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Volume 1: March 2022

Introducing 'Kindness Takes Root', our monthly newsletter. Look for Kindness Takes Root in your inbox every month. We'll include updates on our kindness initiatives and projects, we'll spotlight kindness in action in communities around the world, and more!

What's New? Kindness Grows Here and YOU have been working hard spreading kindness over the last few months and we want to catch you up:

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In February and March, we recognized the following schools and kids who demonstrated exceptional kindness.

Centennial Lane Elementary School in Ellicott City, Maryland, used Valentine's Day as an opportunity to spread kindness and grow friendships throughout the school!

Thele and Sawyer Ross donated 90 curated gift boxes to kids in Baltimore area hospitals

Roselyn Halvorson is spreading kindness in a creative way by delivering her very own hand-painted canvases (Roselyn's Caring Canvases) to nursing facilities near her home in Washington State.

We are so grateful to all of you for the kindness you share with the world!

Know a 'kind' school or a student we can spotlight? Click here so we can recognize them:

Spotlight on Kindness
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Have you experienced and overcome adversity? Would you be willing to share your story to teach and inspire others? If so, we need your help! We want to create a "book" of your stories (which can be submitted anonymously) that will be made available online for parents, teachers, coaches, and other adults to use to teach empathy and understanding in children. This is such an important project and we'd truly appreciate your participation. Click here for more information:

What I Wish They Knew

We believe that kindness is standing up for what is right. Kindness is antiracist. We are committed to programming that provides education around these issues. This month we are excited to partner with Anne Arundel County Public SchoolsSouth County is Kind to offer a virtual book study for students in grades 6-8. This book study will be lead by high school student leaders and other middle school students who previously completed a study of this book. We are thrilled to report that registration filled quickly! If you're interested in participating in a future book study, you can register and have your named added to the "wait list".

Book Study

Kindness Grows Here partners with Anne Arundel County Police Department to recognize kindness!

We are excited to announce a partnership with the Anne Arundel County Police Department to help recognize kind behavior in our community. Kindness Grows Here has provided 5,000 "You Were Caught Being Kind" cards to our local police department. Officers will be rewarding that behavior with the kindness cards and a free Slurpee.

Kindness Grows Here founder Kristen Caminiti said that she "is excited to give police officers in Anne Arundel County a tangible way to notice and reward the positive behaviors that folks in our community--especially children--demonstrate."

Thank you Anne Arundel County Police Officers for partnering with us to foster kindness in children!

If you know of a police department who would like to bring the "You Were Caught Being Kind" program to their community, please send us an email:

Kindness Calendars

Need a daily dose of Kindness? Check out our monthly Kindness Calendars! Download it! Print it! Save it as your background! Share it! Click here to get the March calendar:

March Kindness Calendar

'Kid Kindness Grant' Corner

Checking in on our Kid Kindness Grant recipients:

Meet Aaban! Aaban's Kindness project, Kindness + Diversity = LOVE, was to "donate books related to kindness, diversity and books related to my culture, holidays and things we do as a Muslim". Aaban completed his project by donating 19 books to his elementary school library. The principal, teachers, librarian and students were there as he presented the books and spoke about his important project. We applaud Aaban and his amazing kindness project!

Have a great idea on how to spread kindness in your community but need a little help to make it happen? Well, mark your calendar for September 1, 2022 which is when applications for our 2022 "Kid Kindness Grants" will open. We want to help you spread kindness in your school, neighborhood, or larger community!

Kindness Quote of the Month:

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

― Maya Angelou

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