November 1, 2024

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November 5 — Election Day.

November 13 — Kings Board of Education Work Session, 6:00 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2. (Note date change)

November 19 — Kings Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2.

More event information can be found at:

2024-2025 Academic Calendar

Knight Nation News is a weekly publication from the Kings Local School District. If you know someone who isn't receiving it but would like to,

click here to subscribe.

Positive Behavior Gets Extra Recess with the Supe

As a way to promote positive behaviors in the District, our buildings participate in PBIS - Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. It is an evidence-based three-tier framework for supporting students' behavioral, academic, social, emotional, and mental health.

Mrs. Stevens' 3rd-grade class at J.F. Burns Elementary is in full swing with the JFB PBIS initiatives! Twice, they have reached their goal of earning 30 Kings Cash tickets. Both times, they chose to have extra recess with Kings Superintendent, Greg Sears. They love celebrating being Respectful, Responsible, Safe, and Problem Solvers with Mr. Sears.

Mrs. Stevens' students said, "The superintendent is a really cool guy!" Thanks to Mrs. Stevens for seeing the positive benefits of PBIS and how it connects directly to our Power 5 District Initiatives and Mr. Sears for showing J.F. Burns students how proud the WHOLE Kings community is of their hard work each day. 

PLTW Students Learn Real Life Lessons

The students in Kings Junior High School's Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Automation and Robotics classes had the opportunity to appreciate real-life applications of things they learn in the classroom.

Mr. Tim Baker from the Kings Maintenance Department took time out of his busy day to show them the automated field striping robot he uses to line the athletic fields. The robot uses the Ohio Department of Transportation GPS programming with the Ohio High School Athletic Association's field requirements to line the athletic fields.

KJH PLTW teacher, Sara Nicholls said, "This saves many hours of hand measuring and lining the fields." 

Kings Youth Football Players at Paycor Stadium

The Kings 5th grade Black Football Team had an experience last Sunday they will never forget!

They were invited to Paycor Stadium, home of the Cincinnati Bengals, to play a game against the local Cincinnati team mascots during halftime of the Bengals-Eagles game.

Our Knights came up the winner beating the mascots 12-6! Way to represent!

Don't Forget to Vote!

Election Day is Tuesday, November 5, 2024. The Warren County Board of Elections will be open with extended hours for early voting through November 3. You will need a valid photo ID to vote.

If you have questions about early voting or your polling location, you can visit the Warren County Board of Elections.

KHS Engineering Haunted Pirate Ship

The students in the Engineering 3 class at Kings High School have spent months designing, creating, and testing this year's Haunted House.

Each year, Jason Shields' senior Engineering students create their own version of a haunted house using engineering concepts that they have learned over the past four years.

This year's version is a haunted pirate ship. It features over 30 environmental props that the students created from scratch. They incorporated lighting and sound effects and created many moving parts using pistons, air, and coding.

Visitors to the Haunted Pirate Ship said that it was scary and very well done!

Hospital Day at SLE

The third graders at South Lebanon Elementary School found themselves in the middle of a makeshift hospital suite on Tuesday, October 29.

Their classrooms were sectioned off into exam rooms and surgery suites. The attending "doctors," their teachers, tasked the students with activities that helped them work on their math and reading skills such as reading "symptoms," and measuring and weighing "specimens."

Hospital Day is a great way to teach concepts in a fun and engaging way.

Pictured are SLE 3rd grade Attending Doctors, ahem, teachers.

Watch this short video of our student "doctors" in action!

Kings Communicator Wins Chamber Award

Congratulations to Kings' Community Relations Coordinator Dawn Gould, who received the People's Choice award at the Mason Deerfield Chamber's Gems of Excellence Awards Night on Thursday, October 24.

The Gems of Excellence event serves as an opportunity to honor those who have made significant contributions to enhance the quality of life and make the Mason-Deerfield region a better place to live, work, and play. The event is focused on members being seen as gems in the business community – valuable, admired for excellence, and prized for perfection. The awardees are nominated and voted on by Mason Deerfield Chamber members. 

It was a great night to celebrate and recognize Kings!

