Greetings! Welcome to the KLINK inaugural eNewsletter! Every month we will share insights about issues and challenges our partners face every day. We also will feature Lucy, our office dog diligence expert, on occasion. Let us know if there are topics you would like to hear about!
Due Diligence on Third Parties
We unveiled the KLINKSmart Portal for diligence in 2019 to rave reviews (not really rave reviews; perhaps, “Hey that is pretty easy to use and makes my job easier!”). Join organizations from around the globe that use the portal to vet and manage third parties and improve supply chain performance. Ask Dave Nolan how his creation can help your team.
We have been busy on the investigations front. Whether named whistleblowers or otherwise, those in the know continue to bring issues of misconduct to the attention of compliance officers, general counsel, and others who use our team to get to the bottom of fraud, kickbacks, and other incidents in countries around the world.
Meet Lucy, Our Diligence Expert
We don’t know Lucy’s entire history (her background check results were sketchy), but we are glad she joined the team. Jane Yanosick, the head of our KLINKCheck pre-employment screening business, took a drive to Ana, Illinois, to rescue Lucy, a chihuahua, poodle, schnauzer, bichon, shitzu and purebred?, who is shown working at her station in downtown Pittsburgh. Lucy routinely stops by the office to both help and fetch. Lucy was about two years old when she joined Jane and our business, and has added a great deal of energy to our office culture.
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