If you want to submit news, events, etc.,
please email klinicweekly@klinic.mb.ca
This week at Klinic
Manager On-Call
Job Postings
Information & Resources
K-Drive File Path
Events / Workshops / Training Highlights
Prayer Mats Available at Klinic
Reconciliation and Decolonization
National MMIWG2S Awareness Day - Resources
Truth and Reconciliation - Resources
Indigenous-led Advisory Group
The Belonging Room & Medicines Available
Smudges at Klinic!
Oh Where, Oh Where has our Cutlery Gone?
Wellness Committee Events
Summer Yoga
Klinic's Fun Whiteboard Discussion Series
Staff Reminders, Stat Days & Helpful Information:
Fragrance Free Site
Building Updates
Stat Days
Contact Administrative Assistants for Password Resets & Accounts - Updated June 2023
Manager On-Call – Janellyn Marcial
The Manager On-Call Procedure is available on the K drive at this file path:
K:\Agency\Procedures\A Agency\A6 Human Resources
The Manager On-Call can be reached by dialing (431) 489-3888. This week's Manager on-call, July 10th – 17th, is Janellyn Marcial.
Next week, July 17th – 24th, is Ayn Wilcox.
Internal Job Postings
External Job Postings
Follow the filepath below to read about all of the new resources available within the community!
K Drive filepath for July 13th: K:\Agency\Information + Resources\July 2023\July 13
**We have discontinued the use of OneDrive for Info and Resources. If you cannot access the K drive folder, please let Genny know and we will ensure you get the documents and information.
Events / Workshops / Training Highlights:
EHW Conference Survey
End Homelessness Winnipeg (EHW) is looking to host their first conference on homelessness in Winnipeg. EHW recognizes and values feedback from the housing and homelessness sector and would like to invite you to complete this survey for the purpose of informing them about what conference themes and topics you would like represented.
This survey takes about 8 minutes to complete. No identifying data will be shared, only the aggregate data will be compiled and shared with the Conference Steering Committee upon survey completion.
To access the survey, please click the link below:
If you would like to participate, please have the survey completed no later than 3:00pm on Friday, July 28, 2023.
If you encounter problems completing the survey, please contact Elijah Osei-Yeboah at eyeboah@endhomelessnesswinnipeg.ca.
Aulneau Renewal Centre has some exciting workshops scheduled in the fall!
Click the links below or each photo posted to register! Spots are limited so it's best to sign-up early.
ASIST (in person)
September 12-13
Attachment Level 1 and 2 (in person and Zoom)
October 12 & 13 / October 26 & 27
Developmental Trauma & Attachment (in person or zoom)
November 6 & 7
Clan Mothers’ 3rd Annual Moondance Ceremony
From their registration form:
We welcome you to the 3rd Annual Moon Dance Ceremony being held at the future site of Clan Mothers Healing Village & Knowledge Centre in Belair, Manitoba on August 2 to 5, 2023. All Dancers, Helpers, Supporters & Guests must register prior to coming to Moondance.
This Ceremony is for Women, 2Spirit, and Trans Folks. We invite All Our Relatives to join us in support and celebration on the last Feast and Community day (Saturday, August 5).
Event dates: August 2nd to 5th
For more information about Clan Mothers and the amazing village they are building, please visit https://clanmothers.ca/.
Prayer Mats Available at Klinic
We now have 3 prayer mats for community, clients, staff, volunteers, to use on site.
They are currently residing in the Belonging Room, but if the room is in use, please see Angie H. (Community Host) to obtain a mat.
Reconciliation & Decolonization
National MMIWG2S Awareness Day - Resources
For Support:
To Learn:
For those with resources, please consider donating to:
Velma’s House, a 24/7 Safe Space run by Ka Ni Kanichihk, in collaboration with the 24/7 Safe Space Planning Committee (Manitoba MMIWG2S+ Coalition of Families, the Lived Experience Advisory Committee, Aboriginal Health and Wellness Centre, End Homelessness Winnipeg, Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre and the West Central Women’s Resource Centre): https://www.kanikanichihk.ca/velmas-house/
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation - Resources
Here are a few highlighted resources regarding Truth and Reconciliation. We encourage everyone to explore (or re-explore) these as well as some of the previously posted resources from the Weekly.
Actions You Can Take
Opportunities for Learning
ILAG Klinic Weekly Post (May 2023)
Message from the Indigenous-led Advisory Group (ILAG)
Boozhoo, Tanisi Folks!
Progress is underway as we work to extend participation to community members and volunteers to join Klinic’s Indigenous-led Advisory Group (ILAG). In the meantime, our invite remains open to staff to participate. If you self-identify as First Nations, Métis, or Inuit, and you are interested in participating, please contact us at the information below. If you know your nation(s), please include this in your response.
We also welcome feedback from Klinic staff, here is some info to consider:
Klinic's Strategic Plan: The intention of this group is to guide Klinic’s Strategic direction to “Advance our work in Reconciliation, Decolonization and Anti-Oppression” (klinic.mb.ca). We are currently inviting feedback from Klinic workers on ideas that you may have to advance this work.
