On 23 August 2022, under extreme duress from Federal coercion, the K.I.D. Board of Directors reluctantly ordered the closure of the A canal without any legal or contractual obligation to do so.
Since then the B, C, G, and D canals have begun to collapse in upon themselves due to the rapid reduction of water. Normally we go through a 3-4 week dewatering period. Millions $ in damages are currently occuring that must be repaired prior to next spring.
We are awaiting a response to our numerous requests for legitimate authority to order this action. Response is due from Reclamation by 5pm on 25 August 2022.
Closing the A Canal fundamentally undermines the mission of the District, its fiduciary responsibilities, violates its contractual obligations, and is done so without authority to cease delivery property to the people who pay for the storage, operation, and maintenance of the Link River dam.