
Being FriendsKaren Beaumont 2 to 5
My Friend RabbitEric Rohmann birth to 3
ChrysanthemumKevin Henkes3 to 6
Chester's WayKevin Henkes3 to 6
Big AlAndrew Clements 3 to 6
Stand Tall, Molly Lou MelonPatty Lovell 3 to 6
Wemberly WorriedKevin Henkes 3 to 6
Shark Vs. TrainChris Barton 3 to 8
William's DollCharlotte Zolotow 4 to 8
Delores Meets Her Match  4 to 8
Enemy PieDerek Munson 4 to 8

No, David!David Shannon 18 months to 5
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the BusMo Willems 18 months to 5
Please, Baby, PleaseSpike Lee and Tonya Lewis Lee 18 months to 3
It's Hard to Be Five: Learning How to Work My Control PanelJamie Lee Curtis 5 to 8
Taking a Bath With the Dog and Other Things That Make Me Happy   Scott Menchin 18 months to 5
The Way I Feel   Janan Cain   2 to 6
Today I Feel Silly: And Other Moods That Make My Day   Jamie Lee Curtis  2 to 6
How Are You Peeling? Foods With Moods   Saxton Freymann  3 to 6
Feelings   Aliki 3 to 8
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day   Judith Viorst  4 to 8
I Like Myself   Karen Beaumont 3 to 6
I'm Gonna Like Me: Letting Off a Little Self-Esteem  Jamie Lee Curtis 3 to 8


Contact Us
Self Help Inc./CFCE
780 West Main Street
Avon, MA 02322
Phone: 508-559-1666 x128 


Self Help Inc./CFCE is funded by the MA Department of Early Education's Coordinated Family and Community Engagement grant.