Concerns About Services and Working Conditions: We also want to create space for staff to bring forward any outstanding concerns that you may have about the quality of services and working conditions for First Nations, Metis, and Inuit clients, staff, and volunteers at Klinic. Please contact us at the information below to set up a time to meet with us; or, if you prefer to provide feedback anonymously, you can do so at this link: https://bit.ly/KlinicILAG
Request for Guidance or Knowledge Transfer: If you require any guidance or knowledge transfer from the ILAG, know that we will require some time to respond to your request. Please email us to schedule a time to meet and discuss your request, and ensure that we are provided with extended time to respond.
Chi Miigwech, Kinanáskomitin,
Eden Greene (egreene@klinic.mb.ca)
Rich Baker (they/them) (rbaker@klinic.mb.ca)
Sharlaine Glowatsky (she/they) (sglowatsky@klinic.mb.ca)
The Belonging Room & Medicines Available
The Belonging Room & Medicines Available
A gentle reminder that for any community members, volunteers, or staff who are in need of healing space and access to medicines to smudge, the Belonging Room is available on the main floor in Health Services.
Morning Smudges at Klinic
**Smudging will be announced on the PA before it starts as the start time may not be exactly at 8:50am.**
Smudging will be available all weekdays (Mon-Fri), as we will have cultural support 5 days a week. Everyone is welcome to join on any day!
Oh Where, Oh Where has our Cutlery Gone?
Hi friends! We need your help!
In an effort to minimize our footprint, we had started phasing out the use of single-use plastic cups, dishes and utensils at Klinic. In doing so, we were encouraging everyone to use the cutlery and dishes we had in our cupboards/drawers.
We have been SO SUCCESSFUL in this initiative that it would appear our dishes and cutlery have gone rogue in fear of being used so often (they could no longer take the stress of their new-found fame). At this time, we are missing:
- 50 spoons
- 50 forks
- 4 clear water glasses
- 3 paring knives
- 1 cutting board
- 7 plates
- 10 bowls
If you happen to know where these items are hiding, can you please wrangle them up and return them to the second floor lunch room? The Comms Team is becoming feral with the inability to consume food on-site.
Please use caution when approaching the AWOL cutlery and dishes as they may attack you in an effort to thwart your return mission!
Thanks everyone!
Wellness Committee Events
Klinic's Fun Whiteboard Discussion Series
As you may have seen, we have a lovely whiteboard on the second floor beside our beloved sustenance machines (vending machines). We have been posting fun topics / questions for all staff and volunteers to respond to, in hopes of stirring up some friendly conversations and engagement.
For July, we want to know: who is better: Backstreet Boys or *NSYNC (or other)?
As always, please be respectful and kind when writing your suggestions on the whiteboard. Please keep it PG also :)
In June, we wanted to know what some of your favourite things are to do in the summer. There were so man fun activities listed! Thank you all who contributed!
Staff Reminders, Stat Days & Helpful Information
Friendly Reminder that Klinic is a fragrance free site to accommodate staff and clients who may be sensitive to scents.
Please remember to clean and/or put away any dishes you use in the kitchen or kitchenette spaces.
Please review the following information and print as needed:
Map of Klinic Building - Updated October 2022
- List of 2023 Statutory Days recognized by Klinic
Here are some updates regarding our building and work being done (from Ramona the Great):
- Crisis Room lighting: we are waiting for quotes from electrician re: crisis room dimmer light switch and other lights that need changing/don't work
Temperature differences between Old Town and New Town: Paul is on the hunt for the part that is causing the temperature imbalance, but it may take a couple of months to acquire the part (thank you, Suaz Canal...!)
- Panic Alarms: we are looking into the different models and costs of new panic alarms at this time
- New Expense and Mileage forms – There are NEW mileage and expense forms on the K Drive! Please ensure you are using the correct forms or your reimbursement will be delayed
It's Time to Shave Your Covid Beard!
In recent weeks, as COVID and other respiratory viruses have leveled off, jurisdictions across the country have begun to plan for a return to routine practices and additional precautions. This includes consideration of the ongoing need for universal PPE, including medical masks and eye protection. Effective May 10, 2023, these PPE requirements will be lifted in most areas across the system. While masks will no longer be required except as per routine infection practices Klinic will continue to be mask friendly. This means:
- we will have masks available for staff, volunteers, and clients if they choose to use one
- if an individual requests that a mask be worn while they are receiving care, we will respect their wishes
- if individuals are ill or have symptoms we will request that that they wear a medical mask, or to stay home if that’s possible. Options include rebooking or switching to a virtual appointment where appropriate.
On May 10th we will also stop screening individuals as they come in the door. Staff and volunteers will still need to self-screen before attending the workplace and are asked to please stay home if you are ill. Return to work guidance is being reviewed however there are no changes at this time. Staff and volunteers are also reminded to continue to practice good hand hygiene and regular cleaning of your workspace.
Contact Administrative Assistants
for Password Resets & Accounts
The Administrative Assistants now have the ability to do password resets, unlock locked accounts and set up new network user accounts and emails. Please contact your program area Administrative Assistant when you need support; please see the updated Frequently Contacted Phone Numbers document for who to contact. Please note that cell phone information is for internal use only.
Where to find on the K Drive:
K > Agency > Phone Lists (2023)
For all phone (Bria) issues, email Gazelle Support: support@gazl.co
For Accuro (PHAN) password resets, call: 204-940-8500