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Did you know......

a memorial or honorarium can be sent from Kirk Care? Just go to our website and donate. (You can mail the check and information, also.) We will send a letter to the family of the memorial or to the honored individual. It's easy and you can help feed a family in the Kirkwood School District boundaries!


How can Kirk Care help? We provide.....
  food vouchers
  Utility payment

How Can I Help?

*Check the Dollar Aid box on your next utility statement from Kirkwood Electric

*Go to

*Send a donation directly to Kirk Care
PO Box 220652
Kirkwood, MO

January 2017
Thank you to the Kirkwood Community
On December 7, the Kirkwood Community of Christ Church was transformed (set up for) Kirk Care's annual Christmas box distribution project. Thanks to Kirkwood Community of Christ for the use of their facility.
December 8, the donated food was sorted and placed on tables preparing to fill the boxes. Over 40 volunteers including kids from various area schools participated.

 December 9, 400 boxes were prepared for distribution. Again, volunteers did all the work. Kids from many schools helped. When one school had to depart, a bus would deliver a "fresh batch" from a different school to "pick up the slack."
On December 10, families who had received invitations picked up their Christmas boxes. 
When the "action" was complete, the facility was converted back to church use for the following Sunday services.
Additionally, deliveries were made to Kirk Care clients in  various retirement facilities.
Almost 190 families received Christmas Boxes from Kirk Care. Food donations (and money) were received from virtually every school, several churches, and several businesses, all in the Kirkwood area.  
Thanks to our wonderful community we had another successful Christmas Food Box Collection and Delivery.

Thank you Dewey's
In true community effort, Dewmore, the Philanthropical arm of Dewey's Pizza worked with Kirk Care to Provide  families a wonderful Christmas. A party was planned for December 19 to give gifts and to have a real "Christmas Party" for the kids of the families. Green Tree community Church donated the space for the party.  

Dewmore (employees of Dewey's Pizza) donated $1500  worth of gifts and food to the families.

Thank you Trinity Lutheran
On October 1st, Trinity Lutheran raised $8,000 and 150 cans for the food pantry. Many area merchants participated in the event. Thank you to the following merchants Three Kings Public House, Schlafly Brewery, Dalie's Smokehouse, Hacienda Restaurant, The Train Wreck Saloon, The Slider House Restaurant, The Art of Entertainment, Down By the Station, The Hot Pot, Sophia's Jewelry, Advance Carpet One, Combs Auto Service and Tire, Grapevine Wines, Hairtopia, Sammy Soaps, Jason's Deli, and Raising Cane's. Attendees enjoyed the music of the  "Two Star Final" and feasted on German styled food while showing there support for Kirk Care and all the work the charity does for residents of the R-7 School district.        

Kirk Care

Thank you Kirkwood YMCA
Thank you to the Members of the Kirkwood YMCA for their continuous support of Kirk Care. They have held two recent food drives to help keep the pantry full!

Thank you Shop 'N Save
Thank you to Shop 'n Save for their continuous support of Kirk Care. We also appreciate the customers of Shop 'N Save for their generous donations!

  Kirkwood Utility Dollar Aid Helps Kirk Care
Kirkwood Utility Dollar Aid Helps Kirk Care

Approximately 300 Kirkwood Utility Service customers contribute directly to Kirk Care each month by checking the Dollar Aid box on their utility bills.  This is a convenient and direct way to help Kirk Care.  Please consider checking the Donation Box on your utility bill each month and donating $1, $2, or more to Kirk Care through your Dollar Aid participation. 

Did You Know?
Kirk Care has been active supporting families in need in the Kirkwood R7 School District community during the past five years (2012 - 2016)

-  Provided more than $150,000 in food vouchers (redeemable at Kirkwood/Crestwood Shop 'N' Save stores) for fresh food items and household supplies to more than 3500 families.  Each family receives monthly delivery of canned goods/household supplies in addition to a food voucher.  

-  Number of food pantry clients up 28% in past two years

-  Provided more than $136,000 in utility bill assistance to more than 700 families.  Utility assistance up 33% in past two years. 

-  Contributed nearly $5000 to purchase school supplies for families
Kirk Care, Inc.
P.O. Box 220652
Kirkwood, MO 63122-0652

For client services:
All other inquiries:


*contributions to Kirk Care, Inc. are tax deductible


Kirk Care | 314-965-0406 | |
PO Box 220652
Kirkwood, MO 63122-0652