
Regional Network

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May 2022

Led by Washington Alliance for Better Schools, Workforce Central, College Success Foundation, and Workforce Development Council of Seattle-King County

Regional Network Purpose

We help young people, especially those furthest from opportunity,

envision and achieve high opportunity careers in our regional economy.

As a regional support hub for career connected learning we

  • increase equitable participation,
  • build network capacity, and 
  • champion a cohesive and responsive regional ecosystem

through a collaborative network of K-12, higher education, industry, labor, and community-based organizations.

Spotlight: Patient at Partner in Employment


Patient—a recent immigrant to the US and refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo— leveraged Partner in Employment's Youth Mentoring Program to develop an interest and find a career in environmental conservation. During the training, he learned about park maintenance, engaged with potential employers, and explored environmental career paths all while earning a paycheck. With the assistance of PIE’s bi-lingual and culturally diverse team, Patient landed a position with the City of Tukwila’s Parks’ Maintenance division.

"I’m still new at my current job, and I love this job. I love working outside seeing the beauty of nature and the fact that I participate in keeping nature makes me so happy. I'm looking forward to learning more new things and getting more experience and I believe I will succeed in this career."

Would you like to feature a student, program, or partnership? Contact us.


Congratulations to CCW Round 9 Program Builder Awardees

See the full list of Program Builders (Intermediaries) here.

Interested in building or expanding Career Launch (including Registered Apprenticeship), Career Prep, and Career Explore programs as a Program Builder? Reach out to the Regional Network and we will answer your questions and support your application.

Showcase for Success 2022

The Washington Alliance for Better Schools (WABS)—the lead backbone organization for the King-Pierce Regional Network invites you to join the 2022 Showcase for Success, Brewing a More Equitable Tomorrow on Thursday, May 19th. The showcase is an annual event that highlights the innovative work WABS and partners are doing to advance equity in STEM and career connected learning. Register here for the event, to be a part of brewing a more equitable future.

We are hiring!

The Regional Network is hiring to equitably scale Worksite Tours with employers for high school students. Visit here to learn more.

Connect with Local Workforce Talent through Career Prep

Career Prep On-site Work Based Learning (WBL) is a proven workforce development strategy that supplements classroom learning with experiences that introduce students to the world of work through a collaborative partnership between schools and a participating employer. On-site WBL may include tours, job shadows, internships, or work experience.

Benefits to employers

Workforce Development

  • Introduce students to your business and industry
  • Develop early relationships with candidates for future full-time employment
  • Build, diversify, and retain your future workforce

Business Development

  • Benefit from productive student work
  • Gain the perspectives of a young people to help grow your business
  • Provide leadership and mentorship opportunities for your current workers

Community Development

  • Enhance team morale by making a difference in the lives of young people
  • Increase awareness of your company’s role and service in the community

The Career Connect Washington Regional Network for King and Pierce Counties offers a continuum of WBL opportunities for employers to connect with thousands of high school students, which represent your emerging workforce.

Learn more:

Resource Corner

New Online Career Launch Endorsement Application

Career Connect Washington Program Maps and Outcomes Data |