Pictured are some of the Kings Board of Education, Administrative Staff, and Central Office Staff who attended and supported Mrs. Gould at the event.

Halloween Fun

It was a busy today in the District on Halloween. Many Fall parties took place and some of our staff surprised students by dressing up in costumes.

The 5th graders at Columbia Intermediate School dressed as idioms. An idiom is a phrase or expression that has a figurative meaning that's different from the literal meaning of each word in the phrase. Can you guess what the students below are dressed as? (Hint: It's raining cats and dogs below left and eye of the tiger below right)

The 5th grade teachers also pulled out the dry ice again this year to do a fun experiment called, "puking pumpkins." The students had a blast!

Pumpkin Science at KME

The Fall brings everything pumpkin. Mrs. Edwards' and Mrs. Shuman's 2nd graders at Kings Mills Elementary School took advantage of pumpkin season to participate in a pumpkin science project this week.

Each small group of students shared a pumpkin to explore. They described their pumpkins with adjectives, estimated and measured their weight and height, and guessed how many ribs their pumpkin had. They also predicted whether a pumpkin would float then got to test it in a tub of water.

Finally, they had to guess how many seeds would be in their pumpkin. They carved and counted the seeds and out of 11 pumpkins carved, they counted a grand total of 6,758 seeds!

Adopt a Kings Family this Holiday Season

We have over 100 families ready to be adopted this holiday season. We are asking that each child in the family receive around $75 worth of items, preferably two articles of clothing and one specialty gift/toy.

Donors can help by either adopting and shopping for a family or donating money and Neighborhood Bridges will do the shopping for you. For those donors shopping for families, drop-off dates will be December 10 and 11 at the Kings Board Office. No appointment will be needed to drop off this year.

For more information please contact Lanie Wissel, Kings Resource Coordinator at

Kings Spiritwear Sale

For a limited time, the Kings Spritwear Committee is launching their Spiritwear Holiday Sale featuring a neutrals collection. All sizes available.

Order today. The sale ends on November 11. Proceeds from the sale support each school building PTO.

Donate Your Halloween Candy for the Troops

For the 13th year, J.F. Burns Elementary School will collect Halloween candy to send to the troops overseas. All candy is sent via the Yellow Ribbon Support Center!

The candy drive will begin on Friday, November 1 and run through Friday, November 8. Candy (and monetary) donations can be brought to J.F. Burns Elementary School located at 8471 Columbia Rd. There will be a drop box located in the main hallway. Donations can be dropped off after hours if the building is open for activities.

All types of candy and snacks (including chocolate) will be accepted. If possible, please send the candy into the school in a zip-lock baggie. We will also gladly accept donations of quart size zip-lock baggies! (These baggies are used to pack the candy to send to the troops.)

Please feel free to have your kids write letters, draw pictures, etc. and drop them off. These will be included with the candy.

Donations can also be dropped off at the following:

South Lebanon Elementary, 50 Ridgeview Ln, Maineville, OH 45039

Kings Junior High, 5620 Columbia Rd, Kings Mills, OH 45034

Kings High School, 5500 Columbia Road, Kings Mills, OH

Mac's Pizza Pub in Landen, 2920 US-22 & 3, Maineville, OH 45039

BC's Brewing Company,  4064 US-42, Mason, OH

Bryson's Auto Repair and Performance, 400 W Pike St, Morrow, OH 45152

Monetary donations are accepted to help cover the cost of shipping. You may send in a check made payable to "The Yellow Ribbon Support Center” or make donations via Venmo or PayPal through www.YRSC.orgAll monetary donations are tax deductible.

If you have a loved one deployed, please email Keith Maupin at or you may send a private message to the Yellow Ribbon Support Center via their Facebook page.

Questions should be directed to Hope Cantrall at

Kings Board of Education Information

Board Members

Kings Board of Education (L-R): Janelle Groff, Board Member; John Skerl, Board Member; Deb Cowan, Board Member; Stacie Belfrom, President; and Peggy Phillips, Vice-President.

The Kings Board of Education meets twice a month. They hold a Work Session on the second Tuesday of the month and a Regular Meeting on the third Tuesday of the month. All meetings are held at 6:00 p.m. and are livestreamed on the Kings Youtube channel.

