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Read news from the world of astronomy for the week of July 28, 2023.
Latest News
The white dwarf J2033 seems to switch rapidly between two compositions.

Explaining a long, straight string of gas and star-forming knots presents a challenge.

Observing Highlights
The Moon shines left of Antares. But of course they're not the slightest bit close together. Antares is some 13 billion times farther.

With Venus approaching inferior conjunction in August, here’s a foolproof way to follow its thinning crescent as the planet transitions from Evening Star to Morning Star.

Count on our Sky Tour podcast to help you get the most out your casual stargazing. It’s a fun and informative way to introduce yourself to the nighttime sky!

Join S&T as we combine the excitement of 2024’s total solar eclipse with the many distinctive regional cultures of Mexico.

Stargazers will be interested not only in the annular eclipse this October but also in the dark skies along the eclipse path!