Kingsbury Club | 186 Summer St, Kingston, MA 02364 | 781-585-3883

Taylor Bettencourt, a Duxbury High School junior and State Tennis Champion, is running a drive to collect tennis gear, new or used, including clothing, sneakers, racquets, shoes, and new tennis balls. Your donations will be delivered to communities in need across the US and abroad by way of the Tennis Without Borders organization. 

The donation bin will be in place in our lobby during the month of September. Taylor and the Kingsbury Club appreciate your donations!

Great fitness program for teens. Register Now >>

Back by popular demand. Our 8 week youth fitness class. Get Details >>

Take advantage of our small group exercise programs, designed around your work. Register Now >>

Our childcare room is available to both members and non-members.

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OUR TPI Golf is open for registration. Sign Up Now >>

Give your children a fun night out while enjoying a Parents Night Out.

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