The next Kings Board of Education Work Session will take place on Wednesday, November 13 at 6:00 p.m. Please make a note of the date change.

Visit the Board of Education page on our website for meeting dates, meeting recordings, and agendas.

If you aren't following us on our social media channels, you are missing out! Don't miss one bit of news!

Make sure to follow us on social media!

Keep in the loop on Facebook, X (Twitter), and Instagram

Digital Flyers

In an effort to be "green," the District does not send paper flyers home. We use a platform called Peachjar that houses flyers of community programs and resources. 

Parents receive approved flyers via email, and they are posted on our digital flyerboard for easy retrieval. Any organization can distribute information to our community by creating an account!

Calling all Kings Alumni

We are looking to bolster our Kings Alumni database. Are you a Kings High School graduate or know someone who is? Please share the form with your fellow graduates. This will help our reunion committees and keep you updated on what is happening at your alma mater!

Please complete this Alumni Roundup Form.

Kings Athletic News

Check out Kings Athletics website! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues. 

If you aren't following Kings Athletics on Facebook and Twitter, or Instagram, you're missing out on some of the great things our student-athletes are doing!

Like and follow them today!

KHS Cheerleaders Heading to Nationals Again

Congratulations to the Kings High School Competition Cheerleading Teams whose performances at last week's Ohio Regionals qualified them for the National High School Cheerleading Championship in February 2025 in Orlando, Florida at Walt Disney World Resort.

They competed in two divisions - Varsity Non-Building D1 where they placed 4th and Varsity Non-Buiding D1 Game Day where they tied for 7th.

Coach SJ Slater said, "We are excited to continue this season and keep improving our routines and skills to take to Florida and represent Kings Local Schools on a national platform again this school year."

The teams have four more competitions to finish out the season including the ECC Cheerleading Competition on February 1, 2025. Good Luck!

Varsity Game Day Team

Varsity Traditional Game Day Team

Four Youth Football Teams to the Super Bowl

Congratulations to the four Kings Youth Football teams who have advanced to play in the Greater Cincinnati Youth Football League Super Bowl this weekend.

Three of the teams - K1 Team Davis, 2nd grade Team Warye, and 4th grade Team Ladd will play on Saturday at UC's Nippert Stadium. The K1 Team Horvath will play on Sunday at Northwest High School's Bobcat Bowl.

Get more information on timing and tickets on the KYO Football website.

Good Luck Knights!

Pictured are all four teams after they played under the lights la

Kings Athletics Seeking Hall of Fame Nominations

Do you know someone worthy of being inducted into the Kings Athletic Hall of Fame?  We are accepting Athletic Hall of Fame nominations.  Athletes must be a graduate of Kings High School and have lettered in a minimum of one sport and have been selected All-Conference at least once in that sport. Athletes do not qualify until 5 years after graduation. 

Please complete this form with a document explaining why you feel this person is worthy of consideration for induction into the Kings High School Athletic Hall of Fame. Include a biography of the candidate being nominated, as well as information relative to the nominee’s high school and post-graduate (collegiate if applicable) careers and present-day information. The use of statistic sheets and/or newspaper clippings is encouraged to support your nomination.

The deadline for nominations is Sunday, December 1, 2024. Documents can be mailed to the athletic office (see nomination form) or scanned and emailed to 

Send Us the News You Want to See!

Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at or phone: 513-459-2925.

Knight Nation News is a publication of the Kings Local School District Communications Department.
click here to subscribe.

Kings Website

Did you know that our Kings website is supported financially by local business advertisements? This allows the District to save between $20,000-$30,000 per year in website hosting fees.

Special thanks to the following businesses for their support -

Showbiz Dance Academy, Donatos Pizza, Shine Orthodontics, Hickman Orthodontics, Peoples Bank, Worthington Industries, Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition, Car X Tire & Auto, Sharefax Credit Union, Frankart Family Dentistry, Grace Rec, Kings Dental, and Panera Bread.

If you or someone you know would be interested in supporting our website please click here.

Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034
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