First Camp Sprigs of 2023 Were a Huge Success!

What a great weekend for Camp Sprig! With a fun filled, educational weekend, everyone passed their hunters education test in order to purchase a hunting license! In addition, they learned how to properly shoot a firearm along with fishing, archery, and duck banding.

Look like fun? Sign up here for one of our remaining summer camps out here at Grizzly Ranch!
Support for Klamath Refuge Water Deliveries Grant Proposals
Some of the top conservation organizations are offering their support for two water grant applications recently submitted to the CDFW that would help fund annual water deliveries to managed wetlands at the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge: “Lower Klamath Refuge Water Deliveries” and “Lower Klamath NWR Water Rights Acquisition”. Please read the entire coalition of conservation partners letter here.
CWA Summer Issues Hits Mailboxes

The Summer issue of California Waterfowl will soon be landing in members’ mailboxes. This issue is jampacked with excellent articles and informative stories!
Featuring articles on:
How to be a good hunting mentor
Get your gun
Duck hunting 2050
Canine Corner
CWA to host a Hunter Education Course in conjunction with CDFW

Hunter Education Course being offered at CWA Headquarters in Roseville on August 23-24, 2023. State required Hunter Education class teaching safety, wildlife conservation, hunter ethics, and regulations and laws related to hunting. Class fee is $10 cash only. Must attend both days. This is a CDFW & CWA event.
Click here to learn more.
KOSC Summer Camps
Kids Outdoor Sports Camp is dedicated to building the next generation of outdoor and conservation leaders to ensure a bright future for California hunting, angling, archery, and outdoor sports.

Phone: (530) 513-7556 Email: info@kidsoutdoorsportscamp.org

Summer camps registrations are now available! Click here to learn more or to signup.
CWA's Summer Online Auction is live with great items

The Welcome to Summer CWA Online Auction is now live! It will run from today until 8pm (PST) next Monday June 26th. There are so many new cool fishing focused items and cool merchandise on this auction. Go check it out and see what exciting products you like the best and then bid! Click here to start bidding on all the latest fishing and hunting gear!
VP of Advocacy Mark Hennelly on why it is so vital to signup for VoterVoice and Oppose AB 28
Please watch this short but informative video clip of our VP of Advocacy Mark Hennelly on why it is so important to signup and write your local elected official and urge them to vote no or to show their opposition to AB 28. AB 28 is an 11% excise tax on the sale of all firearms and ammo that does not go to conservation efforts. If you would like to signup for our VoterVoice and get action alerts please use this link.
Membership in CWA makes you an important part of the nation’s oldest and largest state waterfowl group. And it helps fund waterfowl programs, wetland restoration, education programs, hunting programs and advocacy work.

Renew today, and you'll receive a one-year subscription to the acclaimed California Waterfowl magazine. We’ll also send you a CWA Trucker style hat. Renew for two years for even more convenience!

Click here to renew your membership today.
California Waterfowl is a 501c3 organization whose mission is to grow California’s waterfowl populations, wetlands and hunter-conservationist communities.

Our vision is a California with thriving waterfowl populations, vibrant wetland ecosystems and respected hunting communities.
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