From the President
What a fabulous way to kick off the holiday season at our 50th Jubilee! It was a magical evening and Mary Beth Young and her Fall Event Committee pulled it off beautifully. Volunteerism is one of the most selfless acts that we can become involved in. So many Kindervelt members selflessly gave their time and efforts to make the Jubilee a true celebration! The wonderful 5-decade history display that Nancy Groves-Van Buskirk created reminded us of all the incredible things that have been accomplished; what a difference we have made!  
It was a special treat having several of our founding and charter members in attendance. Their efforts in our organization’s infancy obviously set a sound foundation so we could continue to prosper, and we certainly have done that! 
Another highlight of the evening was the presentation of the 2021 Barbara Fitch Award. Congratulations to Cece Kohlman, a well-deserving recipient and a true inspiration to volunteerism!

Now that the holiday season is here it’s comforting knowing that all we do benefits those dear patients at CCHMC and can help to make their holiday brighter.

Wishing you and your families a healthy and joyous holiday season!
Katrina Smith
Kindervelt City President
Kindervelt's 50th Jubilee
Celebrating 50 years of Making a Difference
Thank you to all who attended Kindervelt's 50th Jubilee. Also, a big thank you to all those that helped behind the scenes getting ready for the big event. This includes all those who donated and gathered silent auction items, gift cards, and your time and talents! We also extend a huge thank you to Tanya O'Rourke from WCPO Channel 9, our MC for the evening. She was amazing. We also thank our champion speaker, Lauren Freeman and Dr. Hector Wong from the PICU for sharing their time and stories. It was an honor to have six of our founding members attend, Barbara Fitch, Barbara Havlovic, Sharry Addison, Nancy Hancher, Caroline Richards and Cynthia Albl.

We are currently working on final numbers and will announce soon. For all that donated, don't forget to submit a matching gift request form through your company if offered. Great way to "Double your donation." Still want to honor Kindervelt's past 50 years? Possibly with a $50 donation for 50 years? Of course, anything helps.
Did you know November 12, 2021 was Kindervelt Day in Cincinnati? Thank you to Mayor John Cranley for the designation. Click on image above to enlarge and read the proclamation.
Founders and charter members...
Sharry Addison, Barbara Havlovic, Barbara Fitch, Nancy Hancher, Cynthia Albl, and Caroline Richards.
Dr. Hector Wong, Vice Chair, Department of Pediatrics
Lauren Freeman, Champion Speaker
Managing Parent-Child Conflict
Kyle Caldwell, M.Ed, LPCC-S 
As I work in the Emergency Department and conduct psychiatric evaluations on children and teenagers, all too often I am responding to crises that likely could have been avoided. These crises are typically resulting from some sort of parent-child conflict in which a child or teen has either made threats to harm/kill themselves, or has become a danger to those whom they live with. I would imagine that many of these situations would not escalate to the point of an emergency if the family had some basic conflict management skills at their disposal. Below I would like to share some ways in which a conflict can be resolved before it becomes a crisis.
  • When disagreements happen, really think about whether or not it is worth fighting over.  Try to avoid the need to “win” as this will almost certainly steer you away from anything helpful or constructive.  If your child has a point to get across then give them time to do so, calmly, and don’t interrupt. 

  • When you are expressing your opinions, do so objectively without making value statements.  In other words, calmly state your position and explain why you feel that way.  Avoid name-calling, ridicule, and shouting.  

  • If your child has escalated beyond the point of having reasonable conversation then give them space.  Minimize statements and questions directed towards them.  If you say anything at all then offer validation for their feelings as you are primarily communicating with their emotional self rather than rational.  Keep in mind that emotions are analogous to waves in that they vary in intensity but are always temporary.  So give your child the time they need to calm down and let their emotions pass.  

  • Make sure to manage your own emotions when there is conflict.  Children and adolescents are not the only ones who can struggle with this, adults do too.  Your child’s ability to manage their emotions will almost certainly be impacted by how well you do it yourself.  

