KLINKsmart: A Smarter Way to Manage Risk
How do some of the largest businesses in the world manage their supply-chain risks? What about vendor due diligence? They use KLINKsmart—an easy-to-use, cost-effective third-party management tool developed by experts in due diligence. If there are red flags regarding a vendor or partner, KLINKsmart will find them! And, most importantly, the KLINKsmart portal delivers accurate information. This integrated solution is backed by a team of compliance and research experts with over 150 years of experience.
Sensitive Investigations
When examining a report made by an employee about alleged misconduct occurring in the workplace, make sure to follow the organizational Code of Conduct, be sensitive to the parties, including those alleged to be in the wrong, and be patient. If you are undertaking an internal investigation and have questions, do not hesitate to contact us. We do many of these for the C-suite and are happy to share our knowledge.
Supply Chain Due Diligence
Is a manufacturer in your supply chain abusing their workforce? Violating environmental regulations? Ignoring your requirements? Engaging in conflicts of interest? If you hire KLINK, you will know the answers to those questions, whether the manufacturer is in Indonesia, India, or China.
We Love Lucy
We love Lucy!
Some claim that Valentine’s Day is an overrated event, orchestrated by greeting card companies, florists, and restaurants. Perhaps, but when you look this good, it’s an event that needs to be celebrated!

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