קישור שלום ~ Kishur Sholom

Staying Connected with the Temple Sholom Community

19 February 2024 ~ 10 Adar I 5784

Parashat Tetzaveh

Shalom, chaveirim - hello, friends -

My column is very brief today.

But you have an assignment: Have a look at this video, "The Messenger," about the Czech Memorial Scroll Trust.

We have one of these Torahs though it is unclear to me when Temple Sholom acquired its Czech Torah - #782 of the 1,564. Our Torah is one of many that are “orphans,” meaning we know not of its provenance. About twenty percent of the Torahs are orphans - the remainder have been traceable to their towns and cities of origin.

Based on records in our temple files, “It was brought to Temple Sholom by Saul Barrick’s mother in honor of his father. Saul and his siblings, Sylvia Slessinger and Robert Barrick purchased the beautiful, silver crown. Saul doesn’t know how his mother heard about the Czech Memorial Scrolls but does know that she applied of the scroll on behalf of Temple Sholom, made the requisite donation and arranged for it to be transported from London.” 

If any of you have insight - I’d love to hear more! 


A Torah tells incredible stories. In fact, every Torah tells the same stories and has the same wording. But every Torah has its own story. We, as Jews, are the same. We have the stories of our nation – but every community within our people – has a unique story. And there are cross over points and new lines of connection made all the time. Those invisible – and at times very visible – lines are known as: God. God is in the connection and the survival. God is in the power, the koach, the strength. God is in the love and the nurturing, the tears and panic. God is in the potential and the opportunity. God is in the gift and God is in the receiving. God is present when we speak and when we listen. 


The Torah gives us strength when we nurture her words and struggle with her teachings. She gives us strength when we feel the connection contained within her inherent energy and ours when we hold her tightly. It is a tree of life to those who hold fast to her and all who cling tightly are rich and happy and fulfilled. 

For those of you who would like to join the 60th anniversary of the Czech Memorial Scroll Trust, being held at Temple Emanuel in New York City on Sunday, April 7th (3:00 PM), please register right away. Our temple president, David Shaffer and I will both be in attendance.

May the words of our Torah and the stories they tell bring us inspiration and cause us to preserve and cherish, to grow and live our lives fully connected to our people - and bring light to the world.



Rabbi Mark Cohn


Sunday, April 7 (3:00 PM) at Temple Emanuel, 1 E. 65h Street, NYC. Join me for an extraordinary opportunity to honor our Czech Torah!! Register soon HERE as seating is limited. To learn more about the Czech Memorial Scroll Trust, go to their website HERE.

Thursday, May 9 (7:00 PM) at Congregation B'nai Israel, 444 Main Street, Southbury. Acclaimed author, journalist, teacher Yossi Klein Halevi will be speaking on "How October 7 Changed Israel and the Jewish World." This evening is hosted by our congregation joined with CBI of Southbury, the Jewish Federation of Western CT, the Greater Washington Coalition for Jewish Life, United Jewish Center of Danbury, and Temple Beth David of Cheshire.

Recommended Resources from the Rabbi's Desk (or more likely laptop)

Constant and important updates, podcasts, blogs, and articles from The Free Press, Times of Israel and Tablet Magazine.


"An insightful and emotional journey in Israel." A very personal look and reflection on a recent visit to Israel by Rabbi Neil Borovitz in the blogs of Times of Israel.


"Israeli rabbis rise to the moment," with Yehuda Kurtzer and Rabbi Tamar Elad Appelbaum on Identity Crisis from the Shalom Hartman Institute. Hear how Rabbi Elad Appelbaum joins with other rabbis to help Israel - as a nation - work through this most difficult of times.


"This Muslim-Israeli Woman is the Future of the Middle East." A powerful discussion between Bari Weiss and Luci Aharish, who is one of the most prominent television broadcasters in Israel - and the very first Arab Muslim news presenter on mainstream Hebrew-language television.

"Lunch & Learn" with Rabbi Mark Cohn

NOON - 1:00 PM


Jewish Priorities, edited by David Hazony

Bring a friend! Bring lunch if you want (dairy only - no meat)! These essays were assembled by the editor to find the points where we can agree and disagree, helping us define our own borders and places for expansion.


February 20, 27

February 20 (Tomorrow), Hen Mazzig's essay: "An End to Ashkenormativity: Let's put bagels and lox behind us."

and hopefully ...

Izabella Tabarovsky's essay: "How to beat the New Antisemitism: It's Not about Human Rights. It's about Soviet Propaganda."

Turning away for a week from Jewish Priorities ...

February 27, Before and After October 7th. A Before & After October 7th, A Symposium with leading American and Israeli Jewish thinkers, presented in The Jewish Review of Books.



Services & Study

Kabbalat Shabbat on Friday Evenings 6:30PM


March 1, 15, 29


February 23 - this week!

March 8, 22


Shabbat Morning Torah Study - 9:30am


February 24

March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

The Jewish Experience in New Milford

The New Milford Historical Society & Museum has begun work on a new exhibit entitled The Jewish Experience in New Milford. If anyone has any historical information, photos or other artifacts relevant to this upcoming project or an interest in participating, please contact Sandy Ivler at [email protected] or David Cohen at [email protected]

Help Needed for the Oneg

We have two Onegs a month all year long now. The Board of Trustees has cheerfully taken on the responsibility of sponsoring the

Onegs since July. However, having only the Board sponsor the Onegs is self-defeating. Onegs bring people together after Shabbat services on Friday. Onegs help build community and are a way for people to introduce themselves to the Temple and to each other. And most importantly, it’s a time to shmooze. And best of all: It’s easy! A challah, some cookies, some wine and juice. That’s it. Challah and wine are supplied by the Temple. The Rabbi will take care of the Kiddush blessings. A quick clean up and your finished with one of the 24 Onegs we will have.

And of course, a Board member is always ready to assist and help you. Call the office (860.354.0273) if you would like to sponsor an Oneg.

Temple Sholom

122 Kent Road ~ P.O. Box 509

New Milford, CT 06776

(860) 354-0273

Temple Sholom Website (www.tsholom.org)

Temple Sholom Facebook