  • When all else fails, take a break.  Sometimes people simply need to go their separate ways and come back together when everyone has calmed down.  Discuss using a code word for all to use when everyone needs a break.  When this is used everyone needs to stop immediately and go their separate ways for a designated period of time.  When everyone is calm, then you can try again.   
Save the Dates!
December 4th & 5th - Kindervelt Krafts, Findlay Market
December 9th & 10th - Kendra Scott Gives Back
March 5th - "Let the Good Times Bowl" - Stone Lanes
May 9th - KV #68 Golf Outing & Dinner
May 18th - Kindervelt's Annual Meeting - Kenwood Country Club
Upcoming Events
Holiday Cookies!
KV #30 is baking again this year! Order your assortment of approximately 40 delicious holiday cookies, handmade with the best ingredients! Only $25! Don't wait, order now, sells out fast! Pick up December 21st, or $5 to have them delivered! For questions or if you prefer to order directly, contact Marie at 513-984-0408. More details on order site.
"Together, We Can Make A Difference"
Beer from Listermann!
KV #16 has partnered with Listermann Brewing Company and created a beer with proceeds benefiting Kindervelt and Cincinnati Children's Hospital. It is a New England - IPA / Hazy with Citra, Mandarina Barvaria, and Mosaic. Get your 4 pack at Listermann's tap room or at various locations around town like Jungle Jim's, Standard in OTR, Pappy's, White Oak Marathon, North Second Tap & Bottle Shop to name a few.

Release date-11/06/21
Kendra Scott Gives Back
December 9th & 10th
Enter code: GIVEBACK-BBZMG in your cart or at checkout on December 9th or 10th and 20% of your purchase will benefit Kindervelt!
KV #8's annual tree sale will take place on Saturday, December 4th (9am-4pm) and Sunday, December 5th (12pm-5pm) at the Wyoming High School Tennis Courts (parking lot access near the intersection of Springfield Pike and Fleming Road). Click flyer to enlarge.
Holiday Shopping Anyone?
Checkout our Ongoing Items
Snap Bracelet
Logo Pins

Other Logo Items
Logo Masks
Logo Pens

Something for Everyone!
Granite Cheese Boards
All these and more on our Ongoing Project page on our website!
Group Luminary Projects

Many groups are doing neighborhood luminary projects this December. Below is a list if you want to take a drive and see how beautiful this can be!

KV #22 Candles 4 Kids. Everyone LOVES to see Holiday Lights so plan to drive through the neighborhood of Swaim Field off Cooper Rd. in Montgomery. The women of KV22 promote the use of candles for the Sunday of December 12th from 5:00p-9:30p. Neighbors have generously donated to have candles placed near their curb for a beautiful luminary effect. Sometimes, it even snows! Enjoy the house lights, tree lights and the candles to spark the mood for the Holiday Season!

KV #78 Places luminary in three different neighborhoods. On December 12th starting at 5:30, you can check out Babson Park, Eastgate area off of Shayler Road. Also on December 12th, Wayside Woods off of Wayside Ave. near Salem Rd. On December 19th, the Ravens Run subdivision, off of Lawyer Rd. 2 miles from Newtown, will have their luminary lit.
Kindervelt Krafts!
Saturday & Sunday, December 4th & 5th - Volunteers Needed
Findlay Market's Holiday Market

We are taking the Krafts to Findlay Market on Saturday and Sunday, December 4 & 5, 2021. We need help setting up and manning the booth.

Again, we are using to organize our upcoming SignUps.

Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:

1) Click the button below to see our SignUp
2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.
3) Sign up! It's Easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on

Note: does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually.
KV #8 would like to welcome new members Sara Houk and Melissa Monich. We would also like to congratulate Melissa on her election to Wyoming City Council.

KV #22 held their annual Soup N Salad night in November. It was wonderful to be together to visit, have a business meeting and eat delicious food!
KV #49 had a very successful day at Harper‘s Point Tennis Club’s Holiday Market last Friday. We sold our beautiful, cozy fleece blankets and our delicious bread kits. Our totals were as follows: Bread Kits - $195, Fleece Blankets - $400. We send a huge "thank you" to Joan Cody & Gretchen Heltman. I think the samples of bread really helped the sales! YUM!!
Applause, Applause
KV #3 Hyde Park gathered for their annual Make It, Bake It, Fake It auction in November. It was the first time the group had met in person since the beginning of the pandemic and it was such a joy for everyone to be together. There was lots of eating, drinking and making merry, and, oh yes, over $3000 was raised! Pictures and descriptions of the goodies available at the auction were sent out in advance, and members bid on everything from okra Grinch ornaments to a bourbon basket.
KV #22 Western & Southern Update! Many thanks to all the KV groups, friends and family members who volunteered for the successful event this past August. Deb Clerc and Jackie Kirkpatrick report that KV made $7,744. Of this total, 15% goes to other KV groups. We encourage every KV Group to sign up to work this great event! It is an easy way to make a difference and raise money for Kindervelt.
Cece Kohlman and her family
KV #16 Congratulations to member Cece Kohlman who was presented the 2021 Barbara Fitch award by Barbara Fitch herself at the 50th Jubilee! There is no one more deserving than her for all her many years volunteering for Kindervelt. She truly is the epitome of dedication for Kindervelt and Cincinnati Children's Hospital. Kindervelt #16 is so proud!!!
December 4th - Elaine Snyder #30
December 6th - Pat Policinski #22
December 7th - Kate Moody #22
December 7th - Karen Mandel #30
December 8th - Connie Bergen #22
December 18th - Sue Crosby #22
December 19th - Marie Tsacalis #30
December 19th - Amy Rosenberg #22
December 23rd - Kathy Roth #22
December 24th - Marilyn Jacoby #22
December 26th - Valerie Schwartz #22
December 28th - Susan Deye #68
KV #22 wishes to extend our deepest of sympathies to member Bonnie Finn for the loss of her brother, Richard Donald Finn Jr. Services will be held in Lima, Oh. 
KV #16 A huge "Thank You" to all KV 16 members for all that we've accomplished the past few weeks - Kraft Volunteers, Kraft Items, Bakery Items, Bunco Night and all the great food and raffle baskets. This has been a "group effort" in every way and we are blessed to have so many creative and hard workers for CCHMC. You are truly amazing women!

KV #56 would like to thank all our crafters, workers and bakers for 2021. We had a good year! Nice job ladies!

KV #68 would like to thank all its members that helped in any way with the KV Krafts Show at Seton High School and with the 50th Jubilee. Thanks to everyone that supported our two raffles. The winner of the “Wagon of Toys” was Bridget Kuhlman and the winner of the “Wagon of Cheer” was Stephanie Rieman.
KV #8 sold raffle tickets at the Wyoming Fall Festival on October 2nd for a basket of cheer and pulled the winning raffle ticket at the Road Rally. We raised about $400 through this raffle. Wyoming resident Brad Bevington was excited to be the winning recipient and is looking forward to enjoying his winnings!

KV #56 would like to send congratulations to Jane and Roger Auge on the birth of their new granddaughter, Margot. Happy parents are Stephen and Keri Auge!

KV #78 would like to congratulate Mary Beth Young on a successful Jubilee celebration! We appreciate her and all her hard work.
Thank You to Our
50th Jubilee Sponsors
Gold Sponsor

Emerald Sponsor ...................................Sapphire Sponsor
Young Family Foundation.................................. Neil & Katrina Smith

Silver Sponsor
Crystal Sponsor
Coldwell Banker - Stephanie Janssen, Realtor
Merrill Lynch - Evolo/Singer/Sullivan Group
Bob & Jen Castellini
Melanie Gallagher
Buffie & Eppa Rixey

Bob & Angie Buechner
The Seven Hills Group - Morgan Stanley


Interested in supporting us? Sponsor information on our website, HERE.